.\" @(#)basename.1 6.2 (Berkeley) %G% .\" .TH BASENAME 1 "" .AT 3 .SH NAME basename, dirname \- strip filename affixes .SH SYNOPSIS \fBbasename\fP \fBstring\fP [ \fBsuffix\fP ] .br \fBdirname\fP \fBstring\fP .SH DESCRIPTION \fIBasename\fP deletes any prefix ending in `/' and the \fIsuffix\fP, if present in \fIstring\fP, from \fIstring\fP, and prints the result to the standard output. It is normally used inside substitution marks (\`\`) in shell procedures. .PP \fIDirname\fP deletes from the last slash (``/'') to the end of \fIstring\fP, and prints to result to the standard output. .SH EXAMPLES This shell procedure invoked with the argument \fI/usr/src/bin/cat.c\fP compiles the named file and moves the output to \fIcat\fP in the current directory: .IP "" 15n cc $1 .br mv a.out \`basename $1 .c\` .PP The following line sets the shell variable \fIFOO\fP to \fI/usr/bin\fP. .IP "" 15n FOO=`dirname /usr/bin/trail` .SH "SEE ALSO" sh(1)