TZFILE(5) UNIX Programmer's Manual TZFILE(5) NNAAMMEE tzfile - time zone information SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ##iinncclluuddee <> DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The time zone information files used by _t_z_s_e_t(3) begin with bytes reserved for future use, followed by three four-byte values of type lloonngg, written in a ``standard'' byte order (the high-order byte of the value is written first). These values are, in order: _t_z_h__t_i_m_e_c_n_t The number of "transition times" for which data is stored in the file. _t_z_h__t_y_p_e_c_n_t The number of "local time types" for which data is stored in the file (must not be zero). _t_z_h__c_h_a_r_c_n_t The number of characters of "time zone abbreviation strings" stored in the file. The above header is followed by _t_z_h__t_i_m_e_c_n_t four-byte values of type lloonngg, sorted in ascending order. These values are written in ``standard'' byte order. Each is used as a tran- sition time (as returned by _t_i_m_e(2)) at which the rules for computing local time change. Next come _t_z_h__t_i_m_e_c_n_t one-byte values of type uunnssiiggnneedd cchhaarr; each one tells which of the different types of ``local time'' types described in the file is associated with the same-indexed transition time. These values serve as indices into an array of _t_t_i_n_f_o struc- tures that appears next in the file; these structures are defined as follows: struct ttinfo { long tt_gmtoff; int tt_isdst; unsigned int tt_abbrind; }; Each structure is written as a four-byte value for _t_t__g_m_t_o_f_f of type lloonngg, in a standard byte order, followed by a one- byte value for _t_t__i_s_d_s_t and a one-byte value for _t_t__a_b_b_r_i_n_d. In each structure, _t_t__g_m_t_o_f_f gives the number of seconds to be added to GMT, _t_t__i_s_d_s_t tells whether _t_m__i_s_d_s_t should be set by _l_o_c_a_l_t_i_m_e (_3) and _t_t__a_b_b_r_i_n_d serves as an index into the array of time zone abbreviation characters that follow the _t_t_i_n_f_o structure(s) in the file. Printed 7/9/88 1 TZFILE(5) UNIX Programmer's Manual TZFILE(5) _L_o_c_a_l_t_i_m_e uses the first standard-time _t_t_i_n_f_o structure in the file (or simply the first _t_t_i_n_f_o structure in the absence of a standard-time structure) if either _t_z_h__t_i_m_e_c_n_t is zero or the time argument is less than the first transi- tion time recorded in the file. SSEEEE AALLSSOO ctime(3) Printed 7/9/88 2