These patches and supplemental programs should allow porting to MVS or MVS/XA in an EBCDIC envrionment, using SAS C V4.00C. Included are: -rw-r--r-- 1 swl26 1573 Jul 17 14:32 README -rw-rw-r-- 1 swl26 20861 Jul 17 13:41 diffs -rw-rw-r-- 1 swl26 5022 Jul 17 14:00 fixit.l -rw-rw-r-- 1 swl26 97644 Jul 17 13:42 initscan.mvs.c -rw-rw-r-- 1 swl26 4898 Jul 17 14:08 unfixit.l The file "diffs" contains context diffs for changes to flex 2.3. The file "fixit.l" contains flex sources for a program to shorten external variable and function names to 8 characters or less. This is required for the "dumb" compiler linker used. The file "unfixit.l" reverses the changes in "fixit.l", to restore long names. This is useful when trying to build diff files as created here. The file "initscan.mvs.c" is an already "flexed" version of scan.l, in an EBCDIC environment. To install in an MVS environment, use patch to apply the diffs to flex 2.3, then run "fixit" on all .c, .h, .l, .y, and .skel files. Move the files to the MVS machine, and compile each of the .c files. (You will need a "yacc" functional equivalent under MVS to expand parse.y in that environment.) Link together, and the resulting flex should be ready to go. To test, run the MVSflex -is8 -Ce on the scan.l, and you should get back a file which is identical to initscan.mvs.c. Enjoy. Steven W. Layten Senior Engineer Chemical Abstracts Service PO Box 3012 2540 Olentangy River Road Columbus, Ohio 43210 +1 614 421 3600 extension 3451 INET: swl26%cas.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu UUCP: osu-cis!chemabs!swl26 BITNET: swl26@cas.bitnet