01 01/01 AT&T officially divests its local Bell companies, 1984 01/01 Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution in Cuba 01/01 Castro expells Cuban President Batista, 1959 01/01 Churchill delivers his the "Iron Curtain" speech, 1947 01/01 Independence Day in Haiti, Sudan 01/01 New Year's Day 01/01 Paul Revere born in Boston, 1735 01/01 The Epoch (Time 0 for UNIX systems, Midnight GMT), 1970 01/01 Universal Fraternity Day in Mozambique 01/01 J.D. Salinger born, 1919 01/01 Forst Rose Bowl; Michigan 49 - Stanford 0, 1902 01/02 Ancestry Day in Haiti 01/02 Isaac Asimov born in Petrovichi, Russian SFSR (now part of USSR), 1920 01/02 St. Berchtold's Day in Switzerland 01/03 Apple Computer founded, 1977 01/03 New Year's Holiday in Scotland 01/03 Revolution Day in Upper Volta 01/04 George Washington Carver born in Missouri, 1864 01/04 Independence Day in Burma 01/04 Jakob Grimm born, 1785 01/04 Martyrs Day in Zaire 01/04 Quadrantid meteor shower (look north) 01/04 Wilhelm Beer born, 1797, first astronomer to map Mars 01/05 -50 degrees F, Strawberry UT, 1913 01/05 DeWitt B. Brace born, 1859, inventor of spectrophotometer 01/05 Twelfth night 01/06 Children's Day in Uruguay 01/06 Epiphany 01/06 Millard Fillmore's brithday 01/06 Three Kings' Day in Puerto Rico 01/07 Christmas in Ethiopia 01/07 Pioneer's Day in Liberia 01/08 American Telephone and Telegraph loses antitrust case, 1982 01/08 Battle of New Orleans 01/08 Herman Hollerith patents first data processing computer, 1889 01/08 Justice Dept. drops IBM suit, 1982 01/09 Day of the Martyrs in Panama 01/09 Plough Monday 01/10 Ethan Allen born, 1738 01/10 First CDC 1604 delivered to Navy, 1960 01/10 First meeting of United Nations General Assembly in London, 1946 01/10 Thomas Paine's Common Sense published, 1776 01/11 Alexander Hamilton born in Nevis, British West Indies, 1757? 01/11 Anniversary of the Peoples Republic of Albania 01/11 Armed Forces Day in Liberia 01/11 De Hostos' Birthday in Puerto Rico 01/11 Prithvi Jayanti in Nepal 01/11 Surgeon General condemned cigarettes, 1964 01/11 Milk delivered in bottles for first time, 1878 01/12 Zanzibar Revolution Day in Tanzania 01/13 National Liberation Day in Togo 01/13 Sophie Tucker born, 1884 01/13 Wilhelm Wien born, 1864, Nobel prize for blackbody radiation laws 01/13 Horatio Alger born, 1834 01/14 Albert Schweitzer born, 1875 01/14 Julian Calendar New Year's Day 01/15 Adults Day in Japan 01/15 Arbor Day in Jordan 01/15 Martin Luther King, Jr. born 01/16 Martyrs Day in Benin 01/16 Prohibition begins, 1920 01/16 Set uid bit patent issued, 1979 01/17 Benjamin Franklin born in Boston, 1706 01/17 Justice Dept. begins IBM suit, 1969 01/18 Grey whale migration, CA 01/18 Revolution Day in Tunisia 01/19 Confederate Heroes Day in Texas 01/19 Edgar Allan Poe born in Boston, 1809 01/19 Ethopian Epiphany in Ethiopia 01/19 Nameday of Archbishop Makarios in Cyprus 01/19 Robert Edward Lee born in Stratford Estate, Virginia, 1807 01/19 Janis Joplin born, 1943 01/20 Army Day in Mali 01/20 National Heroes Day in Guinea-Bissau 01/20 St. Agnes Eve (Ah, bitter chill it was...) 01/20 Geo. Burns born, 1898 01/20* Martin Luther King Day in New York (3rd Sunday) 01/20* Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia (3rd Monday) 01/20* Robert E. Lee's Birthday in Alabama & Mississippi (3rd Monday) 01/21 Lenin died, 1924 01/21 Our Lady of Altagracia in Dominican Republic 01/21 Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson born in Clarksburg, VA, 1824 01/22 Sir Francis Bacon born, 1561 01/23 Ernst Abbe born, 1840, formulated diffraction theory 01/23 Feast of St. Ildefonsus 01/23 Humphrey Bogart born in New York City, 1899 01/23 John Hancock born, 1737 01/23 Joseph Hewes born, 1730 01/23 National Handwriting Day 01/23 Saml. Barber died, 1981 01/24 DG Nova introduced, 1969 01/24 Economic Liberation Day in Togo 01/24 Gold discovered in California at Sutter's Mill, 1848 01/24 Eskimo Pie patented by Christian Nelson, 1922 01/25 First U.S. meeting of ALGOL definition committee, 1958 01/25 Robert Burns born, 1759 01/25 Virginia Woolf born, 1882 01/25 W. Somerset Maugham born, 1874 01/26 EDVAC demonstrated, 1952 01/26 Republic Day in India 01/26 Sydney Aust. settled, 1778 01/27 Samuel Gompers born, 1850 01/27 Vietnam War cease-fire signed, 1973 01/27 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born in Salzburg, 1756 01/27 Grissom, White and Chaffe burned to death in Apollo 1, 1967 01/28 First ski tow, Woodstock VT, 1914 01/28 Space Shuttle Challenger (51-L) explodes 74 seconds after liftoff killing Scobee, Smith, McNair, Resnick, Jarvis, Onizuka and McAuliffe, 1986 01/30 Australia Day in Australia 01/30 Franklin Delano Roosevelt born in Hyde Park, New York, 1882 01/30 Mohandas Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu fanatic, 1948 01/30 Tet Offensive, 1968 01/31 Explorer I launched, 1958. Van Allen Belt discovered 01/31 Hewlett-Packard founded, 1939 01/31 Irving Langmuir, 1881, invented tungsten filament lamp 01/31 Jackie Robinson born, 1919 01/31 "Ham" the chimpanzee soars into space aboard Mercury-Redstone 2, 1961 02 02/01 Chinese New Year Holiday (3 days) in Taiwan 02/01 First TV soap: Secret Storm, 1954 02/01 Forces lead by Khomeini take over Iran, 1979 02/02 Candlemas 02/03 Gertrude Stein born, 1874 02/04 Cybernet inaugurated, 1969 02/04 Independence Commemoration Day in Sri Lanka 02/04 Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army, 1974 02/05 Constitution Day in Mexico 02/06 King George VI of UK dies; his daughter becomes Elizabeth II, 1952 02/06 New Zealand Day 02/07 Independence Day in Grenada 02/07 Sincalair Lewis born, 1885 02/07 Beatles land at JFK airport to begin first U.S. tour, 1964 02/08 1963 Revolution Anniversary in Iraq 02/08 Friedleib F. Runge born, 1795, father of paper chromatography 02/08 Jules Verne born in Nantes, France, 1828 02/09 -51 degrees F, Vanderbilt MI, 1934 02/09 George Hartmann born, 1489, designed astrolabes, timepieces, etc. 02/09 St. Maron's Day in Lebanon 02/10 Charles Lamb born, 1775 02/10 Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck, AD 60 02/10 William Allen White born, 1868 02/11 Last day of JOSS service at RAND Corp., 1966 02/11 National Foundation Day in Japan 02/11 Thos. Edison born, 1847 02/11 William Henry Fox Talbot born, 1489, photographic pioneer 02/11* Shrove Tuesday / Mardi Gras (day before Ash Wednesday) 02/12* Ash Wednesday - first day of Lent 02/12 Abraham Lincoln born, 1809 02/12 Charles Darwin born in Shrewsbury, England, 1809 02/12 Lincoln's real birthday 02/12 Pyidaungsa Day in Burma 02/12 Santa Barbara oil leak, 1969 02/14 Bombing of Dresden, 1945 02/14 First micro-on-a-chip patented (TI), 1978 02/14 St. Valentine's day 02/15 Chicago Seven convicted, 1970 02/15 ENIAC demonstrated, 1946 02/15 Galileo Galilei born in Pisa, Italy, 1564 02/15 Susan B. Anthony born, 1820 02/16 Makha Bucha Day in Thailand 02/16 Nylon patented, 1937 02/16 Pierre Bouguer born, 1698, founder of photometry 02/16 Stephen Decatur burns US frigate in Tripoli, 1804 02/17 Federick Eugene Ives born, 1856, pioneer of halftone 02/17 