.TH USERINFO 5 1/22/80 .SH NAME userinfo \- per-user database of personal information .SH SYNOPSIS ~/.userinfo .SH DESCRIPTION The .I \&.userinfo database contains a set of miscellaneous information about each user. It is formatted as a sequence of lines of the form ``field-name: value''. .I Field-name must begin in the first column, but there may be spaces before or after the colon. Spaces in the value field may be significant or not, depending on the semantics of the particular field. Fields may be in any order. Case in field names is ignored. .PP The following fields are defined: .IP name \w'office-address'u+3n The user's full name. .IP office-address The user's office address. .IP office-phone The user's office phone number. .IP home-address The home address; lines of the address are separated with semicolons. .IP home-phone The home phone number. .IP forward-to The address to forward any incoming mail to. .IP project The project that this user is associated with. .IP advisor This user's advisor or supervisor. .IP affiliation A business or technical affiliation (for outside users). .PP Other fields may be defined as needed. .SH EXAMPLE .nf NAME: Eric Allman Forward-To: ingres:eric home-phone: (415) 843-9461 office-address: 380 Cory office-phone: 2-7520 Project: INGRES Advisor: Mike Stonebraker .fi .SH SEE\ ALSO finger(1), delivermail(8)