/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)frame.rep 1.1 %G%"; /* * Definitions for accessing stack frames. */ #define MAINBLK 1 /* * Structure of an activation record's block mark. See the * PX implementation notes for more details. */ struct frame { ADDRESS stackref; /* for px self-checking */ ADDRESS file; /* current file information */ ADDRESS blockp; /* pointer to current block name */ ADDRESS *save_loc; /* saved local variable pointer */ ADDRESS *save_disp; /* saved dp contents */ ADDRESS *save_dp; /* saved dp */ ADDRESS save_pc; /* saved location counter */ int save_lino; /* saved source line number (never used) */ }; FRAME *curframe(); /* get the currently active frame */ FRAME *nextframe(); /* go up the stack */ FRAME *findframe(); /* find the frame for a given function */ ADDRESS entry(); /* get the entry address for a frame */ ADDRESS *dispval(); /* display associated with a given block */ ADDRESS *curdp(); /* return current display pointer */ ADDRESS *contents(); /* return the contents of display pointer */ ADDRESS stkaddr(); /* stack address associated with a frame */