program spice implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c c c *** version VAX UNIX 2X.x (19aug79) c developed from c *** version 2d.2 (26sep76) *** c *** version hp 2.0 (6dec77) *** c c by dick dowell - hewlett packard company c richard newton - uc berkeley c c spice is an electronic circuit simulation program that was deve- c loped by the integrated circuits group of the electronics research c laboratory and the department of electrical engineering and computer c sciences at the university of california, berkeley, california. the c program spice is available free of charge to any interested party. c the sale, resale, or use of this program for profit without the c express written consent of the department of electrical engineering c and computer sciences, university of california, berkeley, california, c is forbidden. c c c implementation notes: c c subroutines mclock and mdate return the time (as hh:mm:ss) and c the date (as dd mmm yy), respectively. subroutine getcje returns in c common block /cje/ various attributes of the current job environment. c spice expects getcje to set /cje/ variables maxtim, itime, and icost. c maxtim is the maximum cpu time in seconds, itime is the elapsed cpu c time in seconds, and icost is the job cost in cents. c subroutine memory is used to change the number of memory words c allocated to spice. if the amount of memory allocated to a jobstep c is fixed, subroutine memory need not be changed. c ifamwa (set in a data statement below) should be set to the c address of the first available word of memory (following overlays, if c any). the proper value should be easily obtainable from any load map. c with the exception of most flags, all data in spice is stored in c the form of managed tables allocated in the /blank/ array value(). c spice is particularly well-suited to being run using a one-level c overlay structure beginning with routines spice (the overlay root), c readin, errchk, setup, dctran, dcop, acan, and ovtpvt. the order of c the routines in this listing corresponds to that structure. note c that if cdc-style overlay is to be used, an overlay directive card c must be inserted before the first line of each of the just-named c routines. c c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad, 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage common /line/ achar,afield(15),oldlin(15),kntrc,kntlim common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop, 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs common /mosarg/ gamma,beta,vto,phi,cox,vbi,xnfs,xnsub,xd,xj,xl, 1 xlamda,utra,uexp,vbp,von,vdsat,theta,vcrit,vtra,gleff,cdrain common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet, 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno, 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts, 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok, 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 common /dc/ tcstar(2),tcstop(2),tcincr(2),icvflg,itcelm(2),kssop, 1 kinel,kidin,kovar,kidout common /ac/ fstart,fstop,fincr,skw2,refprl,spw2,jacflg,idfreq, 1 inoise,nosprt,nosout,nosin,idist,idprt common /tran/ tstep,tstop,tstart,delmax,tdmax,forfre,jtrflg common /outinf/ xincr,string(15),xstart,yvar(8),itab(8),itype(8), 1 ilogy(8),npoint,numout,kntr,numdgt common /cje/ maxtim,itime,icost c.. common for putwds common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) integer*2 istats(200) real*4 r4stat(100) equivalence (rstats(1),istats(1),r4stat(1)) integer*2 inknt c dimension acctit(4) dimension remain(4) data amrje /4hmrje/ data ablnk /1h / data acctit / 8hjob stat, 8histics s, 8hummary , 8h / data ahdr1, ahdr2, ahdr3 / 8h spice 2,8h.Xx (vax,8h11/780) / c c ipostp=0 maxtim=1e8 maxlin=50000 icost=0 ilines=0 c c initialization c aprog(1)=ahdr1 aprog(2)=ahdr2 aprog(3)=ahdr3 achar=ablnk keof=0 call mclock(atime) call mdate(adate) boltz=1.3806226d-23 charge=1.6021918d-19 ctok=273.15d0 eps0=8.854214871d-14 epssil=11.7d0*eps0 epsox=3.9d0*eps0 twopi=8.0d0*datan2(1.0d0,1.0d0) rad=360.0d0/twopi xlog2=dlog(2.0d0) xlog10=dlog(10.0d0) root2=dsqrt(2.0d0) nodata=1 c c begin job c 10 if (keof.eq.1) go to 1000 call getcje call second(time1) icost1=icost igoof=0 mode=0 nogo=0 maxmem=100000 call setmem(nodplc(1),maxmem) if ( go to 1000 call zero8(rstats,50) c c read remainder of data deck and check for input errors c call readin if ( go to 300 if (keof.eq.1) go to 1000 nodata=0 call errchk if ( go to 300 call setup if ( go to 300 c c cycle through temperatures c itemno=1 if (numtem.eq.1) go to 110 100 if (itemno.eq.numtem) go to 320 itemno=itemno+1 call tmpupd c c dc transfer curves c 110 if (icvflg.eq.0) go to 150 c... see routine *dctran* for explanation of *mode*, etc. mode=1 modedc=3 call dctran call ovtpvt if ( go to 300 c c small signal operating point c 150 if ( go to 170 if ( go to 170 if ((icvflg+jtrflg).gt.0) go to 250 170 mode=1 modedc=1 call dctran if ( go to 300 call dcop if ( go to 300 c c ac small signal analysis c 200 if (jacflg.eq.0) go to 250 mode=3 call acan call ovtpvt if ( go to 300 c c transient analysis c 250 if (jtrflg.eq.0) go to 100 mode=1 modedc=2 call dctran if ( go to 300 call dcop if ( go to 300 mode=2 call dctran call ovtpvt if ( go to 300 go to 100 c c job concluded c 300 write (6,301) 301 format(1h0,9x,'***** job aborted') nodata=0 c c job accounting c 320 continue numel=0 do 360 i=1,18 360 numel=numel+jelcnt(i) numtem=max0(numtem-1,1) idist=min0(idist,1) if (iprnta.eq.0) go to 800 call title(-1,lwidth,1,acctit) write (6,361) nunods,ncnods,numnod,numel,(jelcnt(i),i=11,14) 361 format(' nunods ncnods numnod numel diodes bjts jfets mfets' 1 //,i9,2i7,i6,i8,i6,2i7) write (6,371) numtem,icvflg,jtrflg,jacflg,inoise,idist,nogo 371 format(/'0 numtem icvflg jtrflg jacflg inoise idist nogo'/, 1 2h0 ,7i7) write (6,381) rstats(20),rstats(21),rstats(22),rstats(23), 1 rstats(26),rstats(27) 381 format(/'0 nstop nttbr nttar ifill iops perspa'//, 1 1x,5f8.0,f9.3) write (6,391) rstats(30),rstats(31),rstats(32),maxmem,maxuse, 1 cpyknt 391 format(/'0 numttp numrtp numnit maxmem memuse copyknt',//, 1 2x,3f8.0,2x,i6,2x,i6,2x,f8.0) write (6,401) (rstats(i),i=1,11) 401 format(/, 1 1h0,9x,'readin ',12x,f10.2/, 2 1h0,9x,'setup ',12x,f10.2/, 3 1h0,9x,'trcurv ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/, 4 1h0,9x,'dcan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/, 5 1h0,9x,'acan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/, 6 1h0,9x,'tranan ',12x,f10.2,10x,f6.0/, 7 1h0,9x,'output ',12x,f10.2) 800 call getcje call second(time2) et=time2-time1 tcost=dfloat(icost-icost1)/100.0d0 if (iprnta.eq.0) go to 810 ohead=et-(rstats(1)+rstats(2)+rstats(3)+rstats(5)+rstats(7) 1 +rstats(9)+rstats(11)) write (6,801) ohead 801 format(1h0,9x,'overhead',12x,f10.2) 810 write (6,811) et 811 format(1h0,9x,'total job time ',f10.2) tcost=tcost*11.5d0/23.0d0 c write(6,812) tcost c 812 format(1h0,9x,'total job cost $',f8.2, c 1 ' @ $11.50 per cpu minute', c 2 /'0this lower rate applies for remainder of fiscal 79') rstats(33)=cpyknt rstats(34)=et rstats(35)=tcost rstats(36)=ohead c.. convert dble to sgl - 72/2 is how many to convert c call dblsgl(rstats(1),72) istats(73)=nunods istats(74)=ncnods istats(75)=numnod istats(76)=numel istats(77)=jelcnt(11) istats(78)=jelcnt(12) istats(79)=jelcnt(13) istats(80)=jelcnt(14) istats(81)=numtem istats(82)=icvflg istats(83)=jtrflg istats(84)=jacflg istats(85)=inoise istats(86)=idist istats(87)=nogo istats(88)=maxmem istats(89)=maxuse c do 820 i=1,36 c 820 r4stat(i)=rlconv(r4stat(i)) c call cadend(istats,100) 900 if ((maxtim-itime).ge.limtim) go to 10 write (6,901) 901 format('1warning: further analysis stopped due to cpu time limit' 1/) 1000 if( write(6,1001) 1001 format(/1x,'input deck (file) contains no data.') stop end subroutine tmpupd implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine updates the temperature-dependent parameters in the c device models. it also updates the values of temperature-dependent c resistors. the updated values are printed. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad, 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop, 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet, 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno, 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok, 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) c c dimension tmptit(4) data tmptit / 8htemperat, 8hure-adju, 8hsted val, 8hues / c c tempd=value(itemps+itemno)+ctok xkt=boltz*tempd oldvt=vt vt=xkt/charge ratio=tempd/(value(itemps+itemno-1)+ctok) ratlog=dlog(ratio) ratio1=ratio-1.0d0 delt=value(itemps+itemno)-value(itemps+1) deltsq=delt*delt reftmp=27.0d0+ctok oldeg=egfet egfet=1.16d0-(7.02d-4*tempd*tempd)/(tempd+1108.0d0) oldxni=xni arg=-egfet/(xkt+xkt)+1.1151d0/(boltz*(reftmp+reftmp)) factor=tempd/reftmp factor=factor*dsqrt(factor) xni=1.45d10*factor*dexp(charge*arg) pbfact=(vt+vt)*dlog(oldxni/xni) call title(0,lwidth,1,tmptit) c c resistors c loc=locate(1) ititle=0 10 if (loc.eq.0) go to 100 locv=nodplc(loc+1) tc1=value(locv+3) tc2=value(locv+4) if ( go to 20 if (tc2.eq.0.0d0) go to 40 20 if ( go to 30 write (6,21) 21 format(//'0**** resistors',/,'0name',8x,'value',//) ititle=1 30 rnew=value(locv+2)*(1.0d0+tc1*delt+tc2*deltsq) value(locv+1)=1.0d0/rnew write (6,31) value(locv),rnew 31 format(1x,a8,1p6d11.2) 40 loc=nodplc(loc) go to 10 c c diode model c 100 loc=locate(21) if (loc.eq.0) go to 200 write (6,101) 101 format(//'0**** diode model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'is',9x,'pb', 1//) 110 if (loc.eq.0) go to 200 locv=nodplc(loc+1) c... is(t2)=is(t1)*dexp(eg/(n*vt)*(t2/t1-1))*(t2/t1)^(pt/n) xn=value(locv+3) factor=ratio1*value(locv+8)/(xn*vt)+value(locv+9)/xn*ratlog factor=dexp(factor) value(locv+1)=value(locv+1)*factor oldpb=value(locv+6) value(locv+6)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*value(locv+6)/oldpb value(locv+15)=value(locv+15)*value(locv+6)/oldpb vte=value(locv+3)*vt value(locv+18)=vte*dlog(vte/(root2*value(locv+1))) write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+6) loc=nodplc(loc) go to 110 c c bipolar transistor model c 200 loc=locate(22) if (loc.eq.0) go to 300 write (6,201) 201 format(//'0**** bjt model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'js',8x,'bf ', 1 7x,'jle',7x,'br ',7x,'jlc',7x,'vje',7x,'vjc',//) 210 if (loc.eq.0) go to 300 locv=nodplc(loc+1) c... is(t2)=is(t1)*dexp(eg/vt*(t2/t1-1))*(t2/t1)^pt factln=ratio1*value(locv+42)/vt+value(locv+43)*ratlog factor=dexp(factln) value(locv+1)=value(locv+1)*factor tb=value(locv+41) bfactr=dexp(tb*ratlog) value(locv+2)=value(locv+2)*bfactr value(locv+8)=value(locv+8)*bfactr value(locv+6)=value(locv+6)*dexp(factln/value(locv+7))/bfactr value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*dexp(factln/value(locv+13)) 1 /bfactr oldpb=value(locv+22) value(locv+22)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact value(locv+46)=value(locv+46)*value(locv+22)/oldpb value(locv+47)=value(locv+47)*value(locv+22)/oldpb oldpb=value(locv+30) value(locv+30)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact value(locv+50)=value(locv+50)*value(locv+30)/oldpb value(locv+51)=value(locv+51)*value(locv+30)/oldpb value(locv+54)=vt*dlog(vt/(root2*value(locv+1))) write (6,211) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+2), 1 value(locv+6),value(locv+8),value(locv+12),value(locv+22), 2 value(locv+30) 211 format(1x,a8,1p7d10.2) loc=nodplc(loc) go to 210 c c jfet model c 300 loc=locate(23) if (loc.eq.0) go to 400 write (6,301) 301 format(//'0**** jfet model parameters',/,'0name',9x,'is',9x,'pb', 1//) 310 if (loc.eq.0) go to 400 locv=nodplc(loc+1) value(locv+9)=value(locv+9)*dexp(ratio1*1.11d0/vt) oldpb=value(locv+8) value(locv+8)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*value(locv+8)/oldpb value(locv+13)=value(locv+13)*value(locv+8)/oldpb value(locv+16)=vt*dlog(vt/(root2*value(locv+9))) write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+9),value(locv+8) loc=nodplc(loc) go to 310 c c mosfet model c 400 loc=locate(24) if (loc.eq.0) go to 1000 iprnt=1 410 if (loc.eq.0) go to 1000 c.. no temperature effects have been coded for ga-as fets if(nodplc(loc+2).eq.0) go to 430 locv=nodplc(loc+1) if( write (6,401) 401 format(//'0**** mosfet model parameters',/,'0name',8x,'vto',8x, 1 'phi',9x,'pb',9x,'js',7x,'kp',//) iprnt=0 ratio4=ratio*dsqrt(ratio) value(locv+2)=value(locv+2)/ratio4 value(locv+23)=value(locv+23)/ratio4 oldphi=value(locv+4) value(locv+4)=ratio*oldphi+pbfact phi=value(locv+4) type=nodplc(loc+2) tps=value(locv+22) vfb=value(locv+34)-type*oldphi vstrip=vfb+0.5d0*type*oldphi if(value(locv+21).ne.0.0d0) go to 415 vstrip=vstrip+0.5d0*(oldeg-egfet) go to 420 415 oldgat=oldvt*dlog(value(locv+21)/oldxni) gatnew=vt*dlog(value(locv+21)/xni) vstrip=vstrip+type*tps*(oldgat-gatnew) 420 vfb=vstrip-0.5d0*type*phi value(locv+34)=vfb+type*phi value(locv+1)=value(locv+34)+type*value(locv+3)*dsqrt(phi) value(locv+15)=value(locv+15)*dexp(-egfet/vt+oldeg/oldvt) oldpb=value(locv+14) value(locv+14)=ratio*oldpb+pbfact pb=value(locv+14) ratio2=oldpb/pb ratio3=dsqrt(ratio2) value(locv+11)=value(locv+11)*ratio3 value(locv+12)=value(locv+12)*ratio3 pbrat=1.0d0/ratio2 value(locv+29)=value(locv+29)*pbrat value(locv+30)=value(locv+30)*pbrat write (6,31) value(locv),value(locv+1),value(locv+4), 1 value(locv+14),value(locv+15),value(locv+2) 430 loc=nodplc(loc) go to 410 c c finished c 1000 return end subroutine find(aname,id,loc,iforce) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine searches the list with number 'id' for an element c with name 'aname'. loc is set to point to the element. if iforce is c nonzero, then find expects to have to add the element to the list, and c reports a fatal error if the element is found. if subcircuit defini- c tion is in progress (nonzero value for nsbckt), then find searches the c current subcircuit definition list rather than the nominal element c list. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop, 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts, 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) c c index to the contents of the various lists: c c list contents c ---- -------- c c 1 resistors c 2 nonlinear capacitors c 3 nonlinear inductors c 4 mutual inductors c 5 nonlinear voltage controlled current sources c 6 nonlinear voltage controlled voltage sources c 7 nonlinear current controlled current sources c 8 nonlinear current controlled voltage sources c 9 independent voltage sources c 10 independent current sources c 11 diodes c 12 bipolar junction transistors c 13 junction field-effect transistors (jfets) c 14 metal-oxide-semiconductor junction fets (mosfets) c 15 s-parameter 2-port network c 16 y-parameter 2-port network c 17 transmission lines c 18 c 19 subcircuit calls c 20 subcircuit definitions c 21 diode model c 22 bjt model c 23 jfet model c 24 mosfet model c 25-30 c 31 .print dc c 32 .print tran c 33 .print ac c 34 .print noise c 35 .print distortion c 36 .plot dc c 37 .plot tr c 38 .plot ac c 39 .plot noise c 40 .plot distortion c 41 outputs for dc c 42 outputs for transient c 43 outputs for ac c 44 outputs for noise c 45 outputs for distortion c 46-50 c integer xxor dimension lnod(50),lval(50) data lnod / 9,13,15, 7,14,15,14,15,12, 7, 1 17,37,26,34, 7, 7,34, 0, 5, 5, 2 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21, 4 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / data lval / 5, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 1 3, 4, 4,13, 1, 1, 9, 0, 1, 1, 2 19,55,17,41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,17,17,17,17,17, 4 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / data ndefin /2h.u/ c c anam=aname call sizmem(ielmnt,isize) locn=ielmnt+isize+2 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 10 loct=nodplc(isbckt+nsbckt) loc=nodplc(loct+3) if ( go to 20 nodplc(loct+3)=locn go to 60 10 loc=locate(id) if ( go to 20 locate(id)=locn go to 50 c c search list for a name match c 20 locv=nodplc(loc+1) if (xxor(anam,value(locv)).ne.0) go to 30 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 25 if (nodplc(loc-1) go to 30 25 if (nodplc(loc+2).eq.ndefin) go to 200 if (iforce.eq.0) go to 200 write (6,26) anam 26 format('0*error*: above line attempts to redefine ',a8/) nogo=1 30 if (nodplc(loc).eq.0) go to 40 loc=nodplc(loc) go to 20 c c reserve space for this element c 40 nodplc(loc)=locn if ( go to 60 50 jelcnt(id)=jelcnt(id)+1 60 loc=locn itemp=loc+lnod(id)*nwd4-1 locv=nxtevn(itemp-1)+1 itemp=locv-itemp ktmp=lnod(id)*nwd4+lval(id)*nwd8+itemp call extmem(ielmnt,ktmp) locv=(locv-1)/nwd8+1 iptr=0 if (nsbckt.eq.0) go to 80 iptr=id 80 nodplc(loc-1)=iptr nodplc(loc)=0 nodplc(loc+1)=locv value(locv)=anam c c background storage c 100 nodplc(loc+2)=ndefin nword=lnod(id)-4 if ( go to 120 call zero4(nodplc(loc+3),nword) 120 nword=lval(id)-1 if ( go to 200 call zero8(value(locv+1),nword) c c exit c 200 return end subroutine title(ifold,len,icom,coment) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine writes a title on the output file. ifold indicates c whether the page eject should be to the next concave, convex, or any c page fold depending on whether its value is <0, >0, or =0. the page c eject is suppressed (as is much of the heading) if the variable nopage c is nonzero. