.th APL VI 5/19/76 .sh NAME apl \*- apl interpreter .sh SYNPOSIS .bd apl .sh DESCRIPTION This is the really improved APL interpreter. It puts the terminal into a funny mode, so watch out. If it blows up, push the single/multi page button to switch back. .s3 All of the operators are exactly as in apl\\360. Overstrikes are often required, and they work (use space, not cursor right). The keyboard is just the same as a 2741 apl keyboard. .s3 Function definition is not what you would expect. Functions are loaded from files. The first line of the file is the function header, as you would expect it but with no del. The rest of the file is the lines of the function. Lines are numbered, but there's none of the square bracket jazz. If you say )READ FILE it will load the function in that file. If you say )EDIT FILE it will put you in the unix editor to change that file. Upon exit, it will read the file in as though by )READ. .s3 All of the usual operators are available, including domino. Also available are monadic encode and epsilon. .sh FILES apl_ws \*- temporary workspace file. .s3 continue - continue workspace .sh "SEE ALSO" apl.2 \*- synposis of system commands .sh BUGS I don't know of too many, but mail any trouble reports to jrl. .s3 Interpreter occasionally blows up, giving core images. .s3 Character comparisons don't work (but try concatenating a character vector to a numeric vector and vice versa.) .s3 Many mixed functions take less general arguments than you might expect. Then again any integer origin is allowed.