XNEKO(6) BSD Reference Manual XNEKO(6) NNAAMMEE xneko - cat-and-mouse chase in an X window SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS xneko [ --ddiissppllaayy _d_i_s_p_l_a_y ] [ --ggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y ] [ --ttiittllee _t_i_t_l_e ] [ --nnaammee _n_a_m_e ] [ --iiccoonniicc ] [ --ssppeeeedd _s_p_e_e_d ] [ --ttiimmee _t_i_m_e ] [ --hheellpp ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _X_n_e_k_o displays a window in which a cat chases your ``mouse'' cursor. All options except the last three above behave in the standard manner for X applications (see _X(1)). The --ssppeeeedd option controls the speed of the cat (the default is 16). The --ttiimmee option controls the interval (in microseconds) between updates of the _x_n_e_k_o window (the default is 125000). The --hheellpp option provides a usage message and exits. The word ``neko'' means ``cat'' in Japanese. SSEEEE AALLSSOO X(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Masayuki Koba, 1990 4.4BSD May 31, 1993 1