STRUCT(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual STRUCT(1) NNAAMMEE struct - structure Fortran programs SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ssttrruucctt [ option ] ... file DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_t_r_u_c_t translates the Fortran program specified by _f_i_l_e (standard input default) into a Ratfor program. Wherever possible, Ratfor control constructs replace the original Fortran. Statement numbers appear only where still neces- sary. Cosmetic changes are made, including changing Holler- ith strings into quoted strings and relational operators into symbols (.e.g. ".GT." into ">"). The output is appropriately indented. The following options may occur in any order. --ss Input is accepted in standard format, i.e. comments are specified by a c, C, or * in column 1, and con- tinuation lines are specified by a nonzero, nonblank character in column 6. Normally input is in the form accepted by _f_7_7(1) --ii Do not turn computed goto statements into switches. (Ratfor does not turn switches back into computed goto statements.) --aa Turn sequences of else ifs into a non-Ratfor switch of the form switch { case pred1: code case pred2: code case pred3: code default: code } The case predicates are tested in order; the code appropriate to only one case is executed. This gen- eralized form of switch statement does not occur in Ratfor. --bb Generate goto's instead of multilevel break statements. --nn Generate goto's instead of multilevel next statements. --tt_n Make the nonzero integer _n the lowest valued label in the output program (default 10). --cc_n Increment successive labels in the output program by Printed 7/27/90 1Q 1 STRUCT(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual STRUCT(1) the nonzero integer _n (default 1). --ee_n If _n is 0 (default), place code within a loop only if it can lead to an iteration of the loop. If _n is nonzero, admit a small code segments to a loop if oth- erwise the loop would have exits to several places including the segment, and the segment can be reached only from the loop. `Small' is close to, but not equal to, the number of statements in the code segment. Values of n under 10 are suggested. FFIILLEESS /tmp/struct* SSEEEE AALLSSOO f77(1) BBUUGGSS Struct knows Fortran 66 syntax, but not full Fortran 77. If an input Fortran program contains identifiers which are reserved words in Ratfor, the structured version of the pro- gram will not be a valid Ratfor program. The labels generated cannot go above 32767. If you get a goto without a target, try --ee .. Printed 7/27/90 2Q 2