TEST(1) 1990 TEST(1) NNAAMMEE test - condition command SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS tteesstt expr DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _t_e_s_t evaluates the expression _e_x_p_r, and if its value is true then returns zero exit status; otherwise, a non zero exit status is returned. _t_e_s_t returns a non zero exit if there are no arguments. The following primitives are used to construct _e_x_p_r. --rr file true if the file exists and is readable. --ww file true if the file exists and is writable. --ff file true if the file exists and is not a directory. --dd file true if the file exists and is a directory. --ss file true if the file exists and has a size greater than zero. --tt [ fildes ] true if the open file whose file descriptor number is _f_i_l_d_e_s (1 by default) is associated with a ter- minal device. --zz s1 true if the length of string _s_1 is zero. --nn s1 true if the length of the string _s_1 is nonzero. s1 == s2 true if the strings _s_1 and _s_2 are equal. s1 !!== s2 true if the strings _s_1 and _s_2 are not equal. s1 true if _s_1 is not the null string. n1 --eeqq n2 true if the integers _n_1 and _n_2 are algebraically equal. Any of the comparisons --nnee, --ggtt, --ggee, --lltt, or --llee may be used in place of --eeqq. These primaries may be combined with the following opera- tors: !! unary negation operator --aa binary _a_n_d operator Printed 7/27/90 June 1 TEST(1) 1990 TEST(1) --oo binary _o_r operator (( expr )) parentheses for grouping. --aa has higher precedence than --oo.. Notice that all the opera- tors and flags are separate arguments to _t_e_s_t. Notice also that parentheses are meaningful to the Shell and must be escaped. SSEEEE AALLSSOO sh(1), find(1) Printed 7/27/90 June 2