#!/bin/sh - # # Copyright (c) 1991 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by # Kenneth Almquist. # # %sccs.include.redist.sh% # # @(#)mktokens 5.1 (Berkeley) %G% # The following is a list of tokens. The second column is nonzero if the # token marks the end of a list. The third column is the name to print in # error messages. cat > /tmp/ka$$ <<\! TEOF 1 end of file TNL 0 newline TSEMI 0 ";" TBACKGND 0 "&" TAND 0 "&&" TOR 0 "||" TPIPE 0 "|" TLP 0 "(" TRP 1 ")" TENDCASE 1 ";;" TENDBQUOTE 1 "`" TREDIR 0 redirection TWORD 0 word TIF 0 "if" TTHEN 1 "then" TELSE 1 "else" TELIF 1 "elif" TFI 1 "fi" TWHILE 0 "while" TUNTIL 0 "until" TFOR 0 "for" TDO 1 "do" TDONE 1 "done" TBEGIN 0 "{" TEND 1 "}" TCASE 0 "case" TESAC 1 "esac" ! nl=`wc -l /tmp/ka$$` exec > token.def awk '{print "#define " $1 " " NR-1}' /tmp/ka$$ echo ' /* Array indicating which tokens mark the end of a list */ const char tokendlist[] = {' awk '{print "\t" $2 ","}' /tmp/ka$$ echo '}; char *const tokname[] = {' sed -e 's/"/\\"/g' \ -e 's/[^ ]*[ ][ ]*[^ ]*[ ][ ]*\(.*\)/ "\1",/' \ /tmp/ka$$ echo '}; ' sed 's/"//g' /tmp/ka$$ | awk ' /TIF/{print "#define KWDOFFSET " NR-1; print ""; print "char *const parsekwd[] = {"} /TIF/,/neverfound/{print " \"" $3 "\","}' echo ' 0 };' rm /tmp/ka$$