From Prof. Kahan at UC at Berkeley .EQ delim $$ .EN .TH ERF 3M "9 May 1985" .SH NAME erf, erfc \- error functions .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .PP .B double erf(x) .B double x; .PP .B double erfc(x) .B double x; .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .I Erf(x) returns the error function of .I x. .PP .I Erfc(x) returns .I 1.0\-erf(x). .PP .I Erf(x) is defined by ${2 over sqrt {pi}} int from 0 to x e sup {-t sup 2} dt$. .PP The entry for .I erfc is provided because of the extreme loss of relative accuracy if .I erf(x) is called for large .I x and the result subtracted from 1. (e.g. for .I x = 10, 12 places are lost). .SH SEE ALSO intro(3M)