@(#)README 2.5 (Berkeley) %G% This document describes the sendmail configuration files being used at Berkeley. There have been several previous versions. This file is being written on 24 July 1991, and will probably not be generally available for several months. INSTALLING A NEW SITE CONFIGURATION Configuration files are contained in the subdirectory "cf", with a suffix ".mc". They must be run through "m4" to produce a ".cf" file. Every .mc file SHOULD begin with: divert(-1) COPYRIGHT NOTICE divert(0) If you don't care about copyrights, you can omit this. If you try to patent this, I'll be very, very pissed. I haven't patented a lot of hot ideas so that you can use them; I expect reciprocal courtesy. A copyleft is a copyright by another name. The copyright, if any, MUST be followed by: include(../m4/cf.m4) This will pull in the M4 macros you will need to make sense of everything else. As the saying goes, don't think about it, just do it. If you don't do it, don't bother reading the rest of this file. At this point, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I am a rope salesman. I sell you rope. I haven't produced a new M4 system that detects latent bugs, nor have I tried to fix the old one. (However, I have decided to rely on a post-V7 version; if you are running the 4.2bsd, SysV.2, or 7th Edition version, I suggest finding a friend with a newer version. You can m4-expand on their system, then run locally.) Let's examine a typical .mc file (cf/cs-exposed.mc): divert(-1) # # Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman # Copyright (c) 1988 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted # provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are # duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, # advertising materials, and other materials related to such # distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed # by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the # University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # If you copy this file and modify it, you should maintain this copyright notice. If you actually start from scratch you can delete it -- but be honest! include(`../m4/cf.m4') You need this line! VERSIONID(`') VERSIONID is a macro that stuffs the version information into the resulting file. We use SCCS; you could use RCS, something else, or omit it completely. DOMAIN(cs.exposed) This example exposes the host inside of the CS subdomain -- that is, it doesn't try to hide the name of the workstation to the outside world. Changing this to DOMAIN(cs.hidden) would have made outgoing messages refer to "@CS.Berkeley.EDU" instead of using the local hostname. This can also be effected by using: define(`MASQUERADE_AS', `masquerade.host.name.domain.name')dnl in the ".mc" file. MAILER(smtp) These describe the mailers used at the default CS site site. The local mailer is always included automatically. Note that cf/cs-exposed.mc omits an OSTYPE macro -- this assumes default Computer Science Division environment. There are several environments available: bsd4.3, bsd4.4, riscos4.5, sunos3.5, sunos4.1, and ultrix4.1. These change things like the location of the alias file and queue directory. MAILERS There are fewer mailers supported in this version than the previous version, owing mostly to a simpler world. local The local and prog mailers. You will almost always need these; the only exception is if you relay ALL your mail to another site. smtp The Simple Mail Transport Protocol mailer. This does not hide hosts behind a gateway or another other such hack; it assumes a world where everyone is running the name server. uucp The Unix-to-Unix Copy Program mailer. Actually, this defines two mailers, "uucp" and "suucp". The latter is for when you know that the UUCP mailer at the other end can handle multiple recipients in one transfer. EXTENSIONS For more complex configurations, you can define special rules. The macro LOCAL_RULE_3 introduces rules that are used in canonicalizing the names. Any modifications made here are reflected in the header. A common use is to convert old UUCP addreses to SMTP addresses using the UUCPSMTP macro. For example: LOCAL_RULE_3 UUCPSMTP(decvax, decvax.dec.com) UUCPSMTP(research, research.att.com) will cause addresses of the form "decvax!user" and "research!user" to be converted to "user@decvax.dec.com" and "user@research.att.com" respectively. Similarly, LOCAL_RULE_0 can be used to introduce new parsing rules. For example, new rules are needed to parse hostnames that you accept via MX records. For example, you might have: LOCAL_RULE_0 R$+ < @ cnmat.Berkeley.EDU > $#uucp $@ cnmat $: $1 You would use this if you had installed an MX record for cnmat.Berkeley.EDU pointing at this host; this rule catches the message and forwards it on using UUCP. ???? HIERARCHY Within this directory are several subdirectories, to wit: m4 General support routines. These are typically very important and should not be changed without contacting your lawyer. cf The configuration files themselves. They have ".mc" suffixes, and must be run through m4 to become complete. The resulting output should have a ".cf" suffix. ostype Definitions describing a particular operating system type. These should always be referenced using the OSTYPE macro in the .mc file. Examples include "bsd4.3", "bsd4.4", "sunos3.5", and "sunos4.1". domain Definitions describing a particular domain, referenced using the DOMAIN macro in the .mc file. These are site dependent; for example, we contribute "cs.exposed.m4" and "cs.hidden.m4" which both describe hosts in the CS.Berkeley.EDU subdomain; the former displays the local hostname (e.g., mammoth.CS.Berkeley.EDU), whereas the latter does its best to hide the identity of the local workstation inside the CS subdomain. mailer Descriptions of mailers. These are referenced using the MAILER macro in the .mc file. sh Shell files used when building the .cf file from the .mc file in the cf subdirectory. feature These hold special orthogonal features that you might want to include. They should be referenced using the FEATURE macro. hack Local hacks. These can be referenced using the HACK macro. They shouldn't be of more than voyeuristic interest outside the .Berkeley.EDU domain, but who knows? We've all got our own peccadilloes. siteconfig Site configuration -- e.g., tables of locally connected UUCP sites. ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS The following sections detail usage of certain internal parts of the sendmail.cf file. Read them carefully if you are trying to modify the current model. If you find the above descriptions adequate, these should be {boring, confusing, tedious, ridiculous} (pick one or more). RULESETS (* means built in to sendmail) 0 * Parsing 1 * Sender rewriting 2 * Recipient rewriting 3 * Canonicalization 4 * Post cleanup 5 * Local address rewrite (after aliasing) 6 Bottom half of Ruleset 3 7 Back compatibility for UUCP 8 "host dependent cleanup" -- unused? 9 change rightmost % to @ -- needed? MAILERS 0 local, prog local and program mailers 1 smtp SMTP channel 2 uucp MACROS A B Bitnet Relay C CSNET Relay D The local domain -- usually not needed E F G H I J K L M Masquerade (who I claim to be) N O P Q R Relay (for unqualified names) S T U my UUCP name (if I have a UUCP connection) V UUCP Relay (class V hosts) W UUCP Relay (class W hosts) X UUCP Relay (class X hosts) Y UUCP Relay (all other hosts) Z Version number CLASSES A B C D E F hosts we forward for G H I J K L addresses that should not be forwarded to $R M N O operators that indicate network operations (cannot be in local names) P Q R S T U locally connected UUCP hosts V UUCP hosts connected to relay $V W UUCP hosts connected to relay $W X UUCP hosts connected to relay $X Y locally connected smart UUCP hosts Z . the class containing only a dot M4 DIVERSIONS 1 Versions 2 Local Ruleset 0 additions 3 Local Ruleset 3 additions 4 UUCP Ruleset 0 additions 5 locally interpreted names (overrides $R) 6 local configuration (at top of file) 7 mailer definitions 8 special local name recognition (late in ruleset 3) 9