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /miscel/ atime,aprog(3),adate,atitle(10),defl,defw,defad, 1 defas,rstats(50),iwidth,lwidth,nopage common /status/ omega,time,delta,delold(7),ag(7),vt,xni,egfet, 1 xmu,mode,modedc,icalc,initf,method,iord,maxord,noncon,iterno, 2 itemno,nosolv,ipostp,iscrch common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) c c dimension coment(4) c c if(nopage.eq.1) go to 150 c 30 if (len.le.80) go to 100 write (6,31) adate,aprog,atime,(atitle(i),i=1,10) 31 format(1h1,9(2h* ),a10,1x,11(2h* ),3a8,11(2h* ),a10,9(2h *),//1h0, 1 15a8/) if (icom.eq.0) go to 40 write (6,36) coment,value(itemps+itemno) 36 format(5h0****,17x,4a8,21x,'temperature =',f9.3,' deg c'/) 40 write (6,41) 41 format(1h0,63(2h* )//) go to 200 c c 100 write (6,101) adate,aprog,atime,(atitle(i),i=1,10) 101 format(1h1,5(1h*),a10,1x,8(1h*),3a8,8(1h*),a10,5(1h*)//1h0,10a8/) if (icom.eq.0) go to 110 write (6,106) coment,value(itemps+itemno) 106 format(10h0**** ,4a8,' temperature =',f9.3,' deg c'/) 110 write (6,111) 111 format(1h0,71(1h*)//) go to 200 c c 150 if (icom.eq.0) go to 160 write (6,106) coment,value(itemps+itemno) go to 200 160 write (6,161) aprog 161 format(1h0,3a8,/) c c finished c 200 return end subroutine dcdcmp implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine performs an in-place lu factorization of the coef- c ficient matrix. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop, 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs common /flags/ iprnta,iprntl,iprntm,iprntn,iprnto,limtim,limpts, 1 lvlcod,lvltim,itl1,itl2,itl3,itl4,itl5,igoof,nogo,keof common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok, 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) data ikount /0/ c c do 100 i=2,nstop io=nodplc(iorder+i) if (dabs(value(lynl+io)).ge.gmin) go to 10 value(lynl+io)=gmin igoof=igoof+1 if( go to 10 ikount=ikount+1 if(io.le.nunods) write(6,9) nodplc(junode+io) 9 format(' at node ',i5) 10 jstart=nodplc(ilc+i) jstop=nodplc(ilc+i+1)-1 if ( go to 100 do 90 j=jstart,jstop value(lyl+j)=value(lyl+j)/value(lynl+io) icol=nodplc(ilr+j) kstart=nodplc(iur+i) kstop=nodplc(iur+i+1)-1 if ( go to 90 do 80 k=kstart,kstop irow=nodplc(iuc+k) if (icol-irow) 20,60,40 c c find (icol,irow) matrix term (upper triangle) c 20 l=nodplc(iur+icol+1) 30 l=l-1 if (nodplc(iuc+l).ne.irow) go to 30 ispot=lyu+l go to 70 c c find (icol,irow) matrix term (lower triangle) c 40 l=nodplc(ilc+irow+1) 50 l=l-1 if (nodplc(ilr+l).ne.icol) go to 50 ispot=lyl+l go to 70 c c find (icol,irow) matrix term (diagonal) c 60 ispot=lynl+nodplc(iorder+irow) c 70 value(ispot)=value(ispot)-value(lyl+j)*value(lyu+k) 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue return end subroutine dcsol implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine solves the system of circuit equations by performing c a forward and backward substitution step using the previously-computed c lu factors. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /cirdat/ locate(50),jelcnt(50),nunods,ncnods,numnod,nstop, 1 nut,nlt,nxtrm,ndist,ntlin,ibr,numvs common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) c c forward substitution c do 20 i=2,nstop jstart=nodplc(ilc+i) jstop=nodplc(ilc+i+1)-1 if ( go to 20 io=nodplc(iorder+i) if (value(lvn+io).eq.0.0d0) go to 20 do 10 j=jstart,jstop jo=nodplc(ilr+j) jo=nodplc(iorder+jo) value(lvn+jo)=value(lvn+jo)-value(lyl+j)*value(lvn+io) 10 continue 20 continue c c back substitution c k=nstop+1 do 50 i=2,nstop k=k-1 io=nodplc(iorder+k) jstart=nodplc(iur+k) jstop=nodplc(iur+k+1)-1 if ( go to 40 do 30 j=jstart,jstop jo=nodplc(iuc+j) jo=nodplc(iorder+jo) value(lvn+io)=value(lvn+io)-value(lyu+j)*value(lvn+jo) 30 continue 40 value(lvn+io)=value(lvn+io)/value(lynl+io) 50 continue return end subroutine setmem(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine performs dynamic memory management. it is used in c spice2, and useable in any program. c c memory is managed within an array selected by the calling program. c one may either dimension this array to the 'maxmem' size, or more c desirably, find the address of the first available word of memory c above your program, and dimension your array to '1'. passing the c address of the first data word available permits the manager to c use 'illegal' indices into the data area. c c this routine must have access to an integer function called 'locf' c which returns the address of its argument. addresses as used by this c program refer to 'integer' addresses, not byte addresses. c c entry points: c setmem - set initial memory c getm4 - get block for table of integers c getm8 - get block for table of floating point variables c getm16 - get block for table of complex variables c relmem - release part of block c extmem - extend size of existing block c sizmem - determine size of existing block c clrmem - release block c ptrmem - reset memory pointer c crunch - force memory compaction c avlm4 - amount of space available (integers) c avlm8 - amount of space available (real) c avlm16 - amount of space available (complex) c c calling sequences: c call setmem(imem(1),maxmem) c call setmem(imem(1),maxmem,kfamwa) non 3000 machines kfamwa is c address of first available word c of data c call getm4 (ipntr,blksiz) where blksize is the number of entries c call getm8 (ipntr,blksiz) c call getm16(ipntr,blksiz) c call relmem(ipntr,relsiz) c call extmem(ipntr,extsiz) extsiz is the number of entries to be added c call sizmem(ipntr,blksiz) c call clrmem(ipntr) c call ptrmem(ipntr1,ipntr2) c call avlm4(ispace) c call avlm8(ispace) c call avlm16(ispace) c call crunch c c c general comments: c for each block which is allocated, a 5-word entry is maintained c in a table kept in high memory, of the form c c word contents c ---- -------- c c 1 index of imem(.) into origin of block c i.e. contents of pointer (used for error check) c 2 block size (in words) c 3 number of words in use c 4 address of variable containing block origin c 5 number of words used per table entry c c all allocated blocks are an 'even' (nxtevn) number of words in length, c where a 'word' is the storage unit required for an 'integer' variable. c since block repositioning may be necessary, the convention that c only one variable contain a block origin should be observed. c for *getmem*, *ipntr* is set such that *array(ipntr+1)* is the c first word of the allocated block. 