This is a new version of /sbin/init, with many features: already implemented and working: o modular design (separate function for each state) o error logging via syslog() o extensive debugging facilities (compile time option) o detection of failing getty processes (exit status and runtime) o if a getty process is failing repeatedly, retry it after configurable time intervals. o recovery from non-fatal errors such as out of memory or fork failed. o a manual page o most parameters can be changed from a configuration file (default startup state, retry time etc) o some system parameters can also be set from the configuration file (default process limits, initial environment variables) o fully compatible with old init (if config file does not exist) planned but not yet implemented: o redirecting error messages to stderr instead of syslog if init is executed by the user (Syntaxcheck) o support for ty_window (for window systems) o maybe sometime support for /etc/inittab I'm interested in any feedback you have ! Christoph Robitschko