/* * Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, * advertising materials, and other materials related to such * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed * by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @(#)ftpcmd.y 5.12 (Berkeley) %G% */ /* * Grammar for FTP commands. * See RFC 765. */ %{ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ftpcmd.y 5.12 (Berkeley) %G%"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern struct sockaddr_in data_dest; extern int logged_in; extern struct passwd *pw; extern int guest; extern int logging; extern int type; extern int form; extern int debug; extern int timeout; extern int pdata; extern char hostname[]; extern char *globerr; extern int usedefault; extern int unique; extern int transflag; extern char tmpline[]; char **glob(); static int cmd_type; static int cmd_form; static int cmd_bytesz; char cbuf[512]; char *fromname; char *index(); %} %token A B C E F I L N P R S T SP CRLF COMMA STRING NUMBER USER PASS ACCT REIN QUIT PORT PASV TYPE STRU MODE RETR STOR APPE MLFL MAIL MSND MSOM MSAM MRSQ MRCP ALLO REST RNFR RNTO ABOR DELE CWD LIST NLST SITE STAT HELP NOOP XMKD XRMD XPWD XCUP STOU LEXERR %start cmd_list %% cmd_list: /* empty */ | cmd_list cmd = { fromname = (char *) 0; } | cmd_list rcmd ; cmd: USER SP username CRLF = { extern struct passwd *sgetpwnam(); logged_in = 0; if (strcmp((char *) $3, "ftp") == 0 || strcmp((char *) $3, "anonymous") == 0) { if ((pw = sgetpwnam("ftp")) != NULL) { guest = 1; reply(331, "Guest login ok, send ident as password."); } else { reply(530, "User %s unknown.", $3); } } else if (checkuser((char *) $3)) { guest = 0; pw = sgetpwnam((char *) $3); if (pw == NULL) { reply(530, "User %s unknown.", $3); } else { reply(331, "Password required for %s.", $3); } } else { reply(530, "User %s access denied.", $3); } free((char *) $3); } | PASS SP password CRLF = { pass((char *) $3); free((char *) $3); } | PORT SP host_port CRLF = { usedefault = 0; if (pdata > 0) { (void) close(pdata); } pdata = -1; reply(200, "PORT command successful."); } | PASV CRLF = { passive(); } | TYPE SP type_code CRLF = { switch (cmd_type) { case TYPE_A: if (cmd_form == FORM_N) { reply(200, "Type set to A."); type = cmd_type; form = cmd_form; } else reply(504, "Form must be N."); break; case TYPE_E: reply(504, "Type E not implemented."); break; case TYPE_I: reply(200, "Type set to I."); type = cmd_type; break; case TYPE_L: if (cmd_bytesz == 8) { reply(200, "Type set to L (byte size 8)."); type = cmd_type; } else reply(504, "Byte size must be 8."); } } | STRU SP struct_code CRLF = { switch ($3) { case STRU_F: reply(200, "STRU F ok."); break; default: reply(504, "Unimplemented STRU type."); } } | MODE SP mode_code CRLF = { switch ($3) { case MODE_S: reply(200, "MODE S ok."); break; default: reply(502, "Unimplemented MODE type."); } } | ALLO SP NUMBER CRLF = { reply(202, "ALLO command ignored."); } | RETR check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) retrieve((char *) 0, (char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | STOR check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) store((char *) $4, "w"); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | APPE check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) store((char *) $4, "a"); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | NLST check_login CRLF = { if ($2) retrieve("/bin/ls", ""); } | NLST check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) retrieve("/bin/ls %s", (char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | LIST check_login CRLF = { if ($2) retrieve("/bin/ls -lg", ""); } | LIST