.TH CCAT 1 3/15/79 .UC .SH NAME ccat \- cat compressed files .SH SYNOPSIS .B ccat [file ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ccat cats the original file from a file compressed by .I compact. It is the csh script .nf foreach file ($argv) uncompact < $file end .fi .PP The file is left compacted. .SH DIAGNOSTICS Messages about unopenable files, etc. Files which were compressed using pack are noted. .SH "SEE ALSO" compact (1), uncompact (1) .sp Gallager, Robert G., "Variations on a Theme of Huffman", .I "I.E.E.E. Transactions on Information Theory," vol. IT-24, no. 6, November 1978, pp. 668 - 674. .SH AUTHOR Colin L. Mc Master