.pa 1 .he 'STAT (I)'3/15/72'STAT (I)' .ti 0 NAME stat -- get file status .sp .ti 0 SYNOPSIS stat____ name\d1\u ... .sp .ti 0 DESCRIPTION stat____ gives several kinds of information about one or more files: .sp i-number access mode number of links owner size in bytes date and time of last modification name (useful when several files are named) .sp All information is self-explanatory except the mode. The mode is a six-character string whose characters mean the following: .sp .in +5 .ti -2 1 s: file is small (smaller than 4096 bytes) .br l: file is large .ti -2 2 d: file is a directory .br x: file is executable .br u: set user ID on execution .br -: none of the above .ti -2 3 r: owner can read .br -: owner cannot read .ti -2 4 w: owner can write .br -: owner cannot write .ti -2 5 r: non-owner can read .br -: non-owner cannot read .ti -2 6 w: non-owner can write .br -: non-owner cannot write .in -5 .sp The owner is almost always given in symbolic form; however if he cannot be found in "/etc/passwd" a number is given. .sp If the number of arguments to stat____ is not exactly 1 a header is generated identifying the fields of the status information. .sp .ti 0 FILES /etc/passwd .sp .ti 0 SEE ALSO istat(I), ls(I) (-l option) .sp .ti 0 DIAGNOSTICS "name?" for any error.