'ipntr' is set to address the first c entry of the table when used with the appropriate variable type, i.e., c nodplc(ipntr+1), value(ipntr+1), or cvalue(ipntr+1). c for *clrmem*, *ipntr* is set to 'invalid' to enable rapid detection c of an attempt to use a cleared block. c if any fatal errors are found, a message is printed and a flag c set inhibiting further action until *setmem* is called. (in this c context, insufficient memory is considered a fatal error.) c throughout this routine, *ldval* always contains the subscript of c the last addressable word of memory, *memavl* always contains the c number of available words of memory, *numblk* always contains the c number of allocated blocks, and istack(*loctab* +1) always contains c the first word of the block table. c common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c c.. arguments to memory manager are set up as arrays, even though c.. the calling programs usually use simple variables for arguments. c.. this is necessary if we are to guarantee that the parameters are c.. passed by 'address' and not by 'value'. we must insure that locf(arg) c.. returns the address of the argument, and not the address of a local c.. copy of the argument. as currently configured, this subroutine should c.. work on any ansi fortran compiler, provided the function 'locf' can c.. be provided. dimension ipntr(1) c logical memptr c c... approximate time required to copy *nwords* integer values nwd4=1 nwd8=2 nwd16=4 memerr=0 nevn=nxtevn(1) icheck=mod(nevn,nwd4)+mod(nevn,nwd8)+mod(nevn,nwd16)+ 1 mod(nxtmem(1),nevn) if(icheck.eq.0) go to 2 memerr=1 call errmem(6,memerr,ipntr(1)) 2 cpyknt=0.0d0 ifamwa=locf(ipntr(1)) maxmem=ksize ntab=nxtevn(5) c... add 'lorg' to an address and you get the 'istack' index to that word lorg=1-locf(istack(1)) ifwa=ifamwa+lorg-1 nwoff=locf(ipntr(1))+lorg-1 icore=nxtmem(1) c... don't take chances, back off from 'end of memory' by nxtevn(1) ldval=ifwa+nxtmem(1)-nxtevn(1) memavl=ldval-ntab-ifwa maxcor=0 maxuse=0 call memory if( call errmem(6,memerr,ipntr(1)) numblk=1 loctab=ldval-ntab istack(loctab+1)=0 istack(loctab+2)=memavl istack(loctab+3)=0 istack(loctab+4)=-1 istack(loctab+5)=1 return end subroutine getm4(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 dimension ipntr(1) iwsize=nwd4 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize) return end subroutine getm8(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 iwsize=nwd8 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize) return end subroutine getm16(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 iwsize=nwd16 call getmx(ipntr(1),ksize,iwsize) return end subroutine getmx(ipntr,ksize,iwsize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr dimension ipntr(1) c c*** getmem - get block c c isize=ksize*iwsize c... check for valid size if ( go to 5 memerr=2 call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1)) c... check for attempt to reallocate existing block 5 if (.not.memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 8 memerr=3 call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1)) 8 jsize=nxtevn(isize) call comprs(0,ldval) c... check if enough space already there need=jsize+ntab-memavl if (need.le.0) go to 10 c... insufficient space -- bump memory size need=nxtmem(need) icore=icore+need call memory if( call errmem(3,memerr,ipntr(1)) ltab1=ldval-ntab istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+need c... relocate block entry table nwords=numblk*ntab cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords) call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+need+1),nwords) loctab=loctab+need ldval=ldval+need memavl=memavl+need c... a block large enough now exists -- allocate it 10 ltab1=ldval-ntab morg=istack(ltab1+1) msiz=istack(ltab1+2) muse=istack(ltab1+3) muse=nxtevn(muse) madr=istack(ltab1+4) c... construct new table entry 15 istack(ltab1+2)=muse loctab=loctab-ntab nwords=numblk*ntab cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords) call copy4(istack(loctab+ntab+1),istack(loctab+1),nwords) numblk=numblk+1 memavl=memavl-ntab istack(ltab1+1)=morg+muse istack(ltab1+2)=msiz-muse-ntab c... set user size into table entry for this block 20 istack(ltab1+3)=isize istack(ltab1+4)=locf(ipntr(1)) istack(ltab1+5)=iwsize memavl=memavl-jsize ipntr(1)=istack(ltab1+1)/iwsize call memadj return end subroutine avlm4(iavl) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c c*** avlmem - how much space is available ? c iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl iavl=iavl/nwd4 return end subroutine avlm8(iavl) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl iavl=iavl/nwd8 return end subroutine avlm16(iavl) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 iavl=((maxmem-icore)/nxtmem(1))*nxtmem(1)-ntab+memavl iavl=iavl/nwd16 return end subroutine relmem(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr c c*** relmem - release part of block c c c... check for valid pointer if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10 memerr=5 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1)) 10 isize=ksize*istack(ltab+5) c... check for valid size if ( go to 20 memerr=2 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1)) 20 jsize=istack(ltab+3) if (isize.le.jsize) go to 30 memerr=6 call errmem(5,memerr,ipntr(1)) 30 