PWCACHE(3) BSD Programmer's Manual PWCACHE(3) NNAAMMEE ppwwccaacchhee - cache password and group entries SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS uusseerr__ffrroomm__uuiidd(_u_i_d___t _u_i_d, _i_n_t _n_o_u_s_e_r); ggrroouupp__ffrroomm__ggiidd(_g_i_d___t _g_i_d, _i_n_t _n_o_g_r_o_u_p); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The uusseerr__ffrroomm__uuiidd() function returns the user name associated with the argument _u_i_d. The user name is cached so that multiple calls with the same _u_i_d do not require additional calls to getpwuid(3). If there is no user associated with the _u_i_d, a pointer is returned to a string represen- tation of the _u_i_d, unless the argument _n_o_u_s_e_r is non-zero, in which case a NULL pointer is returned. The ggrroouupp__ffrroomm__ggiidd() function returns the group name associated with the argument _g_i_d. The group name is cached so that multiple calls with the same _g_i_d do not require additional calls to getgrgid(3). If there is no group associated with the _g_i_d, a pointer is returned to a string repre- sentation of the _g_i_d, unless the argument _n_o_g_r_o_u_p is non-zero, in which case a NULL pointer is returned. SSEEEE AALLSSOO getgrgid(3), getpwuid(3) HHIISSTTOORRYY The uusseerr__ffrroomm__iidd() and ggrroouupp__ffrroomm__iidd() functions first appeared in 4.4BSD. 4.4BSD June 9, 1993 1