Marion Anderson born, 1902 02/17 T. J. Watson, Sr. born, 1874 02/17* "President's Day" 02/18 Democracy Day in Nepal 02/18 Ernst Mach born, 1838, philosopher & optics pioneer 02/18 Independence Day in The Gambia 02/18 Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory, AZ, 1930 02/19 Nicolas Copernicus born in Thorn, Poland, 1473 02/19 US Marines land on Iwo Jima, 1945 02/20 Ludwig Boltzmann born, 1838, atomic physics pioneer 02/20 John Glenn orbits the Earth 3 times, 1962 02/21 Alexis De Rochon born, 1838, developed the spyglass 02/21 Battle of Verdun begins, 1916 1M casualties 02/21 Malcom X shot to death in Harlem, 1965 02/21 First telephone directory, New Haven, Connecticut, 1878 02/22 George Washington born, 1732 02/22 Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen born, 1838, found hydrogen in the sun 02/23 Handel born, 1685 02/23 Lt Calley confesses, implicates Cpt Medina, 1971 02/23 Republic Day in Guyana 02/23 W.E.B.DuBois born, 1868 02/24 Gregorian Calendar Day 02/24 Winslow Homer born, 1836 02/24 Impeachment proceedings against Andrew johnson begin, 1868 02/25 George Harrison born in Liverpool, England, 1943 02/25 National Day in Kuwait 02/25 Renoir born, 1841 02/26 Dominique Francois Jean Arago born, 1786, observed "Poisson's spot" cf June 21 02/27 Independence Day in Dominican Republic 02/27 The Lionheart crowned, 1189 02/28 Michel de Mantaigne born, 1533 02/29 French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704 02/29 Herman Hollerith born, 1860 02/29 Jimmy Dorsey born, 1904 03 03/01 David Niven born, 1910 03/01 First NPL (later PL/I) report published, 1964 03/01 Samil Independence Movement Day in South Korea 03/01 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba arrested for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692 03/01 St. David's Day, Cardiff 03/02 Blackthorn winds (New England) <> 03/02 Peasants Day in Burma 03/02 Texas Independence day 03/02 Victory of Adowa in Ethiopia 03/02 Dr. Seuss born, 1904 03/03 Throne Day in Morocco 03/03 Girl's Day in Japan 03/04 Antonio Vivaldi born in Venice, Italy, 1678 03/04 Casimir Pulaski born, 1747 03/04 First Cray-1 shipped to Los Alamos 03/04 First meeting of Congress, 1789, in N.Y.C. 03/04 Vermont Admission Day (admitted as 14th state in 1791) 03/05 Independence Day in Equatorial Guinea 03/06 Independence Day in Ghana 03/06 Lantern Day, Bejing 03/06 Hindenburg explodes and burns upon landing at Lakehurst, NJ, 1939 03/07 Aristotle died, 322BC 03/07 Last Gilbert & Sullivan opera produced, 1896 03/07 Sir John Frederick William Herschel born, 1792, astronomer 03/08 Alvan Clark born, 1804, astronomer & lens manufacturer 03/08 First annual International Women's Day, 1909 03/08 Howard Aiken born, 1900 03/08 International Women's Day in U.S.S.R. 03/08 Syrian National Day in Libyan Arab Republic 03/08 Women's Day in Guinea-Bissau, Taiwan, Yemen Democratic Republic 03/08 Youth Day in Zambia 03/09 "GOTO considered harmful" published in CACM, 1968 03/09 Decoration Day in Liberia 03/09 Falgun Purnima Day in Nepal 03/10 Labor Day in South Korea 03/11 Johnny Appleseed Day; anniversary of the death of John Chapman 03/11 Robert Treat Paine born, 1737 03/11 Vannevar Bush born, 1890 03/12 Commonwealth Day in Swaziland 03/12 Gustav Robert Kirchhoff born, 1824, physicist 03/12 Independence Day in Mauritius 03/12 Moshoeshoe's Birthday in Lesotho 03/12 Renovation Day in Gabon 03/13 "Striptease" introduced, Paris, 1894 03/13 National Day in Grenada 03/14 Albert Einstein born, 1879 03/14 Casey Jones born, 1864 03/14 Giovanni Virginia Schiaparelli born, 1835, astronomer; named Mars "canals" 03/14 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier born, 1768, mathematician & physicist 03/14 LISP introduced, 1960 03/14 Teddy Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from continental US, 1907 03/15 Buzzards return to Hinckley OH 03/15 J.J. Robert's Birthday in Liberia 03/15 Julius Caesar assassinated by Brutus; Ides of March, 44BC 03/15 Sly Stone born, 1944 03/15 France assumes protectorate over Vietnam, 1874 03/15 Watts, Los Angeles, riots kill two, injure 25, 1966 03/16 Black Press Day; first Black newspaper founded in 1827 03/16 George Clymer born, 1739 03/16 James Madison born, 1751 03/16 MyLai Massacre; 300 non-combatant villagers killed by U.S. infantrymen 03/16 Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket, Auburn MA,, 1926 03/17 Evacuation Day in Suffolk County, Massachusetts 03/17 St. Patrick's Day 03/17 Vanguard I launched, 1958. Earth proved pear-shaped 03/18 Aleksei Leonov performs first spacewalk, 1965 03/19 St. Joseph's Day in Colombia, Costa Rica, Holy See, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Spain, Venezuela 03/19 Tree Planting Day in Lestho 03/19 Swallows return to Capistrano 03/20 Independence Day in Tunsia 03/20 Youth Day in Oklahoma 03/20* Vernal Equinox, 0525 EST 03/21 Afghan New Year in Afghanistan 03/21 J. S. Bach born, 1685 03/21 Juarez' Birthday in Mexico 03/22 Abolition Day in Puerto Rico 03/23 Pakistan Day in Pakistan 03/23* Palm Sunday (7 days before Easter) 03/24 Construction of New York subway system begins, 1900 03/24 Harry Houdini born, 1874 03/25 Greek Independence Day in Cyprus 03/25 Lady Day (a.k.a. the Feast of the Annunciation) 03/25 Maryland Day in Maryland 03/25 National Holiday in Greece 03/25 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911 03/25* Purim - Feast of Lots 03/26 Benjamin Thompson born, 1753, Count Rumford; physicist 03/26 Independence Day in Bangladesh 03/26 Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937 03/26 Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day in Hawaii 03/27 Armed Forces Day in Burma 03/27 Khrushchev becomes Premier of Soviet Union, 1958 03/27 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen born, 1845, discoverer of X-rays 03/28 DEC announces PDP-11, 1970 03/28 Pierre Simon de Laplace born, 1749, mathematician & astronomer 03/28 Three Mile Island releases radioactive gas, 1979 03/29 Death of President Barthelemy Boganda in Central African Republic 03/29 Memorial Day in Madagascar 03/29 Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE, 1638 03/30 Five rings around Uranus discovered, 1977 03/30 Francisco Jose de Goya born, 1746 03/30 Pencil with eraser patented, 1858 03/30 Sean O'Casey born, 1880 03/30 Vincent Van Gogh born, 1853 03/30 Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, 1867 03/27* Maundy Thursday (3 days before Easter) 03/28* Good Friday (2 days before Easter) 03/30* Easter 03/31 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. founded, Phila, 1946 03/31 National Day in Malta 03/31 Rene Descartes born, 1596, mathematician & philosopher 03/31* Seward's Day in Alaska (last Monday) 04 04/01 April Fool's Day 04/01 Yourdon, Inc. founded, 1974 (It figures.) 