istack(ltab+3)=istack(ltab+3)-isize memavl=memavl+(nxtevn(jsize)-nxtevn(istack(ltab+3))) call memadj return end subroutine extmem(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr c c*** extmem - extend size of existing block c c c... check for valid pointer if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10 memerr=5 call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1)) 10 isize=ksize*istack(ltab+5) c... check for valid size if ( go to 20 memerr=2 call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1)) c... check if enough space already there 20 if ((istack(ltab+2)-istack(ltab+3)).ge.isize) go to 40 need=nxtevn(isize)-memavl if (need.le.0) go to 30 c... insufficient space -- bump memory size need=nxtmem(need) icore=icore+need call memory if( call errmem(2,memerr,ipntr(1)) ltab1=ldval-ntab istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+need c... relocate block entry table nwords=numblk*ntab cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords) call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+need+1),nwords) loctab=loctab+need ldval=ldval+need memavl=memavl+need ltab=ltab+need c... move blocks to make space 30 continue call comprs(0,ltab) call comprs(1,ltab) 40 jsize=istack(ltab+3) istack(ltab+3)=istack(ltab+3)+isize memavl=memavl-(nxtevn(istack(ltab+3))-nxtevn(jsize)) call memadj return end subroutine sizmem(ipntr,ksize) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr c c*** sizmem - determine size of existing block c c c... check for valid pointer if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10 memerr=5 call errmem(7,memerr,ipntr(1)) 10 ksize=istack(ltab+3)/istack(ltab+5) return end subroutine clrmem(ipntr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr c c*** clrmem - release block c c c... check that pointer is valid if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10 memerr=5 call errmem(1,memerr,ipntr(1)) 10 msiz=istack(ltab+2) muse=istack(ltab+3) memavl=memavl+nxtevn(muse) c... assumption: first allocated block is never cleared. ltab1=ltab-ntab istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+msiz c... reposition the block table nwords=ltab-loctab cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords) call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab+ntab+1),nwords) numblk=numblk-1 loctab=loctab+ntab memavl=memavl+ntab ltab1=ldval-ntab istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)+ntab ipntr(1)=2**31-1 call memadj return end subroutine ptrmem(ipntr,ipntr2) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1),ipntr2(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 logical memptr c c*** ptrmem - reset memory pointer c c... verify that pointer is valid if (memptr(ipntr(1))) go to 10 memerr=5 call errmem(4,memerr,ipntr(1)) c... reset block pointer to be *ipntr2* 10 ipntr2(1)=ipntr(1) istack(ltab+4)=locf(ipntr2(1)) call memadj return end subroutine crunch implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c c*** crunch - force memory compaction c call comprs(0,ldval) call memadj return end subroutine errmem(inam,ierror,ipntr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 dimension errnam(7) data errnam /6hclrmem,6hextmem,6hgetmem,6hptrmem,6hrelmem, 1 6hsetmem,6hsizmem/ c go to (200,410,420,300,510,530),ierror c c*** error(s) found *** c c.. nxtevn and/or nxtmem incompatible with nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16 c 200 write(6,201) 201 format('0memory manager variables nwd4-8-16 incompatible with nxte 1vn and nxtmem') go to 900 c c... memory needs exceed maximum available space 300 write (6,301) maxmem 301 format('0*error*: memory needs exceed',i6,/, 1 '0probable remedy, replace your "// exec spice" card with',/ 2 '0// exec spice,region=2000k') go to 900 c... *isize* < 0 410 write(6,411) 411 format('0size parameter negative') go to 900 c... getmem: attempt to reallocate existing block 420 write(6,421) 421 format('0attempt to reallocate existing table') go to 900 c... *ipntr* invalid 510 write(6,511) 511 format('0table pointer invalid') go to 900 c... relmem: *isize* larger than indicated block 530 write(6,531) 531 format('0attempt to release more than total table') c... issue error message 900 write (6,901) errnam(inam) 901 format('0*abort*: internal memory manager error at entry ', 1 a7) 950 call dmpmem(ipntr(1)) 1000 stop end subroutine memadj implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c c*** adjust memory downward *** c 50 maxuse=max0(maxuse,ldval-memavl-ifwa) memdec=2*nxtmem(1) if ( return c... compress current allocations of memory call comprs(0,ldval) c... adjust memory size memdel=0 60 icore=icore-memdec memdel=memdel+memdec memavl=memavl-memdec if ( go to 60 ltab1=ldval-ntab istack(ltab1+2)=istack(ltab1+2)-memdel c... relocate block entry table nwords=numblk*ntab cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(nwords) call copy4(istack(loctab+1),istack(loctab-memdel+1),nwords) loctab=loctab-memdel ldval=ldval-memdel call memory return end integer function nxtevn(n) c c.. function returns the smallest value nxtevn greater than or equal to c.. n which is evenly divisible by 'nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16' as defined c.. in setmem c nxtevn=((n+3)/4)*4 return end integer function nxtmem(memwds) c c.. function returns the in nxtmem the next available memory size c.. (which must be evenly divisible by 'nwd4, nwd8, and nwd16' as c.. defined in setmem c nxtmem=((memwds+1999)/2000)*2000 return end subroutine comprs(icode,limit) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine compresses all available memory into a single block. c if *icode* is zero, compression of memory from word 1 to *limit* is c done; otherwise, compression from *ldval* down to *limit* is done. c common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c