.TH BPROC 8 VAX-11 .UC .tr | .SH NAME boot procedures \- UNIX startup .SH DESCRIPTION .I "How to start UNIX.||" UNIX is started by placing it in memory at location zero and transferring to zero. Since the system is not reenterable, it is necessary to read it in from disk or tape. .PP To boot from disk: type the console command ``BOOT'' (which may be abbreviated ``B'') when the console is in LSI-11 mode. It may be necessary to type control-P to gain the attention of the LSI-11. This loads and executes a standalone boot program .I boot off the floppy. The boot program relocates itself into high memory, and types a `:' as a prompt on the console. It then reads from the console a device specification (see below) followed immediately by a pathname. .I Boot finds the corresponding file on the given device, loads that file into memory location zero, and starts the program at the entry address specified in the program header (after clearing off the high bit of the specified entry address.) Normal line editing character can be used in specifying the pathname. .PP If you have an rp06 or rm03 disk and wish to boot off of a file system which starts at cylinder 0 of unit 0, you can type ``hp(0,0)vmunix'' to the boot prompt. On Ernie Co-vax, ``up(0,0)vmunix'' would specify a UNIBUS ampex 9300 drive. .PP .B "Device specifications." A device specificaion has the following form: .IP device(unit, minor) .PP where .I device is the type of the device to be searched, .I unit is the unit number of the device, and .I minor is the minor device index. The following list of supported devices may vary from installation to installation: .ta 5 10 .nf rp RP06 or RM03 on MASSBUS up AMPEX 9300 on UNIBUS ht TE16 .fi .PP For tapes, the minor device number gives a file offset. .PP .B "Emergency bootstraps." If the console BOOT command does not work, here is a position-independent program which will read the boot block (block 0) from a RP06 or RM03 disk, on the MASSBUSS; the boot block will then boot in the file .B /boot off the file system at cylinder 0 of the RP, in the same way that the console floppy would bring the program in. .PP .nf .if n .ta 3 14 21 41 49 .if t .ta .3i 1i 1.6i 3.5i RP06 disk (MBA 0, drive 0) 00009fde moval *$0x20010000,r1 # MBA 0 \0\0512001 d0 movl $1,4(r1) # initialize MBA \0\004a101 d0 movl $0x13,0x400(r1) # volume valid 0400c113 10008f32 cvtwl $0x1000,0x424(r1) # 16-bit format \0\00424c1 d4 clrl 12(r1) # map reg. 0, offset 0 \0\0\0\00ca1 8fd0 movl $0x80000000,0x800(r1) # valid, page 0/0 80000000 \0\00800c1 32 cvtwl $-512,16(r1) # byte count a1fe008f \0\0\0\0\0\010 28c1d4 clrl 0x428(r1) # cylinder \0\0\0\0\0\004 14c1d4 clrl 0x414(r1) # sector, track \0\0\0\0\0\004 c139d0 movl $0x39,0x400(r1) # read 1 block \0\0\0\00400 \0\000 halt .fi .PP To boot from magnetic tape: The .IR tp (1) command places the bootstrap program .I mboot on block 0 of the tape. When read into memory at location 0 and executed, .I mboot prompts with an equal sign `=', reads a file name from the console, then loads and executes that file from the .I tp tape. Unfortunately DEC does not provide a console command to read a block from tape to memory. Here is a position-independent program which does: .PP .nf TM03 magtape (MBA 1, drive 0) from load point: .if n .ta 3 14 21 41 49 .if t .ta .3i 1i 1.6i 3.5i 20009fde moval *$0x20012000,r1 # MBA 1 \0\0512001 d0 movl $1,4(r1) # initialize \0\004a101 32 cvtwl $0x14c0,0x424(r1) # drive characteristics c114c08f \0\0\0\00424 a1d4 clrl 12(r1) # map reg. 0, offset 0 \0\0\0\0\0\00c 008fd0 movl $0x80000000,0x800(r1) # valid, page 0/0 c1800000 \0\0\0\00800 8f32 cvtwl $-512,16(r1) # byte count 10a1fe00 00c139d0 movl $0x39,0x400(r1) # read 1 block \0\0\0\0\0\004 \0\0\0\000 halt Then give the console command ``START 0\er''. .fi .PP .I mboot does not perform character erase and line kill editing. Instead, it starts over with the prompt for file name whenever the requested file cannot be found. .PP Be sure that .I mboot exists whenever a .I tp tape is made. Remember to put an appropriate block 0 boot and a .IR /boot in file systems when running .IR mkfs . .SH FILES .ta \w'/usr/mdec/mboot 'u /vmunix UNIX code .br /usr/mdec/uboot rp disk bootstrap .br /boot backup system bootstrap .br /usr/mdec/mboot .IR tp "" magtape bootstrap .SH "SEE ALSO" tp(1), init.vm(8)