04/01 Youth Day in Benin 04/02 Malvinas Day in Argentina 04/02 Pascua Florida Day in Florida 04/03 IBM 701 introduced, 1953 04/03 Washington Irving born, 1783 04/04 Ching Ming Festival in Hong Kong 04/04 Liberation Day in Hungary 04/04 Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, 1968 04/04 Muddy Waters born, 1915 04/04 NATO Established, 1949 04/04 National Day in Senegal 04/04 Tandy Corp. acquires Radio Shack, 1963 (9 stores) 04/05 Arbor Day in South Korea 04/05 Thomas Hobbes born, 1588, philosopher 04/05 Tomb Sweeping Day in Taiwan 04/06 Chakri Memorial Day in Thailand 04/06 Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church, 1830 04/06 Victory Day in Ethiopia 04/07 Alewives run, Cape Cod 04/07 IBM announces System/360, 1964 04/08 David Rittenhouse born, 1732, astronomer & mathematician 04/08 Fast and Prayer Day in Liberia 04/08 Buddha born, 563 BC 04/09 ENIAC Project begun, 1943 04/09 Edward Muybridge born, 1830, motion-picture pioneer 04/09 J. Presper Eckert born, 1919 04/09 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, 1865 04/09 Martyrs Day in Tunisia 04/09 Paul Robeson born, 1898 04/10 Commodore Matthew calbraith Perry born, 1854 04/10 William Booth born, 1829, founder of the Salvation Army 04/11 National Heroes Day in Costa Rica 04/12 Space Shuttle Columbia launched, 1981 04/12 Confederate troops fire first shots of Civil War at Ft Sumter, 1861 04/12 Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space, 1961 04/13 Laotian New Year (3 days) in Laos 04/13 National Day in Chad 04/13 Songkron Day in Thailand 04/13 Thomas Jefferson born, 1743 04/14 Christian Huygen born, 1629, physicist & astronomer; discovered Saturn's rings 04/14 Day of the Americas in Honduras 04/14 Titanic hits iceberg and sinks, 1912 04/15 Bengali New Year in Bangladesh 04/15 Leonardo da Vinci born, 1452 04/15 Ray Kroc opens first McDonalds in Des Plaines, IL, 1955 04/16 Charles (Charlie) Chaplin (Sir) born in London, 1889 04/16 De Diego's Birthday (celebrated in Puerto Rico) 04/16 Holy Week (5 days) in Venezuela 04/16 Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, 1865 04/16 Tourist Week (5 days) in Uruguay 04/17 Bay of Pigs invasion crushed by Castro forces, 1961 04/17 Burmese New Year in Burma 04/17 Bay of Pigs, 1961 04/18 Einstein's Death, 1955 04/18 San Francisco earthquake, 1906 04/18 First Laundromat opens, Fort Worth Texas, 1934 04/19 Declaration of Independence in Venezuela 04/19 Landing of the "33" in Uruguay 04/19 Republic Day in Sierra Leone 04/19 Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 1943 04/20 Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of busing, 1971 04/21 San Jacinto Day in Texas 04/21 Tiradentes in Brazil 04/21 Lyrid meteor shower 04/21* Patriot's Day in Maine & Massachusetts (3rd Monday) 04/22 Arbor Day in Nebraska & Delaware 04/22 Kant born, 1724 04/22 Oklahoma Day in Oklahoma 04/23 Hank Aaron hits his first home run, 1954 04/24 Victory Day in Togo 04/24* Pesach - First Day of Passover - Festival of Freedom 04/25 Anniversary of the Revolution in Portugal 04/25 Anzac Day in Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Western Samoa 04/25 Ella Fitzgerald born, 1918 04/25 Liberation Day in Italy 04/25 National Flag Day in Swaziland 04/26 Carol Burnett born in San Antonio, Texas, 1933 04/26 Confederate Memorial Day in Florida & Georgia 04/26 Union Day in Tanzania 04/26 William Shakespeare baptised in Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1564 04/27 Independence Day in Togo 04/27 Louis Victor de Broglie born, 1774, physicist 04/27* Daylight Saving time begins 04/27 Magellan killed in Phillippines, 1521 04/28 James Monroe born, 1758 04/28 Zilog Z-80 introduced 04/28* Arbor Day in Wyoming (last Monday) 04/28* Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama & Mississippi (last Monday) 04/29 Emperor's Birthday in Japan 04/29 Jules Henri Poincare born, 1854, founder of topology 04/29 William Randolph Hearst born in San Francisco, 1863 04/29 Zipper patented by Gideon Sindback, 1913 04/30 Karl Friedrich Gauss born, 1777, mathematician & astronomer 04/30 Queen's Birthday in Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles 04/30 The Workers Day in Uruguay 05 05/01 Boy's day in Japan 05/01 Last day of Passover 05/01 Beltaine; Feast of the god Bel, sun god 05/01 First BASIC program run at Dartmouth, 1964 05/01 Kate Smith born, 1909 05/01 Labor Day in many places 05/01 Law Day (decl. by Eisenhower) 05/01 May Day in many places 05/02 Constitution Day in Japan 05/02 Dr. Benj. Spock born, 1903 05/02 King's Birthday in Lesotho 05/03 Anti-war protest disrupts business in Washington, 1971 05/04 4 Kent students demonstrating against Cambodia incursion are shot, 1970 05/04 Rhode Island Independence Day 05/05 Battle of Puebla in Mexico 05/05 Children's Day in Japan, South Korea 05/05 Coronatin Day in Thailand 05/05 Liberation Day in Netherlands 05/05 John Scopes arrested for teaching evolution, Dayton, TN, 1925 05/06 Bataan Day in Philippines 05/06 EDSAC demonstrated, 1949 05/07 Brahms born, 1833 05/07 Germany Surrenders after WWII, 1945 05/07 Johannes Brahms born in Hamburg, 1833 05/07 May Day in United Kingdom 05/07 Tchaikowsky born, 1840 05/08 Beginning of ostrich mating season 05/08 Buddha's Birthday in South Korea 05/08 Elections for the National Assembly in Philippines 05/08 Truman Day in Missouri 05/08 US institutes mining of Haiphong Harbor, 1972 05/09 94 degrees, New York, 1979 05/09 Liberation Day in Czechoslovakia 05/09 Pinza died, 1957 05/09 Victory Day in Poland, U.S.S.R. 05/10 Confederate Memorial Day in South Carolina 05/10 Fred Astaire (Frederick Austerlitz) born in Omaha, Nebraska, 1899 05/10 Germany invades Low Countries, 1940 05/10 Mothers Day in Guatamala 05/10 Nazi bookburning, 1933 05/11 Minnesota Day in Minnesota 05/11 Johnny Appleseed born, 1768 05/11* Mother's Day (2nd Sunday) 05/12 Florence Nightingale born in Florence, Italy, 1820 05/13 Arthur S. Sullivan born, 1842 05/14 Anniversary of the Founding of Guinean Deomcratic Party in Guinea 05/14 Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804 05/14 Buddhist Holiday (Waisak 2528) in Indonesia 05/14 Independence Day (2 days) in Paraguay 05/14 Nation of Israel proclaimed, 1948 05/14 Unification Day in Liberia 05/15 Asylum for Inebriates founded, Binghamton NY, 1854 05/15 Kamuzu Day in Malawi 05/15 Vesak Day in Singapore, Malaysia 05/15 Visakha Bucha Day in Thailand 05/16 Armed Forces Day 05/16 Discovery Day in Cayman Islands 05/16 First report on SNOBOL distributed (within BTL), 1963 05/15*? Ascension Day (10 days before Pentecost) 05/17 24" rain in 11 hours, Pearl River, S. China, 1982 05/17 Constitution Day in Nauru, Norway 05/17 Six SLA members killed in televised gun fight, 1974 05/18 Battle of Las Piedras in Uruguay 05/18 Flag Day in Haiti 05/18 Napoleon crowned Emperor, 1804 05/18 Prayer Day in Denmark 05/19 Armed Forces Day 05/19 Ho Chi Minh born, 1890 05/19 Youth and Sports Day in Turkey 05/20 Mecklenburg Independence Day in North Carolina 05/20 National Day in Cameroon 05/20 Victoria Day in Canada 05/19* Memorial Day in Michigan (3rd Monday) 05/21 Battle of Iquique in Chile 05/21 DEC announces PDP-8 05/21 US explodes first hydrogen bomb, 1956 05/21 Plato (Aristocles) born in Athens(?), 427BC 05/22 Johann Sebastian Bach born in Eisenach, Germany, 1665 05/22 Ethernet first described, 1973 05/22 National Heroes Day in Sri Lanka 