c... approximate time required to copy *nwords* real values if ( go to 100 nblk=numblk ltab2=loctab 10 ltab1=ltab2 if ( go to 200 if (nblk.eq.1) go to 200 nblk=nblk-1 ltab2=ltab1+ntab morg=istack(ltab1+1) msiz=istack(ltab1+2) muse=istack(ltab1+3) muse=nxtevn(muse) if (msiz.eq.muse) go to 10 c... move succeeding block down morg2=istack(ltab2+1) muse2=istack(ltab2+3) madr2=istack(ltab2+4) iwsize=istack(ltab2+5) if ( go to 15 if (muse2.eq.0) go to 20 15 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(muse2) call copy4(istack(nwoff+morg2+1),istack(nwoff+morg+muse+1),muse2) istack(lorg+madr2)=(morg+muse)/iwsize 20 istack(ltab1+2)=muse istack(ltab2+1)=morg+muse istack(ltab2+2)=istack(ltab2+2)+(msiz-muse) go to 10 c c 100 nblk=numblk ltab2=ldval-ntab 110 ltab1=ltab2 if (ltab1.le.limit) go to 200 if (nblk.eq.1) go to 200 nblk=nblk-1 ltab2=ltab1-ntab morg=istack(ltab1+1) msiz=istack(ltab1+2) muse=istack(ltab1+3) muse=nxtevn(muse) madr=istack(ltab1+4) iwsize=istack(ltab1+5) mspc=msiz-muse if (mspc.eq.0) go to 110 cpyknt=cpyknt+dfloat(muse) call copy4(istack(nwoff+morg+1),istack(nwoff+morg+mspc+1),muse) istack(ltab1+1)=morg+mspc istack(ltab1+2)=muse istack(ltab2+2)=istack(ltab2+2)+mspc if (madr.eq.0) go to 110 istack(lorg+madr)=(morg+mspc)/iwsize go to 110 c... all done 200 return end logical function memptr(ipntr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine checks whether *ipntr* is a valid block pointer. c if it is valid, *ltab* is set to point to the corresponding entry in c the block table. c c... ipntr is an array to avoid 'call by value' problems (see setmem) dimension ipntr(1) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c memptr=.false. ltab=loctab locpnt=locf(ipntr(1)) do 20 i=1,numblk if ( go to 10 if (ipntr(1)*istack(ltab+5).ne.istack(ltab+1)) go to 10 memptr=.true. go to 30 10 ltab=ltab+ntab 20 continue 30 return end subroutine dmpmem(ipntr) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine prints out the current memory allocation map. c *ipntr* is the table pointer of the current memory manager call c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 c... ipntr is an array to avoid 'call by value' problems dimension ipntr(1) dimension aptr(61) data aptr /6hielmnt,6hisbckt,6hnsbckt,6hiunsat,6hnunsat,6hitemps, 1 6hnumtem,6hisens ,6hnsens ,6hifour ,6hnfour ,6hifield, 2 6hicode ,6hidelim,6hicolum,6hinsize, 3 6hjunode,6hlsbkpt,6hnumbkp,6hiorder,6hjmnode, 4 6hiur ,6hiuc ,6hilc ,6hilr ,6hnumoff,6hisr , 5 6hnmoffc,6hiseq ,6hiseq1 ,6hneqn ,6hnodevs, 6 6hndiag ,6hiswap ,6hiequa ,6hmacins,6hlvnim1, 7 6hlx0 ,6hlvn ,6hlynl ,6hlyu ,6hlyl , 8 6hlx1 ,6hlx2 ,6hlx3 ,6hlx4 ,6hlx5 ,6hlx6 , 9 6hlx7 ,6hld0 ,6hld1 ,6hltd ,6himynl ,6himvn ,6hloutpt, * 6hnsnod ,6hnsmat ,6hnsval ,6hicnod ,6hicmat ,6hicval / data ablnk /1h / iaddr=locf(ielmnt)-1 itemp=locf(ipntr(1))-iaddr anam=ablnk if( anam=aptr(itemp) iadr=locf(ipntr(1)) write (6,5) anam,iadr,icore,maxmem,memavl,ldval 5 format('0current pointer 'a6,'@ = z',z6,/' corsiz=',i7, 1 /' maxmem=',i7,/' avlspc=',i7,/' ldval=',i7, 2 /1h0,24x,'memory allocation map'/14x,'blknum memorg memsiz', 3 ' memuse usrptr addr name') ltab1=loctab do 20 i=1,numblk morg=istack(ltab1+1) msiz=istack(ltab1+2) muse=istack(ltab1+3) madr=istack(ltab1+4) anam=ablnk ndex=madr-iaddr if( anam=aptr(ndex) jptr=0 if ( jptr=istack(lorg+madr) write (6,11) i,morg,msiz,muse,jptr,madr,anam 11 format(13x,5i7,3x,z7,'z',1x,a6) ltab1=ltab1+ntab 20 continue write (6,21) 21 format(1h0,24x,'end of allocation map'/) return end subroutine memory implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /memmgr/ cpyknt,istack(1),lorg,icore,maxcor,maxuse,memavl, 1 ldval,numblk,loctab,ltab,ifwa,nwoff,ntab,maxmem,memerr,nwd4, 2 nwd8,nwd16 if(icore.le.maxmem) go to 10 memerr=4 return 10 continue return end subroutine magphs(cvar,xmag,xphs) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine computes the magnitude and phase of its complex arg- c ument cvar, storing the results in xmag and xphs. c common /knstnt/ twopi,xlog2,xlog10,root2,rad,boltz,charge,ctok, 1 gmin,reltol,abstol,vntol,trtol,chgtol,eps0,epssil,epsox complex*16 cvar c c xreal=dreal(cvar) ximag=dimag(cvar) xmag=dsqrt(xreal*xreal+ximag*ximag) if ( go to 10 xmag=1.0d-20 xphs=0.0d0 return 10 xphs=rad*datan2(ximag,xreal) return end integer function xxor(a,b) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine computes a single-precision integer result which is c the result of exclusive-or*ing the two real-valued arguments a and b c together. c xxor=1 if(a.eq.b) xxor=0 return end subroutine outnam(loc,ktype,string,ipos) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine constructs the 'name' for the output variable indi- c cated by loc, adding the characters to the character array 'string', c beginning with the position marked by ipos. c common /tabinf/ ielmnt,isbckt,nsbckt,iunsat,nunsat,itemps,numtem, 1 isens,nsens,ifour,nfour,ifield,icode,idelim,icolum,insize, 2 junode,lsbkpt,numbkp,iorder,jmnode,iur,iuc,ilc,ilr,numoff,isr, 3 nmoffc,iseq,iseq1,neqn,nodevs,ndiag,iswap,iequa,macins,lvnim1, 4 lx0,lvn,lynl,lyu,lyl,lx1,lx2,lx3,lx4,lx5,lx6,lx7,ld0,ld1,ltd, 5 imynl,imvn,lcvn,loutpt,nsnod,nsmat,nsval,icnod,icmat,icval common /blank/ value(50000) integer nodplc(64) complex*16 cvalue(32) equivalence (value(1),nodplc(1),cvalue(1)) c dimension string(1) dimension aout(19),lenout(19),aopt(5),lenopt(5) data aout / 6hv , 6hvm , 6hvr , 6hvi , 6hvp , 1 6hvdb , 6hi , 6him , 6hir , 6hii , 2 6hip , 6hidb , 6honoise, 6hinoise, 6hhd2 , 1 6hhd3 , 6hdim2 , 6hsim2 , 6hdim3 / data lenout / 1,2,2,2,2,3,1,2,2,2,2,3,6,6,3,3,4,4,4 / data aopt / 5hmag , 5hreal , 5himag , 5hphase, 5hdb / data lenopt / 3,4,4,5,2 / data alprn, acomma, arprn, ablnk / 1h(, 1h,, 1h), 1h / c c ioutyp=nodplc(loc+5) if ( go to 10 lout=ktype+ioutyp*6 go to 20 