.pa 1 .he 'KILL (VIII)'1/20/73'KILL (VIII)' .ti 0 NAME kill -- terminate process with extreme prejudice .sp .ti 0 SYNOPSIS /usr/adm/kill_____________ processnumber .sp .ti 0 DESCRIPTION After ps__ (q.v.) has given you the unique ID of a process, you can terminate it by this command. A core image is produced in the process's working directory. Only the super-user can exercise this privilege. .sp .ti 0 FILES -- .sp .ti 0 SEE ALSO ps (VIII) .sp .ti 0 DIAGNOSTICS yes .sp .ti 0 BUGS If the process has executed sys nice (II) and there is another process which has not, but which loops, the first process cannot be done in properly, since it has to be swapped in so as cooperate in its own murder. It would also be nice if ordinary people could kill their own processes.