05/22 US Civil War ends, 1865 05/23 Commonwealth Day in Jamaica, Belize 05/23 Israeli raid into Argentina to capture Adolf Eichmann, 1960 05/23 National Labor Day in Jamaica 05/23 Two Yetis sighted, Mt. Everest, 1953 05/24 Battle of Pinchincha in Ecuador 05/24 Bermuda Day in Bermuda 05/24 Day of Slav Letters in Bulgaria 05/24 Bob Dylan born, 1941 05/25 African Freedom Day in Zimbabwe 05/25 African Liberation Day in Chad, Mauritania, Zambia 05/25 Anniversary of the Revolution of 1810 in Argentina 05/25 Independence Day in Jordan 05/25 Memorial Day in New Mexico & Puerto Rico 05/25 Oral Roberts sees 900 foot tall Jesus Christ, Tulsa OK, 1980 05/25 Revolution in the Sudan in Libyan Arab Republic 05/25 Successful test of the limelight in Purfleet, England, 1830 05/26 Congress sets first immigration quotas, 1924 05/26 Al Jolson born, 1886 05/25*? Pentecost - Whitsunday 05/27 Afghanistan attains sovereignty, 1921 05/27 First joint meeting of U.S. and European ALGOL definition cte., 1958 05/27 Golden Gate Bridge opens, 1937 05/27 Hubert H. Humphrey born, 1911 05/27 Rogation Sunday 05/26* Memorial Day in various places (last Monday) 05/26*? Whitmonday 05/28 Dionne quintuplets born, 1934 05/28 First meeting of COBOL definition cte. (eventually CODASYL), 1959 05/28 Mothers Day in Central African Republic 05/29 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkay climb Mt. Everest, 1953 05/29 Gilbert Keith Chesterton born, 1874 05/29 John Fitzgerald Kennedy born, 1917 05/29 Patrick Henry born, 1736 05/29 Forst food stamps issued, 1961 05/30 Colossus Mark II, 1944 05/30 Mel (Melvin Jerome) Blanc born in San Francisco, 1908 05/30 US Marines sent to Nicaragua, 1912 05/31 Memorial Day 05/31 Pya Martyrs Day in Togo 05/31 Republic Day in South Africa 06 06/01 Brigham Young born, 1801 06/01 Independence Days (3 days) in Western Samoa 06/01 Madaraka Day in Kenya 06/01 Marilyn Monroe born, 1928 06/01 Victory Day in Tunisia 06/02 Corpus Christi in Paraguay 06/02 Edward Elgar (Sir) born in Worcester, England, 1857 06/02 First issue of Computerworld, 1967 06/02 Native Americans "granted" citizenship, 1924 06/01*? Trinity Sunday (7 days after Pentecost) 06/03 Confederate Memorial Day in Kentucky & Louisiana 06/03 Henry James born, 1811 06/03 Jefferson Davis's Birthday in Alabama & Mississippi (1st Monday) 06/03 Labor Day in Bahamas 06/04 Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong, Taiwan 06/04 Emancipation Day in Tonga 06/04 Queen's Birthday in New Zealand 06/04 Roquefort cheese developed, 1070 06/05 Constitution Day in Denmark 06/05 Liberation Day in Seychelles 06/05 US leaves the Gold Standard, 1933 06/05 Robert Kennedy Assasinated, 1968 06/06 His Majesty, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong's Birthday in Malaysia 06/06 Memorial Day in South Korea 06/06 Normandy landing, 1944 06/05*? Corpus Christi (11 days after Pentecost) 06/06 First drive-in movie, 1933 06/07 (Eugene Henri) Paul Gaugin born, 1848 06/07 George Bryan "Beau" Brummel born, 1778 06/08 Frank Lloyd Wright born in Richland Center, Wisconsin, 1869 06/09 Senior Citizen's Day in Oklahoma 06/10 Camoes Day in Portugal 06/10 Death of Alexander the Great, 323 B.C. 06/10 First Apple II shipped, 1977 06/10 Judy Garlnad born, 1922 06/11 Greeks seize Troy, 1184BC 06/11 King Kamehameha I Day in Hawaii 06/11 Queen's Birthday 06/12 Independence Day in Philippines 06/12 Peace with Bolivia in Paraguay 06/13 Corrective Movement in Yemen Arab Republic 06/13 Pioneer flies past Neptune, and therefore out of the Solar System 06/13* Shevuos - Feast of Weeks 06/14 Flag Day 06/14 Sandpaper invented by I. Fischer, Jr., 1834 06/15 Ben Franklin's kite experiment, 1752 06/15 Edward (Edvard Hagerup) Grieg born in Bergen, Norway, 1843 06/15 Magna Carta signed, 1215 06/15 Series of photographs by Edward Muggeridge prove to Leland Stanford that all the hooves of a horse are off the ground during the gallop, 1878 06/15 UNIVAC I delivered to the Census Bureau, 1951 06/16 Bloomsday - Anniversary of Dublin events, 1904, in "Ulysses" 06/16 First programming error at Census Bureau, 1951 (apocryphal) 06/16 Hammurabi the Great dies, Babylon, 1686 bc 06/15* Father's Day 06/17 Bunker Hill Day in Suffolk County, Massachusetts 06/17 China explodes its first Hydrogen bomb, 1967 06/17 Independence Day in Iceland 06/17 National Day in Federal Republic of Germany 06/17 Watergate Democratic National Committee break-in, 1972 06/18 Evacuation Day in Egypt 06/18 M C Escher born, 1898 06/18 Paul McCartney born in Liverpool, England, 1942 06/18 Queen's Birthday in Fiji 06/19 Artigas Birthday in Uruguay 06/19 Emancipation Day in Texas 06/19 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in Sing-Sing prison, 1953 06/19 Labor Day in Trinidad, Tobago 06/19 Lizzie Bordon acquitted, 1893 06/19 Revolution Day in Algeria 06/20 Flag Day in Argentina 06/20 Victoria crowned, 1837 06/20 West Virginia Day in West Virginia 06/21 Berlin airlift begins, 1948 06/21 Summer solstice, 12:02 am, EST 06/21 Sun rises over Heelstone at Stonehenge 06/22 Carl Hubbell born, 1903 06/22 Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964 06/22 Corrective Movement in Yermen Democratic Republic 06/22 Meryl Streep born in Summit, New Jersey, 1949 06/22 Midsummer Eve in Finland, Sweden 06/22 National Sovereignty Day in Haiti 06/23 IBM unbundles software, 1969 06/23 National Holiday in Luxembourg 06/23 Slavery abolished in England, 1772 06/23 Turing's Birthday, 1912 06/24 Battle of Carabobob in Venezuela 06/24 Fisherman's Day in Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia 06/24 Kings Day in Spain 06/24 Peasants Day in Peru 06/24 Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970 06/24 St. Jean-Baptiste Day in Quebec 06/25 Custer's Last Stand, 1876 06/25 Eric Arthur Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) born, 1903 06/25 Little Big Horn, 1876 06/25 N. Korea invades S. Korea, 1950 06/26 Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 06/26 St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth II, 1959 06/26 Toothbrush invented, 1498 06/27 100 degrees, Fort Yukon, 1915 06/27 Helen Keller born, 1880 06/28 Mothers Day in Central African Republic 06/28 Supreme Court decides in favor of Alan Bakke, 1978 06/29 Independence Day in Seychelles 06/29 Last Day of Ramadan* in Algeria, Oman 06/30 "That" explosion in Siberia, 1908 06/30 China and Soviet Union announce split over ideology, 1960 06/30 Day of the Army in Guatemala 06/30 First advanced degree on computer related topic: to H. Karamanian, Temple Univ., Phila, 1948, for symbolic diffentiation on the ENIAC 07 07/01 Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863 07/01 Dominion Day in Canada 07/01 Eid-Ul-Fitr* (2 days) in Pakistan 07/01 Freedom Day in Suriname 07/01 Independence Day in Burundi 07/01 National Day in Rwamda 07/01 Republic Day in Ghana 07/01 Union of the Somalia Republic in Somalia 07/02 National Day in Kiribati 07/03 Dog days begin 07/03 Franz Kafka born, 1883 07/04 Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863 07/04 Caribbean Day in Guyana 07/04 Cloudy, 76 degrees, Philadelphia