CAESAR(6) BSD Reference Manual CAESAR(6) NNAAMMEE ccaaeessaarr - decrypt caesar cyphers SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ccaaeessaarr [_r_o_t_a_t_i_o_n] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ccaaeessaarr utility attempts to decrypt caesar cyphers using English let- ter frequency statistics. CCaaeessaarr reads from the standard input and writes to the standard output. The optional numerical argument Ar rotation may be used to specify a spe- cific rotation value. The frequency (from most common to least) of English letters is as fol- lows: ETAONRISHDLFCMUGPYWBVKXJQZ Their frequencies as a percentage are as follows: E(13), T(10.5), A(8.1), O(7.9), N(7.1), R(6.8), I(6.3), S(6.1), H(5.2), D(3.8), L(3.4), F(2.9), C(2.7), M(2.5), U(2.4), G(2), P(1.9), Y(1.9), W(1.5), B(1.4), V(.9), K(.4), X(.15), J(.13), Q(.11), Z(.07). Rotated postings to USENET and some of the databases used by the for- tune(6) program are rotated by 13 characters. 4.4BSD November 16, 1993 1