RM(1) UNIX Reference Manual RM(1) NNAAMMEE rrmm - Remove directory entries. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS rrmm [--ff | --ii] [--RRrr] _f_i_l_e ... DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The rm utility removes the directory entry specified by each file argu- ment. The following options are available: --ff Force each specified directory entry to be removed without prompting for confirmation, regardless of the permissions of the file to which it refers. Suppress diagnostic messages regarding non-existent operands. --ii Write a prompt to the standard error output requesting confirma- tion before removing each existing directory entry, regardless of the permissions of the file to which it refers. --RR Permit directories to be removed (recursively). --rr Equivalent to --RR. The following argument is available: _f_i_l_e A pathname of a directory entry to be removed. The rrmm utility exits with one of the following values: 0 All the named directory entries were removed. >0 An error occurred. SSEEEE AALLSSOO rmdir(1) SSTTAANNDDAARRDDSS The rrmm function is expected to be POSIX 1003.2 compatible.