PA, 1776 07/04 Constitution Day in Cayman Islands 07/04 Family Day in Lesotho 07/04 Heroes Day in Zambia 07/04 John Adams and Thomas Jefferson die on same day, 1826 07/04 Kadooment Day in Barbados 07/04 Nathaniel Hawthorne born in Salem, Massachusetts, 1804 07/04 New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776 07/04 Philippine-American Friendship Day in the Philippines 07/04 Warriors Day (2 days) in Yugoslavia 07/04 Thoreau enters woods, 1845 07/05 Day of Peace and Unity in Rwanda 07/05 Independence Day in Algeria, Venezuela 07/06 (Helen) Beatrix Potter born, 1866 07/06 First `talkie' (talking motion picture) premiere in New York, 1928 07/06 John Paul Jones born, 1747 07/06 Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba, 1917 07/07 Anniversary of the P.U.N. in Equatorial Guinea 07/07 First radio broadcast of "Dragnet", 1949 07/07 National Day in Malawi 07/07 Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) born in Liverpool, England, 1940 07/07 Saba Saba Day in Tanzania 07/07 P.T. Barnum dies, 1891 07/08 Bell Telephone Co. formed (predecessor of AT&T), 1877 07/08 CDC incorporated, 1957 07/08 Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin born, 1838 07/08 First public reading of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 07/08 Liberty Bell cracks while being rung at funeral of John Marshall, 1835 07/09 10-hour working day set by law, NH, 1847 07/09 Independence Day in Argentina 07/10 Independence Day in Bahamas 07/10 John Calvin born, 1509 07/10 134 degrees in Death Valley, 1913 07/11 John Quincy Adams born, 1767 07/11 National Holiday in the Mongolian People's Republic 07/12 Battle of Boyne celebrated in Northern Ireland 07/12 Henry David Thoreau born, 1817 07/12 The Twelfth in Northern Ireland 07/12 Minimum wages established: 40 cents/hour, 1933 07/13 Buddhist Lent in Thailand 07/13 Women first compete in Olympic games, 1908 07/14 Anniversary of the Revolution in Iraq 07/14 Bastille Day 07/14 National Holiday in Monaco 07/14 Woodie Guthrie born, 1912 07/15 Clement Clarke Moore born, 1779, author of "A Visit from Saint Nicholas" 07/15 St. Swithin's Day 07/16 Detonation of the first atomic bomb at Alamagordo, NM, 1945 07/16 Presidents Day in Botswanna 07/17 Constitution Day in South Korea 07/17 Disneyland opens, 1955 07/17 July Revolution in Iraq 07/17 Munoz Rivera's Birthday (celebrated in Puerto Rico) 07/17 Public Holiday in Botswanna 07/18 Constitution Day in Uruguay 07/18 Liberation Day in Nicaragua 07/18 Ty Cobb gets 4000th base hit, 1927 07/18 Disneyland opens, 1955 07/19 Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft, 1692 07/19 Martyrs Day in Burma 07/20 Armstrong and Aldrin land on moon, 1969 07/20 Independence Day in Colombia 07/21 National Holiday in Belgium 07/21 Vietnam divided at 17th parallel, 1954 07/21 First Train Robbery, Jesse James gets $3000 near Adair, Iowa, 1873 07/22 King's Birthday in Swaziland 07/22 National Day in Poland 07/23 Anniversary of the Revolution Egypt 07/23 Eqyptian National Day in Syrian Arab Republic 07/23 Ice cream cone introduced, St. Louis MO, 1904 07/23 Remembrance Day in Papua, New Guinea 07/24 Pioneer Day in Utah 07/24 Scopes Monkey Trial, 1925 07/24 Simon Bolivar's Day in Ecuador, Venezuela 07/25 Constitution Day in Puerto Rico 07/25 National Rebellion Day (3 days) in Cuba 07/25 Republic Day in Tunisia 07/25 St. James, Patron Saint in Spain 07/26 Independence Day in Liberia 07/26 National Day in Maldives 07/27 Barbosa's Birthday (celebrated in Puerto Rico) 07/28 Bach dies, 1750 07/28 Independence Days (2 days) in Peru 07/29 Mussolini born, 1883 07/29 Olsok Eve in Norway to commemorate Norway's Viking King St. Olav 07/29 Rain Day in Waynesburg, PA 07/30 "In God We Trust" made U.S. motto, 1956 07/30 Emily Bronte born, 1818 07/30 Henry Ford born, 1863 07/31 Harry S. Truman dedicates N.Y. Int'l Airport @ Idlewild Field, 1948, later JFK 07/31 Revolution Day in Congo 08 08/01 Discovery Day in Trinidad, Tobogo 08/01 Emancipation Day in Granada 08/01 Founding of Asuncion in Paraguay 08/01 Freedom Day in Guyana 08/01 Herman Melville born, 1819 08/01 Lughnasa; Feast of the god Lugh, a 30 day Celtic feast centers on this day 08/01 National Day in Switzerland 08/01 National Holidays (5 days) in El Salvador 08/01 Parent's Day in Zaire 08/02 Our Lady of Los Angeles in Costa Rica 08/03 Independence Day in Jamaica, Niger 08/03 Massacre du Pidjiguiti in Buinea-bissau 08/03 Memorial Day of Archbishop Makarios in Cyprus 08/03 USS Nautilus crosses under north polar ice cap, 1958 08/03 Columbus sets sail for Cathay, 1492 08/04 Axe murder of Andrew and Abbey Borden, 1892 08/04 Bombing of N. Vietnam begins, 1964 08/04 Britain declares war on Germany starting World War I, 1914 08/04 Freedom Day in Guyana 08/06 Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 1945 08/06 Caricom in Barbados 08/06 Cy Young pitches first game, 1890 08/06 Emancipation Day in Bahamas 08/06 Independence Day in Bolivia 08/07 Battle of Boyaca in Colombia 08/08 Dustin Hoffman born in Los Angeles , 1937 08/08 Montenegro declares war on Germany, 1914 08/08 Nixon announces resignation, 1973 08/08 The Great Train Robbery $7,368,000, 1963 08/09 Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, 1945 08/09 National Day in Singapore 08/09 Persia defeats Spartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae, 480 BC 08/08 Richard Nixon resigns the US presidency, 1974 08/09 US/Canada border defined in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842 08/10 Chicago incorporated as a village of 300 people, 1833 08/10 Independence Day in Ecuador 08/10 US and Panama agree to transfer the canal in the year 2000, 1977 08/11 Dog days end 08/11 France Ends War in Indochina, 1954 08/11 Heroes Day (2 days) in Zimbabwe 08/11 Independence Day in Chad 08/11 King Hussein's Accession to the Throne in Jordan 08/11 Perseid meteor shower (look north; three days) 08/12 First test flight of Space Shuttle "Enterprise" from 747, 1977 08/12 Last U.S. ground troops out of Vietnam, 1972 08/12 Queen's Birthday in Thailand 08/12 Thomas Mann's Death, 1955 08/13 Annie Oakley born, 1860 08/13 Berlin wall erected, 1961 08/13 Fidel Castro born, 1927 08/13 Li'l Abner debut, 1934 08/13 Proclamation of Independence in Central African Republic 08/13 Women's Day in Tunisia 08/14 IBM PC announced, 1981 08/14 Independence Day in Pakistan 08/14 Social Security begins in U.S., 1935 08/14 VJ Day, 1945 08/14 Waddi Dhahab in Morocco 08/15 Beatles replace drummer Pete Best with Richard Starkey 08/15 Founding of Ascuncion in Paraguay 08/15 Gandhi's movement obtains independence for Pakistan and India, 1947 08/15 Hurricane hits Plimoth Plantation, 1635 08/15 Independence Day in India 08/15 Liberation Day in South Korea 08/15 National Day in Congo 08/15 Santa Maria in Malta 08/16 Bennington Battle Day in Vermont 08/16 Independence Days (3 days) in Gabon 08/16 Restoration Day in Dominican Republic 08/16 Roller Coaster patented, 1898 08/16 Woodstock Begins, 1969 08/15* Admission Day in Hawaii {1984} (3rd Friday) 08/17 Anniversary of the Death of General San Martin in Argentina 