.TH NICE 1 .SH NAME nice, nohup \- run a command at low priority .SH SYNOPSIS .B nice [ .BI \- number ] command [ arguments ] .PP .B nohup command [ arguments ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Nice executes .I command with low scheduling priority. If the .I number argument is present, the priority is incremented (higher numbers mean lower priorities) by that amount up to a limit of 20. The default .I number is 10. .PP The super-user may run commands with priority higher than normal by using a negative priority, e.g. `\-\-10'. .PP .I Nohup executes .I command immune to hangup and terminate signals from the controlling terminal. The priority is incremented by 5. .I Nohup should be invoked from the shell with `&' in order to prevent it from responding to interrupts by or stealing the input from the next person who logs in on the same terminal. .SH FILES nohup.out standard output and standard error file under .I nohup .SH "SEE ALSO" nice(2) .SH DIAGNOSTICS .I Nice returns the exit status of the subject command.