This directory contains publically accessible software that has been made to function with 386BSD Release 0.1 . The work to accomplish these various ports of software has been contributed by many tireless volunteers, and amounts to a major body of valuable code that is directly usable by those running 386BSD. It is provided as a convience to 386BSD users, and as a place to focus further development of these and still more future public access software. These packages are provided as-is, and many are undergoing continual development. They vary greatly in terms of quality, performance, and "support". Some are in daily use by maintainers with 386BSD, others are barely used, and we don't have a clear idea as to which is which. This is *not* a general purpose software repository, this is solely aimed at 386BSD. If you are interested in these packages running on other platforms than 386BSD, you should contact the packages maintainers. [Note to new package porters: please include mail addresses, names and phone numbers for this purpose]. As a result, to save space we may omit parts not relevant to 386BSD. Otherwise, we'd get to gigabyte size in no time at all, and lose the point of being a 386BSD clearing house. If you find a bug or make an improvement, please inform the maintainers and us of it. We reccomend sending new contributions via the U.S. Mail on a floppy or tape to us at 447 61ST Street, Oakland, CA 94609. Likewise with any new contributions, which *should* be posted to the network news at the same time. Please realize we have limited resources with our project, and it may take a while before we can respond to your contribution. If you have a great interest in maintaining a certain package on 386BSD that is important to you, please also contact us. We'll put you in contact with those involved, and gratefully allow your particapation with us on those packages.