08/17 First public bath opened in N.Y., 1891 08/17 Independence Day in Indonesia 08/17 Mae West born, 1892 08/18 Anti-Cigarette League of America formed 08/18 Meriwether Lewis born, 1927 08/19 Air Force cargo plane snares payload from Discoverer 14 spy satellite, marking start of practical military reconnaissance from space,1960 08/19 Gail Borden patents condensed milk, 1856 08/19 Independence Day in Afghanistan 08/20 Constitution Day in Hungary 08/20 Leon Trotsky assassinated, 1940 08/22 CDC 6600 introduced, 1963 08/22 Claude Debussy born, 1862 08/22 Death of King Richard III, 1485, Last of the Plantagenets 08/22 Joe Walker sets X-15 all time altitude mark (67 miles), 1963 08/22 St. Columba reports seeing monster in Loch Ness, 565 08/23 DEC founded, 1957 08/23 Gene Kelly born, 1912 08/23 Liberation Days (2 days) in Romania 08/23 Sacco and Vanzetti executed, 1927 08/24 -126.9 F at Vostok, Antarctica, 1960 08/24 British troops burn Washington, 1814 08/24 National Flag Day in Liberia 08/25 Constitution Day in Paragual 08/25 Gen. DeGaulle leads French forces into Paris, 1944 08/25 Independence Day in Uruguay 08/26 Susan B. Anthony Day in Massachussetts 08/26 Women get the vote, 1920 08/27 "Tarzan of the Apes" published, 1912 08/27 Krakatoa, Java explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons, 1883 08/27 Liberation Day in Hong Kong 08/27 Lyndon B. Johnson born, 1908 08/28 Heroes Day in Philippines 08/28 King leads over 200K in civil rights rally in Washington, DC, 1963 08/29 Oliver Wendell Holmes born, 1809, physician & father of the jurist 08/29 Star in Cygnus goes nova & becomes 4th brightest in sky, 1975; Nova Cygni 1975. 08/29 Suruman enters the Shire 08/30 75 cents a pound tariff set on opium, 1842 08/30 Huey P. Long Day in Louisiana 08/30 Japan Stationery Co. sells first felt-tipped pen, 1960 08/30 John W. Mauchly born, 1907 08/30 St. Rose of Lima in Peru 08/30 Victory Day in Turkey 08/30 Washington-to-Moscow hot line connected, 1963 08/31 269 people killed after Korean Airlines 747 shot down by USSR, 1983 08/31 Independence Day in Trinidad, Tobago 08/31 National Day in Malaysia 08/31 Non-aggression pact signed by USSR and Afghanistan, 1926 08/31 Pashtoonian Day in Afghanistan 08/31 Mary Anne Nichols becomes Jack the Ripper's first victim, 1888 09 09/01 Bobby Fischer defeats Boris Spassky in World Chess Match, 1972 09/01 Joshua A. Norton proclaims himself 'Emperor Norton I', 1859 09/02 Great Britain adopts Gregorian Calendar, 1752 09/02 Japan signs unconditional surrender aboard US battleship `Missouri', 1945 09/01* Labor Day (1st Monday) 09/03 Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic in San Marino 09/03 Independence Day in Qatar 09/03 Memorial Day in Tunisia 09/05 First Continental Congress, Phila, 1774 09/05 Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests, 1961 09/05 King Louis XIV of France born, 1638 09/05 Raquel Welch born, 1942 09/05 The first Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia, 1774 09/06 149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard the Mayflower, 1620 09/06 Defense of Pakistan Day in Pakistan 09/06 First Star Trek episode (The Man Trap) aired 1966 09/06 Pres. McKinley shot, 1901 09/06 Settlers Day in South Africa 09/06 Somhlolo in Swaziland 09/06 Word is received that Perry has reached the North Pole and died, 1909 09/07 Independence Day in Brazil 09/07 James Fenimore Cooper born in Burlington, NJ, 1789 09/07 Queen Elizabeth I of England born, 1533 09/08 Anton Dvorak born in Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, 1841 09/08 Gerald R. Ford pardons Richard M. Nixon, 1974 09/08 King Richard I of England born, 1157 09/08 Peter Sellers born in Southsea, England, 1925 09/08 Jack the Ripper kills again, Annie Chapman is second victim, 1888 09/09 Admission Day in California 09/09 Anniversary of the Socialist Revolution k2 days) in Bulgaria 09/09 California becomes the 31st state, 1850 09/09 Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-Tung dies at age of 82, 1976 09/09 National Day in North Korea 09/09 United Colonies is renamed the United States, 1776 09/10 Korean Thanksgiving Day (Chusuk) in South Korea 09/10 Moon Festival in Taiwan 09/10 Mountain Meadows Massacre. Mormons kill Gentile wagon train, 1857 09/10 National Day in Belize 09/11 Ethiopian New Year in Ethiopia 09/11 Grandparent's Day 09/11 Aniversary of military coup in Chile 09/12 Amilcar Cabral's Birthday in Guinea-Bissau 09/12 Defender's Day in Maryland 09/12 German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity in Rome, 1943 09/12 Germany annexes Sudentenland, 1938 09/12 Jesse Owens born, 1913 09/12 Revolution Day in Ethiopia 09/13 136.4 F at el Azizia, Libya, 1922 09/13 Barry Day commemorates the death of Commodore John Barry 09/13 British defeat the French at Abraham near Quebec City, 1788 09/13 Building of Hadrian's Wall begun, 122 09/13 Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China, 1943 09/13 Walter Reed born, 1851 09/14 Battle of San Jacinto in Nicaragua 09/14 Benjamin Franklin is sent to France as an American minister, 1778 09/14 Francis Scott Key writes words to "Star Spangled Banner", 1814 09/14 Salem, Massachusetts, is founded, 1629 09/14 The Selective Service Act establishes the first peacetime draft, 1940 09/15 ACM founded, 1947 09/15 Agatha Christie born in Torquay, England, 1890 09/15 Foundation of Panama in Panama 09/15 Respect for the Aged Day in Japan 09/15 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins his 13 day tour of the US, 1959 09/15 The U.S. Foreign Affairs Dept. becomes the U.S. State Department, 1789 09/16 Allen Funt born in Brooklyn, NY, 1914 09/16 Cherokee Strip Day in Oklahoma 09/16 Independence Day in Mexico, Papua, New Guinea 09/16 The village of Shawmut, Massachusetts, becomes the city of Boston, 1630 09/17 Battle of Antietam, 1862 09/17 National Heroes Day in Angola 09/18 Independence Day in Chile, Zimbabwe 09/18 Greta Garbo born, 1905 09/18 Victory of Uprona in Burundi 09/19 Army Day in Chile 09/20 Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for President, 1884 09/20 First meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848 09/20 First meeting of the National Research Council, 1916 09/20 Harlan Herrick runs first FORTRAN program, 1954 09/20 Magellan leaves Spain on the first Round the World passage, 1519 09/20 Upton (Beall) Sinclair born, 1878 09/21 H. G. (Herbert George) Wells born in Bromley, England, 1866 09/21 Independence Day in Belize 09/21 Louis Joliet born, 1645 09/22 Alied forces form the independent nation West Germany, 1953 09/22 Autumnal equinox, 3:33 pm, EST 09/22 Independence Day in Mali 09/22 National Sovereignty Day in Haiti 09/22 President Garfield dies of wounds in Baltimore, 1881 09/22 President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, 1862 09/22 Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenaes President Nixon, 1974 09/22 The first Soviet atomic bomb explodes, 1949 09/23 Augustus (Gaius Octavius) Caesar born in Rome, 63 BC 09/23 Euripides born in Salamis, Greece, 480 BC 09/23 Grito de Lares in Puerto Rico 09/23 Phillippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law, 1972 09/23 The New York Knickerbockers becomes the first U.S. Baseball club, 1845 09/23 V.P. Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with his "Checkers" speech., 1952 09/24 Anniversary of the Third Republic in Ghana 09/24 F. Scott Fitzgerald born, 1896 09/24 Independence Day in Guinea-Bissau 09/24 National Day in Saudi Arabia 09/24 Our Lady of Mercedes in Dominican Republic 09/24 Republic Day in Trinidad, Tobago 09/25 Army Day in Mozambique 09/25 Referendum Day in Rwanda 09/25 Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on US Supreme Court, 1981 09/26 George Gershwin born in Brooklyn, NY 09/26 Johnny Appleseed born, 1774 09/26 National Day in Maldives, Yemem Deomcratic Republic 09/26 Revoluation Anniversary Day in Yemen Arab 09/26 T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot born in St. Louis, 1888 09/27 Feast of Finding the True Cross in Ethiopia 09/27 The first passenger was hauled in a locomotive in England, 1825 09/27 Thomas Nast born, 1840 09/28 "Pilgrim's Progress" published, 1678 09/28 A greek soldier runs 26+ miles to the Persian defeat at Marathon, 490BC 09/28 Confucious' Day in Taiwan 09/28 Michelangelo Buanarroti born in Caprese, Italy, 1573 09/28 Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) born in Rome, 106BC 09/28 Seymour Cray born, 1925 09/29 Battle of Boqueron in Paraquay 09/29 Gene Autry born, 1907 09/30 Botswanna Day in Botswanna 09/30 The first tooth is extracted under anesthesia in Charleston, Mass, 1846 09/30 The verdicts of the Nuremberg trials are announced, 1946 09/30 Red Jack kills 2, Elizabeth Stride (#3) and Catherine Eddowes (#4), 1888 10 10/01 Armed Forces Day in South Korea 10/01 Independence Day in Nigeria 10/01 Jimmy Carter born, 1924 10/01 Labor Day in Australia 10/01 NASA officially begins operations, 1958 10/01 National Liberation Day (2 days) in China 10/01 Public Holiday in Botswanna 10/02 Anniversary of Guinean Independence in Guinea 10/02 Aristotle dies of indigestion, 322 BC 10/02 First robotics-based CAM, 1939 10/02 Mohandas K. Gandhi born at Porbandar, Kathiawad, India, 1869 10/02 Thurgood Marshall sworn as the first black Supreme Court Justice, 1967 10/03 Chung Yeung Festival in Hong Kong 10/03 Francisco Morazan's Birthday in Honduras 10/03 National Foundation Day in South Korea 10/03 U.N. Day in Varbados 10/04 Rosh Hashanah - New Year (1986 == 5747) 10/04 Crimean war begins, 1853 10/04 First space vehicle, Sputnik I, launched, 1957 10/04 Independence Day in Lesotho 10/04 Janis Joplin O.D.s, 1970 10/04 John V. Atanasoff born, 1903 10/04 Sputnik 1, world's first orbiting satellite launched, 1957 10/05 Anniversary of Proclamation of the Republic in Portugal 10/05 Pablo Picasso born in Malaga, Spain, 1881 10/05 Ray Kroc (founder of McDonald's) born, 1902 10/06 Antioch College is the first public school to admit men and women, 1853 10/06 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat is assassinated in Cairo, 1981 10/06 First GPSS manual published, 1961 10/06 Israel is attacked by the alliance of Egypt and Syria, 1973 10/06 National Sports Day in Lesotho 10/07 First Bandstand (later, American Bandstand) broadcast, 1957 10/07 Foundation of the GDR in 1949 in German Democratic Republic 10/07 Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges, 1977 10/07 Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, 1979 10/07 National Heroes Day in Jamaica 10/07 Police stop Wilbur Mills car, Fanne Fox jumps into water, 1974 10/07 Georgia Tech beats Cumberland Univ 222-0, 1916 10/08 Battle of Agamos in Peru 10/08 Constitution Day in U.S.S.R 10/08 First VisiCalc prototype, 1978 10/08 Great Chicago Fire, 1871 10/08 Thanksgiving Day in Canada 10/09 First two-way telephone conversation, 1876 10/09 Independence Day in Uganda 10/09 Independence of Guayaquil in Ecuador 10/09 John Lennon born in Liverpool, England, 1940 10/09 Korean Alphabet Day in South Korea 10/09 Leif Erikson Day commemorates the discovery of North America in AD 1000 10/09 Republic Day in Khmer Republic 10/10 Beginning of the Wars for Independence in Cuba 10/10 Fiji Day in Fiji 10/10 Foundation of the Workers Party in North Korea 10/10 Health-Sports Day in Japan 10/10 National Day in Taiwan 10/10 Oklahoma Historical Day in Oklahoma 10/10 Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice-President due to income tax fraud, 1973 10/11 Day of the Revolution in Panama 10/11 Druger Day in South Africa 10/11 The Gang of Four are arrested in Peking, 1976 10/11 The first steam powered ferry ran between New York and Hoboken, 1811 10/11 The second Vatican Eccumenical Council opens in Rome, 1962 10/12 Day of the Race in Argentina 10/12 Discovery Day in Gahamas 10/12 Khrushchev pounds his desk with shoe during a speech to the UN, 1960 10/12 Man O'War's last race, 1920 10/12 National Day in Equatorial Guinea, Spain 10/12 Bahama Natives discover Columbus of Europe lost on their shores, 1492 10/12 Our Lady Aparecida Day in Brazil 10/12 Pan American Day in Belize 10/12 Univac gives contract for SIMULA compiler to Nygaard and Dahl, 1962 10/13 Italy declares war on Germany, 1943 10/13 St. Edward's Day - patron saint of England 10/13 U.S. Navy born, 1775, authorized by the Second Continental Congress 10/13 Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) born near Mantua, Italy, 70 BC 10/13 Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement 10/14 Battle of Hastings won by William the Conqueror and the Normans, 1066 10/14 British Computer Society founded, 1957 10/14 Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier, 1947 10/13* Columbus Day observed 10/14 Dwight David Eisenhower born, 1890 10/14 National Day in Yemen Arab Repyblic 10/14 William Penn born in London, 1644 10/14 Young People's Day in Zaire 10/15 Evacuation Day in Tunisia 10/15 First FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual published 10/15 First draft card burned, 1965 10/15 Pelham Grenville Wodehouse born, 1881 10/16 National Boss Day 10/16 Noah Webster born, 1758 10/16 Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde born in Dublin, 1854 10/17 Dessaline's Death Anniversary in Haiti 10/17 Heroes Day in Jamaica 10/17 Mother's Day in Malawi 10/17 Richard Mentor Johnson born, 1780, 9th V.P. of U.S. 10/18 Boston Shoemakers form first U.S. labor org., 1648 10/18 Feast Day of St. Luke 10/18 Succos - Feast of Tabernacles 10/18 Soviets anounce their probe took photos of the Moon's far side, 1959 10/19 Mao Tse-tung establishes the People's Republic of China, 1949 10/19 Napoleon's beaten army beings a long retreat from Moscow, 1812 10/20 "Saturday Night Massacre", 1973 10/20 Anniversary of the 1944 Revolution in Guatemala 10/20 Kenyatta Day in Kenya 10/20 OPEC embargo, 1973 10/20 Zurich ALGOL report published, 1958 10/21 Alfred Nobel born in Stockholm, 1833 10/21 Armed Forces Day in Honduras 10/21 Edison makes the first practical incandescent lamp, 1879 10/21 Guggenheim Museum opens, 1959 10/21 Revolution Days (2 days) in Somalia 10/22 Franz Liszt born, 1811 10/22 Mothers-in-Law Day 10/23 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins, 1944 10/23 Chulalongkron's Day in Thsailand 10/23 Earth created at 6:30am, 4004BC. 10/23 Swallows leave Capistrano 10/24 Independence Day in Zambia 10/24 United Nations Day 10/25 DEC announces VAX-11/780, 1978(?) 