check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) retrieve("/bin/ls -lg %s", (char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | DELE check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) delete((char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | RNTO SP pathname CRLF = { if (fromname) { renamecmd(fromname, (char *) $3); free(fromname); fromname = (char *) 0; } else { reply(503, "Bad sequence of commands."); } free((char *) $3); } | ABOR CRLF = { reply(225, "ABOR command successful."); } | CWD check_login CRLF = { if ($2) cwd(pw->pw_dir); } | CWD check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) cwd((char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | HELP CRLF = { help((char *) 0); } | HELP SP STRING CRLF = { help((char *) $3); } | NOOP CRLF = { reply(200, "NOOP command successful."); } | XMKD check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) makedir((char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | XRMD check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) removedir((char *) $4); if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | XPWD check_login CRLF = { if ($2) pwd(); } | XCUP check_login CRLF = { if ($2) cwd(".."); } | STOU check_login SP pathname CRLF = { if ($2 && $4 != NULL) { unique++; store((char *) $4, "w"); unique = 0; } if ($4 != NULL) free((char *) $4); } | QUIT CRLF = { reply(221, "Goodbye."); dologout(0); } | error CRLF = { yyerrok; } ; rcmd: RNFR check_login SP pathname CRLF = { char *renamefrom(); if ($2 && $4) { fromname = renamefrom((char *) $4); if (fromname == (char *) 0 && $4) { free((char *) $4); } } } ; username: STRING ; password: STRING ; byte_size: NUMBER ; host_port: NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER COMMA NUMBER = { register char *a, *p; a = (char *)&data_dest.sin_addr; a[0] = $1; a[1] = $3; a[2] = $5; a[3] = $7; p = (char *)&data_dest.sin_port; p[0] = $9; p[1] = $11; data_dest.sin_family = AF_INET; } ; form_code: N = { $$ = FORM_N; } | T = { $$ = FORM_T; } | C = { $$ = FORM_C; } ; type_code: A = { cmd_type = TYPE_A; cmd_form = FORM_N; } | A SP form_code = { cmd_type = TYPE_A; cmd_form = $3; } | E = { cmd_type = TYPE_E; cmd_form = FORM_N; } | E SP form_code = { cmd_type = TYPE_E; cmd_form = $3; } | I = { cmd_type = TYPE_I; } | L = { cmd_type = TYPE_L; cmd_bytesz = 8; } | L SP byte_size = { cmd_type = TYPE_L; cmd_bytesz = $3; } /* this is for a bug in the BBN ftp */ | L byte_size = { cmd_type = TYPE_L; cmd_bytesz = $2; } ; struct_code: F = { $$ = STRU_F; } | R = { $$ = STRU_R; } | P = { $$ = STRU_P; } ; mode_code: S = { $$ = MODE_S; } | B = { $$ = MODE_B; } | C = { $$ = MODE_C; } ; pathname: pathstring = { /* * Problem: this production is used for all pathname * processing, but only gives a 550 error reply. * This is a valid reply in some cases but not in others. */ if ($1 && strncmp((char *) $1, "~", 1) == 0) { $$ = (int)*glob((char *) $1); if (globerr != NULL) { reply(550, globerr); $$ = NULL; } free((char *) $1); } else $$ = $1; } ; pathstring: STRING ; check_login: /* empty */ = { if (logged_in) $$ = 1; else { reply(530, "Please login with USER and PASS."); $$ = 0; } } ; %% extern jmp_buf errcatch; #define CMD 0 /* beginning of command */ #define ARGS 1 /* expect miscellaneous arguments */ #define STR1 2 /* expect SP followed by STRING */ #define STR2 3 /* expect STRING */ #define OSTR 4 /* optional STRING */ struct tab { char *name; short token; short state; short implemented; /* 1 if command is implemented */ char *help; }; struct tab cmdtab[] = { /* In order defined in RFC 765 */ { "USER", USER, STR1, 