.Lc Arithmetic\ Functions 3 .\".ch 3 .sh 2 "" \n(ch 1 This chapter describes .Fr "'s" functions for doing arithmetic. Often the same function is know by many names, such as .i add which is also .i plus , .i sum , and \(pl. This is due to our desire to be compatible with other Lisps. The .Fr user is advised to avoid using functions with names such as \(pl and \(** unless their arguments are fixnums. In the future, the .Fr compiler may be able to take advantage of the fact that their arguments are fixnums. .sp 1v .Lf abs 'n_arg .Re the absolute value of n_arg. .Lf absval "'n_arg" .Eq abs. .Lf add "['n_arg1 ...]" .Re the sum of the arguments. If no arguments are given, 0 is returned. .No if the size of the partial sum exceeds the limit of a fixnum, the partial sum will be converted to a bignum. If any of the arguments are flonums, the partial sum will be converted to a flonum when that argument is processed and the result will thus be a flonum. Currently, if in the process of doing the addition a bignum must be converted into a flonum an error message will result. .Lf add1 'n-arg .Re n_arg plus 1. .bp .Lf acos "'fx_arg" .Re the arc cosine of fx_arg in the range 0 to \(*pi. .Lf asin "'fx_arg" .Re the arc sine of fx_arg in the range \(mi\(*p/2 to \(*p/2. .Lf atan "'fx_arg1 'fx_arg2" .Re the arc tangent of fx_arg1/fx_arg2 in the range -\(*p to \(*p. .Lf boole "'x_key 'x_v1 'x_v2 ..." .Re the result of the bitwise boolean operation as described in the following table. .No If there are more than 3 arguments, then evaluation proceeds left to right with each partial result becoming the new value of x_v1. That is, .br \ \ \ \ \ (boole\ 'key\ 'v1\ 'v2\ 'v3)\ \(==\ (boole\ 'key\ (boole\ 'key\ 'v1\ 'v2)\ 'v3). .br In the following table, \(** represents bitwise and, \(pl represents bitwise or, \o'\(ci\(pl' represents bitwise xor and \(no represents bitwise negation and is the highest precedence operator. .TS center box ; c s s s s s s s s c c c c c c c c c. (boole 'key 'x 'y) = key 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 result 0 x \(** y \(no x \(** y y x \(** \(no y x x \o'\(ci\(pl' y x \(pl y _ key 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 result \(no (x \(pl y) \(no(x \o'\(ci\(pl' y) \(no x \(no x \(pl y \(no y x \(pl \(no y \(no x \(pl \(no y -1 .TE .Lf cos "'fx_angle" .Re the cosine of fx_angle (which is assumed to be in radians). .Lf diff "['n_arg1 ... ]" .Re the result of subtracting from n_arg1 all subsequent arguments. If no arguments are given, 0 is returned. .No See the description of add for details on data type conversions and restrictions. .Lf difference "['n_arg1 ...]" .Eq diff. .Lf Divide "'i_dividend 'i_divisor" .Re a list whose car is the quotient and whose cadr is the remainder of the division of i_divident by i_divisor. .No this is restricted to integer division. .Lf Emuldiv "'x_fact1 'x_fact2 'x_addn 'x_divisor" .Re a list of the quotient and remainder of this operation: ((x_fact1\ *\ x_fact2)\ +\ (sign\ extended)\ x_addn)\ /\ x_divisor. .No this is useful for creating a bignum arithmetic package in Lisp. .\".pg .Lf eq "'g_arg1 'g_arg2" .Re t if g_arg1 and g_arg2 are the exact same lisp object (i.e. they are stored in the same place in memory). .No This is a very restricted type of equality. In general numbers are not .i eq to numbers with the same value, although usually small fixnums with the same value are .i eq . .Lf equal "'g_arg1 'g_arg2" .Re t iff g_arg1 and g_arg2 are the same type and their components are equal. .No in the case of numbers, they will be equal if their values are numerically equal. If g_arg1 and g_arg2 are both lists then .i equal is called recursively on their car's and cdr's. Two atoms are .i equal iff they are the same atom (i.e. they are .i eq .) This is almost equivalent to saying that two atoms are .i equal if their print names are the same. .Lf exp "'fx_arg" .Re .i e raised to the fx_arg power. .Lf expt "'n_base 'n_power" .Re n_base raised to the i_power power. .No if either of the arguments are flonums, the calculation will be done using .i log and .i exp . .Lf fact "'x_arg" .Re x_arg factorial. .Lf fix "'n_arg" .Re a fixnum as close as we can get to n_arg. .No fix will round down. Currently, if n_arg is a flonum larger than the size of a fixnum, this will fail. .Lf fixp "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a fixnum or bignum. .Lf floatp "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a flonum. .\".pg .Lf greaterp "['n_arg1 ...]" .Re t iff the arguments are in a strictly decreasing order. .No the function difference is used to compare adjacent values. If any of the arguments are non numbers, the error message will come from the difference function. .Lf lessp "['n_arg1 ...]" .Re t iff the arguments are in a strictly increasing order. .No the function difference is used to compare adjacent values. If any of the arguments are non numbers, the error message will come from the difference function. .Lf log "'fx_arg" .Re the natural logarithm of fx_arg. .Lf max "'n_arg1 ... " .Re the maximum value in the list of arguments. .Lf min "'n_arg1 ... " .Re the minimum value in the list of arguments. .Lf minus "'n_arg" .Re zero minus n_arg. .Lf minusp "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a negative number. .Lf mod "'i_dividend 'i_divisor" .Re the remainder when i_dividend is divided by i_divisor. .Lf numberp "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a number (fixnum, flonum or bignum). .Lf numbp "'g_arg" .Eq numberp. .\".pg .Lf onep "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a number equal to 1. .Lf plusp "'n_arg" .Re t iff n_arg is greater than zero. .Lf product "['n_arg1 ... ]" .Re the product of all of its arguments. It returns 1 if there are no arguments. .No See the description of the function add for details and restrictions to the automatic data type coersion. .Lf quotient "['n_arg1 ...]" .Re the result of dividing the first argument by succeeding ones. .No If there are no arguments, 1 is returned. See the description of the function add for details and restrictions of data type coersion.. A divide by zero will cause a floating exception interrupt -- see the section on Interupts. .Lf remainder "'i_dividend 'i_divisor" .Eq mod. .Lf sin "'fx_angle" .Re the sine of fx_angle (which is assumed to be in radians). .Lf sqrt "'fx_arg" .Re the square root of fx_arg. .Lf sub1 "'n_arg" .Re n_arg minus 1. .Lf sum "['n_arg1 ...]" .Eq add and plus. .Lf times "['n_arg1 ... ]" .Eq product. .Lf zerop "'g_arg" .Re t iff g_arg is a number equal to 0. .in 0 .nr si 0 \" kill section indent so what follows will look nice .sh 2 These functions are restricted to fixnum arguments in Maclisp. One should avoid using them unless their arguments are known to be fixnums since .Fr may adopt this convention in the future. .\".pg .Lf 1+ "'n_arg" .Eq add1. .Lf 1\(mi "'n_arg" .Eq sub1. .Lf \(pl "'n_arg" .Eq add. .Lf \(** "'n_arg" .Eq times. .Lf \(mi "'n_arg" .Eq difference. .Lf / "'n_arg1 'n_arg2" .Eq quotient .Lf < "'n_arg1 'n_arg2" .Eq lessp. .Lf \(eq "'g_arg1 'g_arg2" .Eq equal. .Lf > "'n_arg1 'n_arg2" .Eq greaterp.