This is my current TODO list for 1.1.5. Please feel free to add to it, assuming that you've actually got some confidence that you or someone else will be able to actually get to whatever it is (or it's so critical that you don't think 1.1.5 could/should be released without it). Also, please bear in mind the following milestones we have to hit: May 30th Feature Freeze (bug fixes and cleanup work only). June 10th Code Freeze June 12th Roll binaries - begin initial testing June 16th Announce availability of 1.1.5. (*) = Task is completed (@) = Task is abandoned Task Urgency Who ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floppy driver fixes Low * Joerg Wunsch Sound driver (GUS/Multicast/cleanup) Medium Steven W/Andrew C. Curses library problems Medium * Steven W. SIO driver - reported problems High Andrew C/Bruce E/??? Syscons integration / new features High Soren Schmidt/Jordan Update FT driver Medium Javier R/Steven G. Update gdb High Jordan/??? Make pcfs less dangerous Low ??? Bruce's disklabel and bad144 fixes Medium * Andrew C. Misc NetBSD drivers for weird devices Low Geoff Multicast Support Medium * Jordan Bounce Buffer fixes High John/David VM panics and assorted lossage High John/David Secure Key support Low * Guido Install script enhancements Medium Andrew M/Jordan Fsck/umount cooperation with dirty bit Low Paul R. PCFS data corruption with cp Medium * Steven W./ATS PCFS extended DOS partition support Low ??? ISOFS over NSF fix Medium/High ??? Libcompat Low * Joerg Wunsch