NOUN startrm; NOUN brightroom; NOUN .ME(startrm); VAR Obj; { A global } SEEN = 1; { A property (bit) number } Looker = ($num @Verb) (($ldesc ($loc .ME)) ) { CALL Ldesc of room } ($setg Obj ($cont ($loc .ME))) { start with first obj in room } (WHILE @Obj : (($ldesc @Obj) : { If it has a description, } (($ldesc @Obj)) { then say it. } ) ($setg Obj ($link @Obj)) { Continue with sibling } ) ; Slook = (($sdesc ($loc .ME))) { CALL Ldesc of room } ($setg Obj ($cont ($loc .ME))) { start with first obj in room } (WHILE @Obj : (($ldesc @Obj) : { If it has a description, } (($ldesc @Obj)) { then say it. } ) ($setg Obj ($link @Obj)) { Continue with sibling } ) ; Rdesc = { Room description } ($say "\n") (($prop ($loc .ME) SEEN) : { Have I been here? } (Slook) { Yes, be brief. } :{else} (Looker) { Otherwise, do the spiel, } ($setp ($loc .ME) SEEN 1) { but only once. } ) ($say "\n> ") { Prompt player } ; VERB look; look(ACTION) = Looker; VERB inventory; inven = inventory; inven(ACTION) = (($not ($cont .ME)): { Null "contents" field } ($say "You are empty-handed.\n") :{else} ($say "You are carrying:\n") ($setg Obj ($cont .ME)) (WHILE @Obj : (($sdesc @Obj)) ($say "\n") ($setg Obj ($link @Obj)) ) ) ; VERB take; VERB drop; get=take; take(PREACT) = (($ne ($loc .ME) ($loc ($dobj))): { Dobj in same room? } ($say "I don't see ") { No, report the fact } (($sdesc ($dobj))) ($say " here.\n") ($exit 1)); { and end the turn. } drop(PREACT) = (($ne ($loc ($dobj)) .ME) : { Must be carrying the dobj } ($say "You aren't carrying it!\n") ($exit 1)); take (ACTION) = ($move ($dobj) .ME) ($say "Taken.\n") ; drop(ACTION) = ($move ($dobj) ($loc .ME)) ($say "Dropped.\n") ; DWIMD = (($and ($eq ($verb) take) ($ne ($loc ($dobj)) ($loc .ME))): ($rtrn 0)) (($and ($eq ($verb) drop) ($ne ($loc ($dobj)) .ME)): ($rtrn 0)) ($rtrn 1); startrm (LDESC) = ($say "You are in a small but comfortable room. You hardly want to leave, but there is a door leading east, if you insist.\n") ; startrm (SDESC) = ($say "Comfortable room.\n"); brightroom(LDESC) = ($say "You are in a brightly lit room. The walls sparkle with scintillating lights. There is a darker room to the west.\n"); brightroom(SDESC) = ($say "Bright room.\n"); ADJECTIVE red, blue; NOUN red pillow(startrm); NOUN blue pillow(startrm); red pillow(LDESC) = ($say "There is a red pillow here.\n"); red pillow(SDESC) = ($say "A red pillow"); blue pillow(LDESC) = ($say "There is a blue pillow here.\n"); blue pillow(SDESC) = ($say "A blue pillow"); NOUN platinum(brightroom); bar=platinum; platinum(LDESC) = ($say "There is a bar of platinum here!\n"); platinum(SDESC) = ($say "Platinum bar"); platinum(ACTION) = (($eq ($verb) drop) : (($eq ($loc .ME) ($loc [red pillow])): ($say "The bar falls onto the red pillow, breaking it! The symbolism impresses itself upon you, and you go back to work instead of playing these silly games!\n") ($spec 3 0 0 0 0) ) ); VERB north, south, east, west; n=north; s=south; e=east; w=west; cg = ($say "You can't go that way.\n"); n(ACTION) = cg; s(ACTION) = cg; e(ACTION) = cg; w(ACTION) = cg; startrm(ACTION) = (($eq ($verb) east) : ($move .ME brightroom) ($exit 1) { bypass default } ); brightroom(ACTION) = (($eq ($verb) west) : ($move .ME startrm)($exit 1)); START = ($sdem Rdesc);