PHONES(5) UNIX Programmer's Manual PHONES(5) NNAAMMEE phones - remote host phone number data base DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The file /etc/phones contains the system-wide private phone numbers for the _t_i_p(1C) program. This file is normally unreadable, and so may contain privileged information. The format of the file is a series of lines of the form: [ \t]*. The system name is one of those defined in the _r_e_m_o_t_e(5) file and the phone number is constructed from any sequence of characters terminated only by ``,'' or the end of the line. The ``='' and ``*'' characters are indicators to the auto call units to pause and wait for a second dial tone (when going through an exchange). The ``='' is required by the DF02-AC and the ``*'' is required by the BIZCOMP 1030. Only one phone number per line is permitted. However, if more than one line in the file contains the same system name _t_i_p(1C) will attempt to dial each one in turn, until it establishes a connection. FFIILLEESS /etc/phones SSEEEE AALLSSOO tip(1C), remote(5) Printed 7/9/88 May 16, 1986 1