10 lout=ioutyp+11 20 call move(string,ipos,aout(lout),1,lenout(lout)) ipos=ipos+lenout(lout) if ( go to 200 call move(string,ipos,alprn,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 if ( go to 100 node1=nodplc(loc+2) call alfnum(nodplc(junode+node1),string,ipos) node2=nodplc(loc+3) if (node2.eq.1) go to 30 call move(string,ipos,acomma,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 call alfnum(nodplc(junode+node2),string,ipos) 30 call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 go to 1000 c 100 locv=nodplc(loc+1) anam=value(locv) achar=ablnk do 110 i=1,8 call move(achar,1,anam,i,1) if (achar.eq.ablnk) go to 120 call move(string,ipos,achar,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 110 continue 120 call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 go to 1000 c 200 if (ktype.eq.1) go to 1000 call move(string,ipos,alprn,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 call move(string,ipos,aopt(ktype-1),1,lenopt(ktype-1)) ipos=ipos+lenopt(ktype-1) call move(string,ipos,arprn,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 c c finished c 1000 return end subroutine alfnum(number,string,ipos) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c c this routine converts number into character form, storing the c characters in the character array string, beginning with the position c indicated by ipos. c c **** note that the 'ipos' variable is changed to indicate the position c of the next unwritten character. this could clobber constants if c ipos is not a variable in the calling program c dimension string(1) dimension adigit(10) data adigit / 1h0,1h1,1h2,1h3,1h4,1h5,1h6,1h7,1h8,1h9 / data aminus / 1h- / c c num=number c c check for number < 0 c if ( go to 10 num=-num c... negative number: insert minus sign call move(string,ipos,aminus,1,1) ipos=ipos+1 c c convert number one digit at a time, in reverse order c 10 istart=ipos 20 numtmp=num/10 idigit=num-numtmp*10 call move(string,ipos,adigit(idigit+1),1,1) ipos=ipos+1 num=numtmp if ( go to 20 istop=ipos-1 c c now reverse the order of the digits c 30 if (istop.le.istart) go to 40 call move(tmpdgt,1,string,istart,1) call move(string,istart,string,istop,1) call move(string,istop,tmpdgt,1,1) istart=istart+1 istop=istop-1 go to 30 c c conversion complete c 40 return end subroutine getcje implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common /cje/ maxtim,itime,icost call second(xtime) itime=xtime icost=xtime*38.3333 return end subroutine move(a,iposa,b,iposb,nchar) character a(1),b(1) do 10 i=1,nchar a(iposa+i-1)=b(iposb+i-1) 10 continue return end subroutine copy4(ifrom,ito,nwords) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension ifrom(1),ito(1) c this routine copies a block of #nwords# words (of the appropriate c type) from the array #from# to the array #to#. it determines from c which end of the block to transfer first, to prevent over-stores which c might over-write the data. c if (nwords.eq.0) return if (locf(ifrom(1)).lt.locf(ito(1))) go to 20 c... locf() returns as its value the address of its argument do 10 i=1,nwords ito(i)=ifrom(i) 10 continue return c 20 i=nwords 30 ito(i)=ifrom(i) i=i-1 if ( go to 30 return c c end subroutine copy8(rfrom,rto,nwords) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension rfrom(1),rto(1) if (nwords.eq.0) return if (locf(rfrom(1)).lt.locf(rto(1))) go to 120 do 110 i=1,nwords rto(i)=rfrom(i) 110 continue return c 120 i=nwords 130 rto(i)=rfrom(i) i=i-1 if ( go to 130 return c c end subroutine copy16(cfrom,cto,nwords) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c complex*16 cfrom(1),cto(1) if (nwords.eq.0) return if (locf(cfrom(1)).lt.locf(cto(1))) go to 220 do 210 i=1,nwords cto(i)=cfrom(i) 210 continue return c 220 i=nwords 230 cto(i)=cfrom(i) i=i-1 if ( go to 230 return end subroutine zero4(iarray,length) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension iarray(1) c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1) c through array(length). c if (length.eq.0) return do 10 i=1,length iarray(i)=0 10 continue return end subroutine zero8(array,length) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension array(1) c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1) c through array(length). c if (length.eq.0) return do 10 i=1,length array(i)=0.0d0 10 continue return end subroutine zero16(carray,length) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) complex*16 carray(1) c c this routine zeroes the memory locations indicated by array(1) c through array(length). c if (length.eq.0) return do 10 i=1,length carray(i)=dcmplx(0.0d0,0.0d0) 10 continue return c c c end integer function locf(ivar) iabsa=loc(ivar) locf=iabsa/4 if(iabsa.eq.locf*4) return write(6,100) iabsa 100 format('0*error*: system 370 error..address ',t10, 1 ' is not on a 4-byte boundary') stop end subroutine mdate(anam) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) call date(anam) return end subroutine mclock(anam) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) call todalf(anam) 100 return end subroutine second(t1) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension ibuff(4) real*8 t1 call times (ibuff) t1 = dfloat (ibuff(1)) / 60.d0 return end subroutine todalf(anam) double precision anam anam=0.0d0 return end double precision function cpusec(time) cpusec=0.0d0 return end subroutine date(anam) double precision anam anam=1.0d0 return end FUNCTION DREAL ( X ) COMPLEX*16 X DREAL = REAL (X) RETURN END cunix FUNCTION DIMAG ( X ) cunix COMPLEX*16 X cunix DIMAG = AIMAG (X) cunix RETURN cunix END cunix COMPLEX FUNCTION DCMPLX ( X , Y ) cunix DCMPLX = CMPLX ( X , Y ) cunix RETURN cunix END cunix COMPLEX FUNCTION DCONJG ( X ) cunix COMPLEX*16 X cunix DCONJG = CONJG ( X ) cunix RETURN cunix END FUNCTION IFIXD ( X ) IFIXD = IFIX ( X ) RETURN END