.th ROFF I 6/12/72 .sh NAME roff \*- format text .sh SYNOPSIS .bd roff [ \fB+\fIn\fR ] [ \fB\*-\fIn\fR ] [ .bd \*-s ] [ .bd \*-h ] file ... .sh DESCRIPTION .it Roff formats text according to control lines embedded in the text in the given files. Encountering a nonexistent file terminates printing. Incoming interconsole messages are turned off during printing. The optional flag arguments mean: .s3 .lp +5 5 \fB+\fIn\fR Start printing at the first page with number \fIn\fR. .s3 .lp +5 5 \fB\*-\fIn\fR Stop printing at the first page numbered higher than \fIn\fR. .s3 .lp +5 5 \fB\*-s\fR Stop before each page (including the first) to allow paper manipulation; resume on receipt of an interrupt signal. .s3 .lp +5 5 \fB\*-h\fR Insert tabs in the output stream to replace spaces whenever appropriate. .s3 .i0 A Request Summary is attached. .sh FILES /usr/lib/suftab suffix hyphenation tables .br /tmp/rtm? temporary .br .sh "SEE ALSO" nroff (I), troff (I) .sh BUGS .it Roff is the simplest of the runoff programs, but is virtually undocumented. .bp .tc | .tr | .in 0 .ce REQUEST SUMMARY .s3 .ul .if t .ta .75i 1.5i 2.25i .if n .ta 8 16 24 32 Request Break Initial Meaning .if t .in2.25i .if n .in24 .na .ti 0 .li .ad yes yes Begin adjusting right margins. .ti 0 .li .ar no arabic Arabic page numbers. .ti 0 .li .br yes - Causes a line break \*- the filling of the current line is stopped. .ti 0 .li .bl|n yes - Insert of n blank lines, on new page if necessary. .ti 0 .li .bp|+n yes n=1 Begin new page and number it n; no n means `+1'. .ti 0 .li .cc|c no c=. Control character becomes `c'. .ti 0 .li .ce|n yes - Center the next n input lines, without filling. .ti 0 .li .de|xx no - Define macro named `xx' (definition ends on line beginning `\fB..\fR'). .ti 0 .li .ds yes no Double space; same as `.ls 2'. .ti 0 .li .ef|t no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a Even foot title becomes t. .ti 0 .li .eh|t no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a Even head title becomes t. .ti 0 .li .fi yes yes Begin filling output lines. .ti 0 .li .fo no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a All foot titles are t. .ti 0 .li .hc|c no none Hyphenation character set to `c'. .ti 0 .li .he|t no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a All head titles are t. .ti 0 .li .hx no - Title lines are suppressed. .ti 0 .li .hy|n no n=1 Hyphenation is done, if n=1; and is not done, if n=0. .ti 0 .li .ig no - Ignore input lines through a line beginning with `\fB..\fR'. .ti 0 .li .in|+n yes - Indent n spaces from left margin. .ti 0 .li .ix +n no - Same as `.in' but without break. .ti 0 .li .li|n no - Literal, treat next n lines as text. .ti 0 .li .ll|+n no n=65 Line length including indent is n characters. .ti 0 .li .ls|+n yes n=1 Line spacing set to n lines per output line. .ti 0 .li .m1|n no n=2 Put n blank lines between the top of page and head title. .ti 0 .li .m2|n no n=2 n blank lines put between head title and beginning of text on page. .ti 0 .li .m3|n no n=1 n blank lines put between end of text and foot title. .ti 0 .li .m4|n no n=3 n blank lines put between the foot title and the bottom of page. .ti 0 .li .na yes no Stop adjusting the right margin. .ti 0 .li .ne|n no - Begin new page, if n output lines cannot fit on present page. .ti 0 .li .nn|+n no - The next n output lines are not numbered. .ti 0 .li .n1 no no Number output lines; start with 1 each page .ti 0 .li .n2|n no no Number output lines; stop numbering if n=0. .ti 0 .li .ni|+n no n=0 Line numbers are indented n. .ti 0 .li .nf yes no Stop filling output lines. .ti 0 .li .nx|filename - Change to input file `filename'. .ti 0 .li .of|t no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a Odd foot title becomes t. .ti 0 .li .oh|t no t=\*a\*a\*a\*a Odd head title becomes t. .ti 0 .li .pa|+n yes n=1 Same as `.bp'. .ti 0 .li .pl|+n no n=66 Total paper length taken to be n lines. .ti 0 .li .po|+n no n=0 Page offset. All lines are preceded by N spaces. .ti 0 .li .ro no arabic Roman page numbers. .ti 0 .li .sk|n no - Produce n blank pages starting next page. .ti 0 .li .sp|n yes - Insert block of n blank lines. .ti 0 .li .ss yes yes Single space output lines, equivalent to `.ls 1'. .ti 0 .li .ta|N|M|... - Pseudotab settings. Initial tab settings are columns 9,17,25,... .ti 0 .li .tc|c no c=`|' Tab replacement character becomes `c'. .ti 0 .li .ti|+n yes - Temporarily indent next output line n space. .ti0 .li .tr|abcd.. no - Translate a into b, c into d, etc. .ti0 .li .ul|n no - Underline the letters and numbers in the next n input lines.