1, " username" }, { "PASS", PASS, STR1, 1, " password" }, { "ACCT", ACCT, STR1, 0, "(specify account)" }, { "REIN", REIN, ARGS, 0, "(reinitialize server state)" }, { "QUIT", QUIT, ARGS, 1, "(terminate service)", }, { "PORT", PORT, ARGS, 1, " b0, b1, b2, b3, b4" }, { "PASV", PASV, ARGS, 1, "(set server in passive mode)" }, { "TYPE", TYPE, ARGS, 1, " [ A | E | I | L ]" }, { "STRU", STRU, ARGS, 1, "(specify file structure)" }, { "MODE", MODE, ARGS, 1, "(specify transfer mode)" }, { "RETR", RETR, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "STOR", STOR, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "APPE", APPE, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "MLFL", MLFL, OSTR, 0, "(mail file)" }, { "MAIL", MAIL, OSTR, 0, "(mail to user)" }, { "MSND", MSND, OSTR, 0, "(mail send to terminal)" }, { "MSOM", MSOM, OSTR, 0, "(mail send to terminal or mailbox)" }, { "MSAM", MSAM, OSTR, 0, "(mail send to terminal and mailbox)" }, { "MRSQ", MRSQ, OSTR, 0, "(mail recipient scheme question)" }, { "MRCP", MRCP, STR1, 0, "(mail recipient)" }, { "ALLO", ALLO, ARGS, 1, "allocate storage (vacuously)" }, { "REST", REST, STR1, 0, "(restart command)" }, { "RNFR", RNFR, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "RNTO", RNTO, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "ABOR", ABOR, ARGS, 1, "(abort operation)" }, { "DELE", DELE, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { "CWD", CWD, OSTR, 1, "[ directory-name]" }, { "XCWD", CWD, OSTR, 1, "[ directory-name ]" }, { "LIST", LIST, OSTR, 1, "[ path-name ]" }, { "NLST", NLST, OSTR, 1, "[ path-name ]" }, { "SITE", SITE, STR1, 0, "(get site parameters)" }, { "STAT", STAT, OSTR, 0, "(get server status)" }, { "HELP", HELP, OSTR, 1, "[ ]" }, { "NOOP", NOOP, ARGS, 1, "" }, { "MKD", XMKD, STR1, 1, " path-name" }, { "XMKD", XMKD, STR1, 1, " path-name" }, { "RMD", XRMD, STR1, 1, " path-name" }, { "XRMD", XRMD, STR1, 1, " path-name" }, { "PWD", XPWD, ARGS, 1, "(return current directory)" }, { "XPWD", XPWD, ARGS, 1, "(return current directory)" }, { "CDUP", XCUP, ARGS, 1, "(change to parent directory)" }, { "XCUP", XCUP, ARGS, 1, "(change to parent directory)" }, { "STOU", STOU, STR1, 1, " file-name" }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct tab * lookup(cmd) char *cmd; { register struct tab *p; for (p = cmdtab; p->name != NULL; p++) if (strcmp(cmd, p->name) == 0) return (p); return (0); } #include /* * getline - a hacked up version of fgets to ignore TELNET escape codes. */ char * getline(s, n, iop) char *s; register FILE *iop; { register c; register char *cs; cs = s; /* tmpline may contain saved command from urgent mode interruption */ for (c = 0; tmpline[c] != '\0' && --n > 0; ++c) { *cs++ = tmpline[c]; if (tmpline[c] == '\n') { *cs++ = '\0'; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "FTPD: command: %s", s); } tmpline[0] = '\0'; return(s); } if (c == 0) { tmpline[0] = '\0'; } } while (--n > 0 && (c = getc(iop)) != EOF) { c = 0377 & c; while (c == IAC) { switch (c = 0377 & getc(iop)) { case WILL: case WONT: c = 0377 & getc(iop); printf("%c%c%c", IAC, WONT, c); (void) fflush(stdout); break; case DO: case DONT: c = 0377 & getc(iop); printf("%c%c%c", IAC, DONT, c); (void) fflush(stdout); break; default: break; } c = 0377 & getc(iop); /* try next character */ } *cs++ = c; if (c=='\n') break; } if (c == EOF && cs == s) return (NULL); *cs++ = '\0'; if (debug) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "FTPD: command: %s", s); } return (s); } static int toolong() { time_t now; extern char *ctime(); extern time_t time(); reply(421, "Timeout (%d seconds): closing control