.TH TRA 1 2/24/79 .UC .SH NAME tra \- copy out a file as it grows .SH SYNOPSIS .B tra [ .B \- ] [ \-interval ] [ +limit ] file .SH DESCRIPTION .I Tra will copy out (transcribe) the contents of a file which is growing as it grows. It alternately copies out the new material in the file and sleeps for .I interval seconds, the default .I interval is 15 seconds. .I Limit can be given to limit the total running time of the .I tra, the default is effectively infinite. .PP .I Tra normally copies out all the text currently in the file before beginning to watch for new text. The option .B \- alone causes only new material to be given. .PP .I Tra is particularly useful for alternately watching the output file being written by a long shell script or a long-running program and doing real work. .SH AUTHOR Bill Joy .SH BUGS