# Makefile for NETBOOT # # Options: # -DASK_BOOT - Ask "Boot from Network (Y/N) ?" at startup # -DSMALL_ROM - Compile for 8K ROMS # -DROMSIZE - Size of EPROM - Must be set (even for .COM files) # -DRELOC - Relocation address (usually 0x90000) # -DINCLUDE_WD - Include Western Digital/SMC support # -DINCLUDE_NE - Include NE1000/NE2000 support # -DNE_BASE - Base I/O address for NE1000/NE2000 # -DWD_DEFAULT_MEM- Default memory location for WD/SMC cards # ROMSIZE=16384 RELOCADDR=0x90000 CFLAGS= -O2 -DNFS -DINCLUDE_WD -DINCLUDE_NE -DROMSIZE=$(ROMSIZE) \ -DRELOC=$(RELOCADDR) -DNE_BASE=0x320 -DWD_DEFAULT_MEM=0xD0000 HDRS=netboot.h COBJS=main.o misc.o ether.o bootmenu.o SSRCS=start2.S SOBJS=start2.o .SUFFIXES: .c .S .s .o all: netboot.com netboot.rom makerom: makerom.c cc -o makerom -DROMSIZE=$(ROMSIZE) makerom.c netboot.com: $(COBJS) $(SSRCS) cc -c $(CFLAGS) $(SSRCS) ld -e _start -T $(RELOCADDR) -N $(SOBJS) $(COBJS) strip a.out size a.out dd ibs=32 skip=1 netboot.com netboot.rom: $(COBJS) $(SSRCS) makerom cc -c $(CFLAGS) -DBOOTROM $(SSRCS) ld -e _start -T $(RELOCADDR) -N $(SOBJS) $(COBJS) strip a.out size a.out dd ibs=32 skip=1 netboot.rom ./makerom netboot.rom test: netboot.com mount -t pcfs /dev/fd0a /msdos cp netboot.com /msdos/netboot.com cp netboot.rom /msdos/netboot.rom umount /msdos clean: rm -f $(COBJS) $(SOBJS) *.s netboot.com netboot.rom a.out makerom .c.o: Makefile $(HDRS) cc $(CFLAGS) -c $< .c.s: Makefile $(HDRS) cc $(CFLAGS) -S $<