.th COMM I 8/21/73 .sh NAME comm \*- print lines common to two files .sh SYNOPSIS .bd comm [ .bd \*- [ .bd 123 ] ] file1 file2 [ file3 ] .sh DESCRIPTION .it Comm reads .it file1 and .it file2, which should be in sort, and produces a three column output: lines only in .it file1; lines only in .it file2; and lines in both files. .s3 If .it file3 is given, the output will be placed there; otherwise it will be written on the standard output. .s3 Flags 1, 2, or 3 suppress printing of the corresponding column. Thus .bd comm .bd \*-12 prints only the lines common to the two files; .bd comm .bd \*-23 prints only lines in the first file but not in the second; .bd comm .bd \*-123 is a no-op. .s3 .sh "SEE ALSO" uniq(\|I\|), proof(\|I\|), cmp(\|I\|) .sh BUGS