.br .rs .sp |1.50i .ce1000 .ps12 .ftB \*(Nr\(sl\*(Tr User's Manual .sp .2i .ftI .ps10 Joseph F. Ossanna .ftR .sp Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974 .ce0 .sp2 .ps \n(PS .fi .ftB Introduction .pg \*(NR and \*(TR are text processors under the \s-1PDP\s+1-11 \s-1UNIX\s+1 Time-Sharing System\*u1\*d that format text for typewriter-like terminals and for a \%Graphic Systems phototypesetter, respectively. They accept lines of text interspersed with lines of format control information and format the text into a printable, paginated document having a user-designed style. \*(NR and \*(TR offer unusual freedom in document styling, including: arbitrary style headers and footers; arbitrary style footnotes; multiple automatic sequence numbering for paragraphs, sections, etc; multiple column output; dynamic font and point-size control; arbitrary horizontal and vertical local motions at any point; and a family of automatic overstriking, bracket construction, and line drawing functions. .pg \*(NR and \*(TR are highly compatible with each other and it is almost always possible to prepare input acceptable to both. Conditional input is provided that enables the user to embed input expressly destined for either program. \*(NR can prepare output directly for a variety of terminal types and is capable of utilizing the full resolution of each terminal. .pg .ftB Usage .pg The general form of invoking \*(NR (or \*(TR) at \s-1UNIX\s+1 command level is .x1 \fBnroff \fIoptions files\fR\ \h'|2i'(or \fBtroff \fIoptions files\fR) .x2 where \fIoptions\fR represents any of a number of option arguments and \fIfiles\fR represents the list of files containing the document to be formatted. An argument consisting of a single minus (\fB\-\fR) is taken to be a file name corresponding to the standard input. If no file names are given input is taken from the standard input. The options, which may appear in any order so long as they appear before the files, are: .sp .ta .2i 1.0i .ftI .bd I 3 Option Effect .br .bd I .ftR .ta .3i 1.0i .in 1.0i .ll-.3i .bt \fB\-o\fIlist\fR \ Print only pages whose page numbers appear in \fIlist\fR, which consists of comma-separated numbers and number ranges. A number range has the form \fIN\-M\fR and means pages \fIN\fR through \fIM;\fR a initial \fI\-N\fR means from the beginning to page \fIN;\fR and a final \fIN\-\fR means from \fIN\fR to the end. .bt \fB\-n\fIN\fR Number first generated page \fIN\fR. .bt \fB\-s\fIN\fR Stop every \fIN\fR pages. \*(NR will halt prior to every \fIN\fR pages (default \fIN\fR=1) to allow paper loading or changing, and will resume upon receipt of a newline. \*(TR will stop the phototypesetter every \fIN\fR pages, produce a trailer to allow changing cassettes, and will resume after the phototypesetter \s-1START\s+1 button is pressed. .bt \fB\-m\fIname\fR Prepends the macro file \fB\(slusr\(sllib\(sltmac.\fIname\fR to the input \fIfiles\fR. .bt \fB\-r\fIaN\fR Register \fIa\fR (one-character) is set to \fIN\fR. .bt \fB\-i\fP Read standard input after the input files are exhausted. .bt \fB\-q\fR \ Invoke the simultaneous input-output mode of the \fBrd\fR request. .sp .ne 3 .ftI .bd I 3 \*(NR Only .br .bd I .ft .bt \fB\-T\fIname\fR Specifies the name of the output terminal type. Currently defined names are \fB37\fR for the (default) Model 37 Teletype\(rg, \fBtn300\fR for the GE TermiNet\ 300 (or any terminal without half-line capabilities), \fB300S\fR for the \s-1DASI\s+1-300S, \fB300\fR for the \s-1DASI\s+1-300, and \fB450\fR for the \s-1DASI\s+1-450 (Diablo Hyterm). .bt \fB\-e\fR \ Produce equally-spaced words in adjusted lines, using full terminal resolution. .sp .ne 3 .ftI .bd I 3 \*(TR Only .br .bd I .ft .bt \fB\-t\fP Direct output to the standard output instead of the phototypesetter. .bt \fB\-f\fP Refrain from feeding out paper and stopping phototypesetter at the end of the run. .bt \fB\-w\fP Wait until phototypesetter is available, if currently busy. .bt \fB\-b\fR \*(TR will report whether the phototypesetter is busy or available. No text processing is done. .bt \fB\-a\fP Send a printable \s-1(ASCII)\s+1 approximation of the results to the standard output. .bt \fB\-p\fIN\fR Print all characters in point size \fIN\fR while retaining all prescribed spacings and motions, to reduce phototypesetter elasped time. .bt \fB\-g\fR Prepare output for the Murray Hill Computation Center phototypesetter and direct it to the standard output. .ll .in0 .xx .pg Each option is invoked as a separate argument; for example, .x1 \fBnroff \-o\fI4,8\-10 \fB\-T\fI300S \fB\-m\fIabc file1 file2\fR .x2 requests formatting of pages 4, 8, 9, and 10 of a document contained in the files named \fIfile1\fR and \fIfile2\fR, specifies the output terminal as a \s-1DASI\s+1-300S, and invokes the macro package \fIabc\fR. .pg Various pre- and post-processors are available for use with \*(NR and \*(TR. These include the equation preprocessors \s-1NEQN\s+1 and \s-1EQN\s+1\*u2\*d (for \*(NR and \*(TR respectively), and the table-construction preprocessor \s-1TBL\s+1\*u3\*d. A reverse-line postprocessor \s-1COL\s+1\*u4\*d is available for multiple-column \*(NR output on terminals without reverse-line ability; \s-1COL\s+1 expects the Model 37 Teletype escape sequences that \*(NR produces by default. \s-1TK\s+1\*u4\*d is a 37 Teletype simulator postprocessor for printing \*(NR output on a Tektronix 4014. \s-1TCAT\s+1\*u4\*d is phototypesetter-simulator postprocessor for \*(TR that produces an approximation of phototypesetter output on a Tektronix 4014. For example, in .x1 \fBtbl \fIfiles \fB| eqn | troff \-t \fIoptions \fB| tcat\fR .x2 the first \|\fB|\fR\| indicates the piping of \s-1TBL\s+1's output to \s-1EQN\s+1's input; the second the piping of \s-1EQN\s+1's output to \*(TR's input; and the third indicates the piping of \*(TR's output to \s-1TCAT\s+1. \s-1GCAT\s+1\*u4\*d can be used to send \*(TR (\fB\-g\fR) output to the Murray Hill Computation Center. .br .pg The remainder of this manual consists of: a Summary and Index; a Reference Manual keyed to the index; and a set of Tutorial Examples. Another tutorial is [5]. .sp.4i .ta 4i Joseph F. Ossanna .sp.4 .ps -1 .vs -1p .pg .ftB References .pg .ta .3i .in .3i .ti0 [1] K. Thompson, D. M. Ritchie, .ul UNIX Programmer's Manual, Sixth Edition (May 1975). .sp.4 .ti0 [2] B. W. Kernighan, L. L. Cherry, .ul Typesetting Mathematics \(em User's Guide (Second Edition), Bell Laboratories internal memorandum. .sp.4 .ti0 [3] M. E. Lesk, .ul Tbl \(em A Program to Format Tables, Bell Laboratories internal memorandum. .sp.4 .ti0 [4] Internal on-line documentation, on \s-1UNIX\s+1. .sp.4 .ti0 [5] B. W. Kernighan, \fIA TROFF Tutorial\fR, Bell Laboratories internal memorandum. .in0 .ps .vs