November 13, 1977 The files in this directory belong in /usr/bin. The only ones not documented are "lock" which lets you supply a password to lock up your terminal (so you can go to the bathroom...), rout which cleans old junk out of /tmp, and teco which is of unknown origin (its mentioned in the Pascal document so I threw it in.) The programs "dates" "public" and "procp" all need to be setuid. Dates requires the creation of a data file "/usr/lib/dates" and public a directory "/usr/public"... procp needs to be able to read the memory. Procp depends on your system configuration and will, most likely, have to be recompiled. The programs pi, pxp, px, ex and ashell as well as trek are in their own directories. The programs cpall/cptree in this directory can help you install all this stuff... Bill Joy CS Division Department of EE and CS UC Berkeley Berkeley, California 94704 (415) 524-4510 [HOME] (415) 642-4948 [SCHOOL] P.S. Note that `l' and `ls' were linked together, and should be linked again if you wish to use them...