connection.", timeout); (void) time(&now); if (logging) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "FTPD: User %s timed out after %d seconds at %s", (pw ? pw -> pw_name : "unknown"), timeout, ctime(&now)); } dologout(1); } yylex() { static int cpos, state; register char *cp; register struct tab *p; int n; char c; for (;;) { switch (state) { case CMD: (void) signal(SIGALRM, toolong); (void) alarm((unsigned) timeout); if (getline(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf)-1, stdin) == NULL) { reply(221, "You could at least say goodbye."); dologout(0); } (void) alarm(0); if (index(cbuf, '\r')) { cp = index(cbuf, '\r'); cp[0] = '\n'; cp[1] = 0; } if (index(cbuf, ' ')) cpos = index(cbuf, ' ') - cbuf; else cpos = index(cbuf, '\n') - cbuf; if (cpos == 0) { cpos = 4; } c = cbuf[cpos]; cbuf[cpos] = '\0'; upper(cbuf); p = lookup(cbuf); cbuf[cpos] = c; if (p != 0) { if (p->implemented == 0) { nack(p->name); longjmp(errcatch,0); /* NOTREACHED */ } state = p->state; yylval = (int) p->name; return (p->token); } break; case OSTR: if (cbuf[cpos] == '\n') { state = CMD; return (CRLF); } /* FALL THRU */ case STR1: if (cbuf[cpos] == ' ') { cpos++; state = STR2; return (SP); } break; case STR2: cp = &cbuf[cpos]; n = strlen(cp); cpos += n - 1; /* * Make sure the string is nonempty and \n terminated. */ if (n > 1 && cbuf[cpos] == '\n') { cbuf[cpos] = '\0'; yylval = copy(cp); cbuf[cpos] = '\n'; state = ARGS; return (STRING); } break; case ARGS: if (isdigit(cbuf[cpos])) { cp = &cbuf[cpos]; while (isdigit(cbuf[++cpos])) ; c = cbuf[cpos]; cbuf[cpos] = '\0'; yylval = atoi(cp); cbuf[cpos] = c; return (NUMBER); } switch (cbuf[cpos++]) { case '\n': state = CMD; return (CRLF); case ' ': return (SP); case ',': return (COMMA); case 'A': case 'a': return (A); case 'B': case 'b': return (B); case 'C': case 'c': return (C); case 'E': case 'e': return (E); case 'F': case 'f': return (F); case 'I': case 'i': return (I); case 'L': case 'l': return (L); case 'N': case 'n': return (N); case 'P': case 'p': return (P); case 'R': case 'r': return (R); case 'S': case 's': return (S); case 'T': case 't': return (T); } break; default: fatal("Unknown state in scanner."); } yyerror((char *) 0); state = CMD; longjmp(errcatch,0); } } upper(s) char *s; { while (*s != '\0') { if (islower(*s)) *s = toupper(*s); s++; } } copy(s) char *s; { char *p; extern char *malloc(), *strcpy(); p = malloc((unsigned) strlen(s) + 1); if (p == NULL) fatal("Ran out of memory."); (void) strcpy(p, s); return ((int)p); } help(s) char *s; { register struct tab *c; register int width, NCMDS; width = 0, NCMDS = 0; for (c = cmdtab; c->name != NULL; c++) { int len = strlen(c->name) + 1; if (len > width) width = len; NCMDS++; } width = (width + 8) &~ 7; if (s == 0) { register int i, j, w; int columns, lines; lreply(214, "The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented)."); columns = 76 / width; if (columns == 0) columns = 1; lines = (NCMDS + columns - 1) / columns; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { printf(" "); for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) { c = cmdtab + j * lines + i; printf("%s%c", c->name, c->implemented ? ' ' : '*'); if (c + lines >= &cmdtab[NCMDS]) break; w = strlen(c->name) + 1; while (w < width) { putchar(' '); w++; } } printf("\r\n"); } (void) fflush(stdout); reply(214, "Direct comments to ftp-bugs@%s.", hostname); return; } upper(s); c = lookup(s); if (c == (struct tab *)0) { reply(502, "Unknown command %s.", s); return; } if (c->implemented) reply(214, "Syntax: %s %s", c->name, c->help); else reply(214, "%-*s\t%s; unimplemented.", width, c->name, c->help); }