.TH UL 1 9/23/79 .UC .SH NAME ul \- do underlining .SH SYNOPSIS .B ul [ .B \-t .I terminal ] [ .I name \&... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ul reads the named files (or standard input if none are given) and translates occurances of underscores to the sequence which indicates underlining. If .B \-t is present, .I terminal is used as the terminal kind. Otherwise, the environment is looked in and .I /etc/termcap read to determine the appropriate sequences for underlining. If none of the fields .BR us , .BR ue , or .BR uc is present, and if .B so and .B se are present, standout mode is used to indicate underlining. If the terminal can overstrike, or handles underlining automatically, .I ul behaves like .IR cat (1). If the terminal cannot underline, underlining is ignored. .SH "SEE ALSO" iul(1), man(1), nroff(1) .SH AUTHOR Mark Horton .SH BUGS .I Nroff usually outputs a series of backspaces and underlines intermixed with the text to indicate underlining. No attempt is made to optimize the backward motion.