%term xxif 300 xxelse 301 xxwhile 302 xxrept 303 xxdo 304 xxrb 305 xxpred 306 %term xxident 307 xxle 308 xxge 309 xxne 310 xxnum 311 xxcom 312 %term xxstring 313 xxexplist 314 xxidpar 315 xxelseif 316 xxlb 318 xxend 319 %term xxcase 320 xxswitch 321 xxuntil 322 xxdefault 323 %term xxeq 324 %left '|' %left '&' %left '!' %binary '<' '>' xxeq xxne xxge xxle %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left xxuminus %right '^' %{ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)beauty.y 4.1 (Berkeley) %G%"; #endif not lint #include "b.h" #include %} %% %{ struct node *t; %} allprog: prog xxnew ; prog: stat | prog stat ; stat: iftok pred nlevel elsetok nlevel | iftok pred nlevel | xxtab whtok pred nlevel | xxtab rpttok nlevel optuntil | xxtab dotok nlevel | xxtab swtok oppred pindent lbtok caseseq xxtab rbtok mindent | xxtab fstok | lbtok prog xxtab rbtok | lbtok rbtok | labtok stat | xxnl comtok stat | error ; xxtab: = { if (!xxlablast) tab(xxindent); xxlablast = 0; } xxnl: = newline(); xxnew: = putout('\n',"\n"); nlevel: pindent stat mindent; pindent: = { if (xxstack[xxstind] != xxlb) ++xxindent; }; mindent: = {if (xxstack[xxstind] != xxlb && xxstack[xxstind] != xxelseif) --xxindent; pop(); }; caseseq: casetok caseseq | casetok ; casetok: xxtab xxctok predlist pindent prog mindent | xxtab xxctok predlist pindent mindent | xxtab deftok pindent prog mindent | xxnl comtok casetok ; xxctok: xxcase = {putout(xxcase,"case "); free ($1); push(xxcase); } deftok: xxdefault ':' = { putout(xxcase,"default"); free($1); putout(':',":"); free($2); push(xxcase); } swtok: xxswitch = {putout(xxswitch,"switch"); free($1); push(xxswitch); } fstok: xxend = { free($1); putout(xxident,"end"); putout('\n',"\n"); putout('\n',"\n"); putout('\n',"\n"); } | xxident = { putout(xxident,$1); free($1); newflag = 1; forst(); newflag = 0; }; identtok: xxident '(' explist ')' = { xxt = addroot($1,xxident,0,0); $$ = addroot("",xxidpar,xxt,$3); } | xxident = $$ = addroot($1,xxident,0,0); ; predlist: explist ':' = { yield($1,0); putout(':',":"); freetree($1); } explist: expr ',' explist = $$ = addroot($2,xxexplist,checkneg($1,0),$3); | expr = $$ = checkneg($1,0); ; oppred: pred | ; pred: '(' expr ')' = { t = checkneg($2,0); yield(t,100); freetree(t); }; expr: '(' expr ')' = $$ = $2; | '-' expr %prec xxuminus = $$ = addroot($1,xxuminus,$2,0); | '!' expr = $$ = addroot($1,'!',$2,0); | expr '+' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'+',$1,$3); | expr '-' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'-',$1,$3); | expr '*' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'*',$1,$3); | expr '/' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'/',$1,$3); | expr '^' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'^',$1,$3); | expr '|' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'|',$1,$3); | expr '&' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'&',$1,$3); | expr '>' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'>',$1,$3); | expr '<' expr = $$ = addroot($2,'<',$1,$3); | expr xxeq expr = $$ = addroot($2,xxeq,$1,$3); | expr xxle expr = $$ = addroot($2,xxle,$1,$3); | expr xxge expr = $$ = addroot($2,xxge,$1,$3); | expr xxne expr = $$ = addroot($2,xxne,$1,$3); | identtok = $$ = $1; | xxnum = $$ = addroot($1,xxnum,0,0); | xxstring = $$ = addroot($1,xxstring,0,0); ; iftok: xxif = { if (xxstack[xxstind] == xxelse && !xxlablast) { --xxindent; xxstack[xxstind] = xxelseif; putout(' '," "); } else { if (!xxlablast) tab(xxindent); xxlablast = 0; } putout(xxif,"if"); free($1); push(xxif); } elsetok: xxelse = { tab(xxindent); putout(xxelse,"else"); free($1); push(xxelse); } whtok: xxwhile = { putout(xxwhile,"while"); free($1); push(xxwhile); } rpttok: xxrept = { putout(xxrept,"repeat"); free($1); push(xxrept); } optuntil: xxtab unttok pred | ; unttok: xxuntil = { putout('\t',"\t"); putout(xxuntil,"until"); free($1); } dotok: dopart opdotok ; dopart: xxdo identtok '=' expr ',' expr = {push(xxdo); putout(xxdo,"do"); free($1); puttree($2); putout('=',"="); free($3); puttree($4); putout(',',","); free($5); puttree($6); } opdotok: ',' expr = { putout(',',","); puttree($2); } | ; lbtok: '{' = { putout('{'," {"); push(xxlb); } rbtok: '}' = { putout('}',"}"); pop(); } labtok: xxnum = { tab(xxindent); putout(xxnum,$1); putout(' '," "); xxlablast = 1; } comtok: xxcom = { putout(xxcom,$1); free($1); xxlablast = 0; } | comtok xxcom = { putout ('\n',"\n"); putout(xxcom,$2); free($2); xxlablast = 0; }; %% #define ASSERT(X,Y) if (!(X)) error("struct bug: assertion 'X' invalid in routine Y","",""); yyerror(s) char *s; { extern int yychar; fprintf(stderr,"\n%s",s); fprintf(stderr," in beautifying, output line %d,",xxlineno + 1); fprintf(stderr," on input: "); switch (yychar) { case '\t': fprintf(stderr,"\\t\n"); return; case '\n': fprintf(stderr,"\\n\n"); return; case '\0': fprintf(stderr,"$end\n"); return; default: fprintf(stderr,"%c\n",yychar); return; } } yyinit(argc, argv) /* initialize pushdown store */ int argc; char *argv[]; { xxindent = 0; xxbpertab = 8; xxmaxchars = 120; } #include main() { int exit(); if ( signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, exit); yyinit(); yyparse(); } putout(type,string) /* output string with proper indentation */ int type; char *string; { static int lasttype; if ( (lasttype != 0) && (lasttype != '\n') && (lasttype != ' ') && (lasttype != '\t') && (type == xxcom)) accum("\t"); else if (lasttype == xxcom && type != '\n') tab(xxindent); else if (lasttype == xxif || lasttype == xxwhile || lasttype == xxdo || type == '=' || lasttype == '=' || (lasttype == xxident && (type == xxident || type == xxnum) ) || (lasttype == xxnum && type == xxnum) ) accum(" "); accum(string); lasttype = type; } accum(token) /* fill output buffer, generate continuation lines */ char *token; { static char *buffer; static int lstatus,llen,bufind; int tstatus,tlen,i; #define NEW 0 #define MID 1 #define CONT 2 if (buffer == 0) { buffer = malloc(xxmaxchars); if (buffer == 0) error("malloc out of space","",""); } tlen = slength(token); if (tlen == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < tlen; ++i) ASSERT(token[i] != '\n' || tlen == 1,accum); switch(token[tlen-1]) { case '\n': tstatus = NEW; break; case '+': case '-': case '*': case ',': case '|': case '&': case '(': tstatus = CONT; break; default: tstatus = MID; } if (llen + bufind + tlen > xxmaxchars && lstatus == CONT && tstatus != NEW) { putchar('\n'); ++xxlineno; for (i = 0; i < xxindent; ++i) putchar('\t'); putchar(' ');putchar(' '); llen = 2 + xxindent * xxbpertab; lstatus = NEW; } if (lstatus == CONT && tstatus == MID) { /* store in buffer in case need \n after last CONT char */ ASSERT(bufind + tlen < xxmaxchars,accum); for (i = 0; i < tlen; ++i) buffer[bufind++] = token[i]; } else { for (i = 0; i < bufind; ++i) putchar(buffer[i]); llen += bufind; bufind = 0; for (i = 0; i < tlen; ++i) putchar(token[i]); if (tstatus == NEW) ++xxlineno; llen = (tstatus == NEW) ? 0 : llen + tlen; lstatus = tstatus; } } tab(n) int n; { int i; newline(); for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i) putout('\t',"\t"); } newline() { static int already; if (already) putout('\n',"\n"); else already = 1; } error(mess1, mess2, mess3) char *mess1, *mess2, *mess3; { fprintf(stderr,"\nerror in beautifying, output line %d: %s %s %s \n", xxlineno, mess1, mess2, mess3); exit(1); } push(type) int type; { if (++xxstind > xxtop) error("nesting too deep, stack overflow","",""); xxstack[xxstind] = type; } pop() { if (xxstind <= 0) error("stack exhausted, can't be popped as requested","",""); --xxstind; } forst() { while( (xxval = yylex()) != '\n') { putout(xxval, yylval); free(yylval); } free(yylval); }