TCOPY(1) BSD Reference Manual TCOPY(1) NNAAMMEE ttccooppyy - copy and/or verify mag tapes SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttccooppyy [--ccvv] [--ss _m_a_x_b_l_k] [_s_r_c [_d_e_s_t]] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN TTccooppyy is designed to copy magnetic tapes. The only assumption made about the tape is that there are two tape marks at the end. TTccooppyy with only a source tape (_r_m_t_0 by default) specified will print information about the sizes of records and tape files. If a destination is specified a copy will be made of the source tape. The blocking on the destination tape will be identical to that used on the source tape. Copying a tape will yield the same output as if just printing the sizes. Options: --cc Copy _s_r_c to _d_e_s_t and then verify that the two tapes are identi- cal. --ss _m_a_x_b_l_k Specify a maximum block size, _m_a_x_b_l_k. --vv Given the two tapes, and _d_e_s_t verify that they are identical. SSEEEE AALLSSOO mtio(4) HHIISSTTOORRYY The ttccooppyy command appeared in 4.3BSD. 4.3 Berkeley Distribution June 6, 1993 1