Update info on the f77 I/O lib. 01 Feb, 1980 All instances of: if(!init) f_init(); have been removed. f_init() is called from main.c on startup in the new libF77.a . 01 Feb, 1980 Backspace now allows non-seek files to reset the EOF flag. 20 Mar, 1980 The way SIGINT is handled in libF77/main.c has been changed. If the signal is not SIG_DFL, it is left alone as otherwise the program will be killed if run in the background and the user types DEL. The signal trap that used to be in the I/O lib has been removed. 20 Mar, 1980 The ANSI fortran standard requires that I/O routines return to the caller on any error condition if iostat= is specified even if no err= or end= trap is specified. The implication of this is that the program must be prepared to deal with ALL I/O errors if iostat= is specified. If only one trap is specified, end= for example, the program must test the iostat variable for positive/non-zero after the I/O call since return will occur on any error. This seems awkward and I've chosen to make this feature optional. I am interested in other views on this. In the current version of the compiler (using the modified io.c), iostat= is used only to return status information from I/O calls but does not itself cause return on any I/O error. Only the traps, err= and end=, will cause a return/branch, and only for the specified trap(s). This feature has been made a compile time option in the current version of (modified) io.c It implements the standard correctly if compiled with -DKOSHER or -DIOSRETURN. Otherwise it executes as currently implemented. 18 Apr, 1980 As originally implemented the '$' specification caused a NULL to be output (inplace of the \n) Actually NULL's should never appear in the formatted output streams. Therefore in "sfe.c" in x_putc() and pr_put() add if (c) before the instances of putc(c,cf) 12 May, 1980 Spaces (ASCII 040) do not have significance in FORMAT statements except within strings. In order to accomodate old programs that may have arbitrary occurances of spaces, all spaces are now ignored. Thus the format ( 1 0 X , 1 2 F 1 0 . 4 / ) is accepted. 12 May, 1980 A bug in handling partially filled "unformatted direct" records has been fixed by ensuring that all records are complete when written. The bug was that the last record of such a file would cause EOF if a read was attempted for a full record. Existing files of this form should be "fixed" by reading and rewriting the last record using the new version of libI77.a 12 May, 1980 BACKSPACE will now open a default file (fort.N) if the specified logical unit is not open. REWIND and other I/O already did this. CLOSE and ENDFILE do not open a default file. 07 Oct, 1980 List directed input now terminates properly on a slash and flushes to either slash or newline, whichever comes first. List directed input now properly converts wierd forms such as 3.-4 and 5+3. It now returns an error if the repeat count is negative. Several type definitions were changed/added to accomodate 11/70's.