Wed Oct 19, 1977 This directory contains the source for a shell. It requires floating point to do the time command which is built-in so you will have to cc it -f on machines without floating point. It also requires a version 7 C compiler. Accurate documentation is in the file "sh.6" to be nroffed with /usr/man/man0/naa and a new "version 7" nroff. This shell requires the "htmp" data base also used by the editor "ex". If you do not set it up so that the "sethome" command is done by "login" then you should use the old "osethome" routine in ../s6 rather than "sethome" and reenable the execl of this sethome in the file "sh.c" (with the correct pathname). Bill Joy CS Division Department of EE and CS UC Berkeley Berkeley, California 94704 (415) 524-4510 [HOME] (415) 642-4948 [SCHOOL]