Product Description: ------------------- The BillBoard is an RPC service program which maintains the information about testsuite completions. There are 2 parts to the program, the client and the server. The client provides an interface with which the user may update or view testsuite completions. The server maintains all data input by the client. In order for a client to access or modify any data on the server it must be supplied with an identifier. The server uses this identifier as a key for data access. The identifiers will be assigned by Sun and will be issued at Connectathon. For the purpose of testing the billboard programs on your machine, you use the identifiers which you specify in the file. An example data file is provided for you and includes a description of the file. A password may be set for each identifier to provide some measure of security. There are 2 versions of the program: billboard and bb are the client and server program respectively for the NFS testsuites. xbillboard and xbb are the client and server program respectively for the X testsuites. Usage: ----- Client: ------ 1) Set the environment variable BB_SERVER to the hostname of the machine running the billboard server, eg. If we are using the billboard programs for the NFS testsuites and the host running bb server is "holy_cow", then you may do this %setenv BB_SERVER holy_cow 2) Run the client program: for the NFS testsuites: billboard [-s|-u client_identifier server_identifier] [-a|-b client_identifier] [-c|-d server_identifier] [-p identifier] for the X testsuites: xbillboard [-s|-u client_identifier server_identifier] [-a|-b client_identifier] [-c|-d server_identifier] [-p identifier] options: -s client_identifier server_identifier> is to set test between client_identifier and server_identifier as successfully tested -u client_identifier server_identifier to set test between client_identifier and server_identifier as NOT successfully tested -a client_identifier to list server implementations that are successfully tested against client client_identifier -b client_identifier to list server implementations that are NOT successfully tested against client client_identifier -c server_identifier to list client implementations that are successfully tested against server server_identifier -d server_identifier to list client implementations that are NOT successfully tested against server server_identifier -p identifier to change the password of the identifier implementation. There is a password for each implementation. where client_identifier and server_identifier are identifiers of the client and server implementation respectively. If no option is specified, the program is in interactive mode. Whereby the user is presented with a list of options (same as the features described above) to choose from. User will be prompted for any additional data. Server: ------- 1) In order to use the billboard server you must edit the file named This file contains entries for each implementation to be tested. The file itself contains information about it's structure and syntax. 2) Start the billboard server from the same directory where the file exists. The name of the executable is bb for NFS testsuite server, and xbb for X testsuite server. Porting Note: ------------ The current implementation runs on all Sun platforms. You will need to port the client programs, (i.e. billboard if you are testing NFS at Connectathon, and xbillboard if you are testing X). Though, you do need to port the servers to your machine to test the client programs, both servers will be provided and run on a Sun machine at Connectathon. All sources are in the src/ directory. Sources for client program uses "billboard" as prefix, and server use "bb" as prefix. The Makefile contains compilation instructions for both client and servers. protocol.x is the the protocol to be used with rpcgen. To compile: %cd src %make makes client and server executables, OR %make debug makes with -g option What can be modified: -------------------- 1) At Connectathon the billboard servers will be run ONLY on a Sun machine, hence, only the client program may be modified to your liking. 2) The password encryption algorithm can be modified in _bb_get_passwd() (billboard.c). The algorithm used is UNIX DES with a fixed salt key, you are welcome to implement your own.