[ READ-ME - Wed Oct 24 15:25:50 1990 - OSI Directory Tools - /cjr ] This UNIX directory contains some shell scripts to help manage Application Entity Information stored in the QUIPU OSI directory. As a starting point, you should run the bootsvc script found in the /support directory. This will load some default services into the directory. Before these scripts are run, as with bootsvc, you should connect to the DSA as the manager, using the dish 'bind' command e.g., bind -u "" -simple The data will be added below the part of the DIT your current dish process is at. If this is not the right place (generally, the place defined by 'local_DIT' in the system wide 'dsaptailor' file is the "right place") you should use the dish 'moveto' command e.g., moveto "" Now run the script dsa2aei This will connect to the directory and produce a file called 'quipuentities', which will contain data of the form hostname: application: application context: address: exec vector For example: myhost: filestore: iso ftam: '0103'H/Int-X25(80)=23421920030013: iso.ftam You can then edit this file and add or correct any entries (deletion must be acheived by use of the dish 'delete' command). Then the script aei2dsa will produce a script to update the OSI directory e.g., aei2dsa | sh