Debugging code compiled with GCC on the RS/6000 requires that you upgrade the AIX assembler /bin/as with a replacement that is available from IBM. Any customer can order and get the replacement assembler, and install it on one or more machines. It is distributed both on diskette and via VNET, for downloading via ftp. VNET distribution may be desirable if you have a friendly IBM rep nearby with a networked VM machine. In either case, to order, execute lslpp -h bos.obj to determine your release level. (Look on the ACTIVE line for something like 03.01.0005.0012.) Then call IBM Support at 800-237-5511. Ask for emergency shipment of the rs6000 AIX fix for APAR IX26107. They may ask you to verify that it's a fix for "Don't allow .csect name[BS] or [UC]"; say yes. They may also ask you for your customer number. If you do not know it, you will still be able to getthe fix, but you will have to be persistent. You will receive a tar or tar.Z file containing an assembler plus installation instructions. If you tell them you're running AIX version 3.2, you may be told that no fix is available yet. In fact the 3.15 fix works fine on version 3.2. Talk them into shipping it to you anyway. IBM has corresponding support organizations outside of North America. Call your IBM branch office and ask them to put you in touch with the department that handles emergency fixes for AIX on the RS/6000. If that doesn't work, ask for the department that handles software defect support for AIX on the RS/6000. Then ask for the emergency APAR fix.