FACTOR(6) BSD Reference Manual FACTOR(6) NNAAMMEE factor, primes - factor a number, generate primes SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ffaaccttoorr [ number ] ... pprriimmeess [ start [ stop ]] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _f_a_c_t_o_r utility will factor integers between -2147483648 and 2147483647 inclusive. When a number is factored, it is printed, followed by a ``:'', and the list of factors on a single line. Factors are listed in ascending order, and are preceded by a space. If a factor divides a value more than once, it will be printed more than once. When _f_a_c_t_o_r is invoked with one or more arguments, each argument will be factored. When _f_a_c_t_o_r is invoked with no arguments, _f_a_c_t_o_r reads numbers, one per line, from standard input, until end of file or error. Leading white-space and empty lines are ignored. Numbers may be preceded by a single - or +. Numbers are terminated by a non-digit character (such as a newline). After a number is read, it is factored. Input lines must not be longer than 255 characters. The _p_r_i_m_e_s utility prints primes in ascending order, one per line, starting at or above ssttaarrtt and continuing until, but not including ssttoopp.. The ssttaarrtt value must be at least 0 and not greater than ssttoopp.. The ssttoopp value must not be greater than 4294967295. The default value of ssttoopp is 4294967295. When the _p_r_i_m_e_s utility is invoked with no arguments, ssttaarrtt is read from standard input. SSttoopp is taken to be 4294967295. The ssttaarrtt value may be preceded by a single +. The ssttaarrtt value is terminated by a non-digit character (such as a newline). The input line must not be longer than 255 characters. DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS Out of range or invalid input results in `ouch' being written to standard error. BBUUGGSS _F_a_c_t_o_r cannot handle the ``10 most wanted'' factor list, _p_r_i_m_e_s won't get you a world record. 4.4 Berkeley Distribution May 31, 1993 1