ATQ(1) BSD Reference Manual ATQ(1) NNAAMMEE aattqq - display the at(1) job queue SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aattqq [--cc] [--nn] [_n_a_m_e _._._.] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN AAttqq displays the queue of jobs, created by the at(1) command, which are currently awaiting execution. With no flags, the queue is sorted in the order that the jobs will be executed. Options available are: --cc the queue is sorted by the time that the at command was given. --nn only the total number of files that are currently in the queue are printed. If a name(s) is provided, only those files belonging to that user(s) are displayed. FFIILLEESS /var/spool/at spool area SSEEEE AALLSSOO at(1), atrm(1), cron(8) HHIISSTTOORRYY The aattqq command appeared in 4.3BSD. 4.3 Berkeley Distribution June 6, 1993 1