.TH ADVENTURE 6 .SH NAME adventure \- an exploration game .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/games/adventure .SH DESCRIPTION The object of the game is to locate and explore Colossal Cave, find the treasures hidden there, and bring them back to the building with you. The program is self-describing to a point, but part of the game is to discover its rules. .PP To terminate a game, type `quit'; to save a game for later resumption, type `suspend'. Interrupt, quit, EOT, or hanging up the phone will all perform a suspend operation. .PP .I Adventure keeps a log in /usr/games/advlog of each game played. Each time a game terminates, a line is appended to that file containing the user, date, score, and number of turns. This log is intended to let you compare scores with fellow adventurers. Whether or not a game is logged is controlled by a toggle that is examined at the end of the game. Its initial state is "on", to indicate that logging is to take place. The command "log" inverts the toggle and reports its new state. .PP The "suspend" command results in writing a file named .I adv.susp in your home directory. This file contains the information needed to restart the game; its presence is checked during initialization to see if a game is being resumed. .SH FILES /usr/games/advfiles/* .br /usr/games/advlog .br $HOME/adv.susp .SH BUGS There can be only one suspended game per numeric user id; simultaneous conflicting suspends can wipe each other out.