# Makefile for Phantasia 3.3.2 # # To create game: # # 1) Set up a directory where the game and its support files will live. # (It is suggested that the source be kept somewhere else.) # # 2) Set up the variables in Makefile CAREFULLY to reflect your # particular situation. # # 3) Check out ok_to_play() at the end of main.c if you want to include # code to restrict access at certain times. # # 4) 'make install' and sit back and watch. # # NOTE: 'setup' MUST be executed before trying to run 'phantasia'. # The install procedure does this for you. # # # To convert from 3.3.1 or 3.3.1+ to 3.3.2: # # 1) 'make convert' (3.3.1+: 'make PLUS=-DPHANTPLUS convert') # # 2) Move 'newcharacs' to 'characs'. # RM = -rm SHAR = /d2/estes/bin/shar # Tell 'make' to use /bin/sh for all commands. SHELL = /bin/sh # PLOTDEVICE is used for plotting the map. # Change as appropriate. PLOTDEVICE = > /dev/tty # Add '-ljobs' to LDFLAGS if 4.1bsd; add -ltermlib if not SVR2. # Need separate i/d space on small machines. # May need '-f' on machines without floating point hardware. LIBS= -lm -lcurses -ltermlib # DEST is where the program and its support files reside DEST = /usr/games/lib/phantasia DESTR = /usr/games # The following are program constants which are implementation dependent. # # DEST is passed on. Note that there is no closing quote here. # WIZARD is the login of the one who will clean up things. # UID is the uid of game wizard. # define OK_TO_PLAY to restrict playing access at certain times. # Also see function ok_to_play() in main.c, and tailor to your own needs. # define ENEMY to include code for checking of a 'hit list' of resricted # accounts. The list of logins goes in the file 'enemy'. # SHELL is the default shell for shell escapes. If SHELL is not defined, # shell escapes are not enabled. # define BSD41 for 4.1bsd # define BSD42 for 4.2bsd # define SYS3 for System III, or similar (like Version 7) # define SYS5 for System V # If you don't have 'strchr()', put '-Dstrchr=index' below. # May need '-I/usr/include/sys' for 4.2bsd. CFLAGS = -O \ -DDEST=\"${DEST} \ -DDESTR=\"${DESTR} \ -DWIZARD=\"games\" \ -DUID=57 \ -DENEMY \ -DSHELL=\"/bin/csh\" \ -DBSD42 SRCS= main.c fight.c io.c interplayer.c gamesupport.c misc.c phantglobs.c OBJS= main.o fight.o io.o interplayer.o gamesupport.o misc.o phantglobs.o HFILES = phantdefs.h phantstruct.h macros.h include.h LIBC= /lib/libc.a all: phantasia setup phant.help # Make the game. phantasia: ${OBJS} ${LIBC} ${CC} ${OBJS} -o $@ ${LIBS} ${OBJS}: ${HFILES} # Make the initialization program. setup: phantglobs.o setup.o monsters.asc ${LIBC} ${CC} phantglobs.o setup.o -o $@ ${LIBS} setup.o: ${HFILES} # Make documentation. # The flags below on tbl and nroff are to make a line printable version. phant.help: phant.nr tbl -TX phant.nr | nroff -Ttn300 -man > phant.help # Install game and documentation. Initialize. install: FRC -[ -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/games/lib/phantasia ] || mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/games/lib/phantasia chmod 700 /usr/games/lib/phantasia chown games.bin /usr/games/lib/phantasia install -s -o games -g bin -m 4700 phantasia ${DESTDIR}/usr/games/hide (cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/games; rm -f phantasia; ln -s dm phantasia; chown games.bin phantasia) install -c -o games -g bin -m 400 phant.help ${DESTDIR}/usr/games/lib/phantasia/phant.help ./setup chown games.bin /usr/games/lib/phantasia/* # Make Phantasia map. # Change the map commands reflect your installation. # Pre-System III installations may use 'plot' instead of 'tplot'. map: map.c cc -O map.c -lplot -o map map | tplot -t4014 ${PLOTDEVICE} # Convert old character file to new format. # 'convert' is meant to be run only once. # PLUS = PHANTPLUS for conversion from 3.3.1+. convert: convert.c oldplayer.h phantstruct.h ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${PLUS} convert.c ${LDFLAGS} -o convert convert @echo "New data is in newcharacs." # Clean up directory after installation. clean: ${RM} -f *.o core phantasia phant.help phant.pt? depend: FRC mkdep ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} lint: FRC lint ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} tags: FRC ctags ${SRCS} FRC: # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- mkdep uses it. # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. main.o: main.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/curses.h main.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h main.o: /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h main.o: /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/setjmp.h main.o: /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h macros.h phantdefs.h main.o: phantstruct.h phantglobs.h fight.o: fight.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/curses.h fight.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h fight.o: /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h fight.o: /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/setjmp.h fight.o: /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h macros.h phantdefs.h fight.o: phantstruct.h phantglobs.h io.o: io.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/curses.h io.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h io.o: /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h /usr/include/math.h io.o: /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/setjmp.h /usr/include/signal.h io.o: /usr/include/time.h macros.h phantdefs.h phantstruct.h phantglobs.h interplayer.o: interplayer.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h interplayer.o: /usr/include/curses.h /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h interplayer.o: /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h interplayer.o: /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h interplayer.o: /usr/include/setjmp.h /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h interplayer.o: macros.h phantdefs.h phantstruct.h phantglobs.h gamesupport.o: gamesupport.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h gamesupport.o: /usr/include/curses.h /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h gamesupport.o: /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h gamesupport.o: /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h gamesupport.o: /usr/include/setjmp.h /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h gamesupport.o: macros.h phantdefs.h phantstruct.h phantglobs.h misc.o: misc.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/curses.h misc.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h misc.o: /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h misc.o: /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h /usr/include/setjmp.h misc.o: /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h macros.h phantdefs.h misc.o: phantstruct.h phantglobs.h phantglobs.o: phantglobs.c include.h /usr/include/ctype.h /usr/include/curses.h phantglobs.o: /usr/include/stdio.h /usr/include/sgtty.h phantglobs.o: /usr/include/sys/ioctl.h /usr/include/sys/ttychars.h phantglobs.o: /usr/include/sys/ttydev.h /usr/include/math.h /usr/include/pwd.h phantglobs.o: /usr/include/setjmp.h /usr/include/signal.h /usr/include/time.h phantglobs.o: macros.h phantdefs.h phantstruct.h phantglobs.h # IF YOU PUT ANYTHING HERE IT WILL GO AWAY