DICTION(1) UNIX Reference Manual DICTION(1) NNAAMMEE ddiiccttiioonn, eexxppllaaiinn - print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ddiiccttiioonn [--mmll] [--mmmm] [--nn] [--ff _p_f_i_l_e] _f_i_l_e ... eexxppllaaiinn DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN DDiiccttiioonn finds all sentences in a document that contain phrases from a data base of bad or wordy diction. Each phrase is bracketed with `[]'. Because ddiiccttiioonn runs deroff(1) before looking at the text, formatting header files should be included as part of the input. --mmmm The default macro package, --mmss, may be overridden with the flag --mmmm. --mmll causes deroff(1) to skip lists, should be used if the document con- tains many lists of non-sentences. --ff _p_f_i_l_e. Use _p_f_i_l_e as a pattern file in addition to the default file. --nn Suppress usage of default file. EExxppllaaiinn is an interactive thesaurus for the phrases found by diction. SSEEEE AALLSSOO deroff(1) HHIISSTTOORRYY DDiiccttiioonn appeared in 4.0 BSD. BBUUGGSS Use of non-standard formatting macros may cause incorrect sentence breaks. In particular, ddiiccttiioonn doesn't grok --mmee.