10/25 Labor Day in New Zealand 10/25 Taiwan Restoration Day inb Taiwan 10/25 The UN removes Taiwan and admits the People's Republic of China, 1971 10/26 Agam Day in Nauru 10/26 Armed Forces Day in Benin, Rwanda 10/26 National Day in Austria 10/26 UN's World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated, 1978 10/27 Gerald M. Weinberg born, 1933 10/27 James Cook is born, 1466 10/27 New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges, 1871 10/27 The first New York Subway is opened, 1904 10/26* Daylight Savings Time Ends; Turn Clocks Back 1hr. 10/28 Columbus discovers Cuba, 1492 10/28 Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge, 312 10/28 Harvard was founded in Massachusetts, 1636 10/28 National Holiday in Greece 10/28 OHI Day in Cyprus 10/28 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island, 1886 10/29 Republic Day in Turkey 10/29 Stock Market Crash, 1929 10/30 Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast, 1938 10/31 Chiang Kai-Shek born, 1887 10/31 Dale Evans born, 1912 10/31 Halloween 10/31 Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Castle Church, Wittenberg, 1517 10/31 Nevada Day in Nevada 11 11/01 All Saints Day 11/01 Austria-Hungary become two seperate nations, 1918 11/01 Feast of All Saints in Portugal 11/01 Puerto Rican nationalists tried to kill Truman at the Blair House, 1950 11/01 Samhain; Beginning of the Celtic year and most important holiday. 11/02 All Souls Day in Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador, Uruguay 11/02 Daniel Boone born near Reading, PA, 1734 11/02 Luftwaffe completes 57 consecutive nights of bombing of London, 1940 11/02 Memorial Day in Ecuador 11/02 Two Frenchmen make the first free hot air balloon flight, 1783 11/03 Beef rises to 3 cents a pound, IL, 1837 11/03 Culture Day in Japan 11/03 Independence from Columbia in Panama 11/03 Independence of Cuenca in Ecuador 11/03 Linus Pauling wins Nobel Chemistry Prize, 1954 11/03 Sputnik II launched, 1957, bearing spacedog Laika 11/03 Thanksgiving Day in Liberia 11/04 Flag Day in Panama 11/04 Iranian militants seize US embassy personnel in Teheran, 1979 11/04 King William III of Orange born, 1650 11/04 Soviet forces crush the anti-communist revolt in Hungary, 1956 11/04 UNIVAC I program predicts Eisenhower victory based on 7% of votes, 1952 11/04 Will Rogers Day 11/05 Guy Fawkes' Plot, 1605 11/05 Roy Rogers born, 1912 11/04* Election Day 11/06 Anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution (2 days) in U.S.S.R. 11/06 Green March Day in Morocco 11/06 Prophet Mohammed's Birthday in Malaysia 11/07 Abolitionist newspaperman Elijah P Lovejoy murdered by mob, 1837 11/07 Anniversary of Great October Revolution in Bulgaria 11/07 Lewis and Clark Expedition in sight of the Pacific Ocean, 1805 11/07 National Revolution Day 11/07 October Revolution Day in Hungary 11/08 Her Majesty, the Queen's Birthday in Nepal 11/08 Patti Page born, 1927 11/09 Blackout of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada, 1965 11/09 Carl Sagan born, 1934 11/09 Giant panda discovered (?!), China, 1927 11/09 Margaret Sanger forms American Birth Control League, 1921 11/09 Jack the Ripper kills fifth and final victim, Jane Kelly, 1888 11/09 Roosevelt establishes the Civil Works Administration, 1933 11/10 41 Women arrested in suffragette demonstartions near White House, 1917 11/10 Cpt Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison hanged, 1865 11/10 Henry Stanley asks David Livingston, "Dr. Livingston, I presume?", 1871 11/10 King's Birthday in Bhutan 11/10 Martin Luther born in Eisleben, Germany, 1483 11/10 Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev dies at age 75, 1982 11/11 Angola gains independence from Portugal, 1975 11/11 Armistice Day 11/11 Independence Day in Angola 11/11 Independence of Cartagena in Colombia 11/11 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, born in Indianapolis, 1922 11/11 Rememberance Day in Canada 11/11 Republic Day in Maldives 11/11 Veterans' Day 11/11 Washington becomes the 42nd state, 1889 11/12 Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday in Taiwan 11/12 Prince Charles' Birthday in Fiji 11/12 U.S. first exports oil to Europe, 1861 11/13 Paul Simon born, 1942 11/13 Robert Louis Stevenson born, 1850 11/13 St. Augustine of Hippo born in Numidia, Algeria, 354 11/14 King Hussein's Birthday in Jordan 11/14 Quarter Pounder price raised from $0.53 to $0.55 in violation of Nixon price controls (but okayed by Price Commission after formal request from McDonald's), 1971 11/15 Dynasty Day in Belgium 11/15 Niagara Falls power plant startup, 1896 11/15 Proclamation of the Republic in Brazil 11/15 Thatlouang Festival in Laos 11/16 Oklahoma Heritage Week in Oklahoma 11/16 Opening of the Suez Canal, 1869 11/17 Richard Nixon says "I am not a crook.", 1973 11/17 46,000 meteoroids fall over AZ in 20 minutes, 1966 11/17 Army Day in Zaire 11/17 Corrective Movement in Syrian Arab Republic 11/18 Battle of Viertieres in Haiti 11/18 First hydrogen bomb blasts Enewetok, 1952 11/18 Imogene Coca born, 1908 11/18 Independence Day in Morocco 11/18 Local standard time zones established for US, 1883 11/18 National Days (4 days) in Oman 11/18 William S. Gilbert born, 1836 11/19 Anniversary of the 1968 Coup by the Army in Mali 11/19 Discovery Day in Puerto Rico 11/19 Feast Day of S.A.S. Prince Rainier in Monaco 11/19 Garifuna Settlement in Belize 11/19 Gettysburg Address delivered, 1863 11/19 Prince of Wales Birthday in Fiji 11/20 RFK born, 1925 11/20 Revolution Day in Mexico 11/21 Announcement of 18 1/2 minute gap on Watergate tape, 1973 11/21 Day of Prayer and Repentance in Federal Republic of Germany 11/22 Anniversary of Portuguese Aggression in Guinea 11/22 Independence Day in Lebanon 11/22 Kennedy shot in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963 11/22 Total solar eclipse (visible only in southern hemisphere) 11/23 Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan 11/23 First broadcast of Dr. Who (longest running TV series), 1963 11/24 Anniversary of the New Regime in Zaire 11/24 Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby, 1963 11/24 Scott Joplin born, 1868 11/25 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite, 1867 11/25 Independence Day in Suriname 11/25 Johann Strauss, Jr., writes `On the Beautiful Blue Danube', 1867 11/26 Charles Schulz born in Minneapolis, 1922 11/26 Norbert Weiner born, 1894 11/27 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize, 1895 11/27 Friction match invented, England, 1826 11/27 Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed, 1873, in NW Massachusetts 11/28 Independence Day in Albania, Mauritania 11/28 Independence from Spain in Panama 11/28 Proclamation of the Republic in Chad 11/27* Thanksgiving Day in United States (4th Thursday) 11/29* First Sunday of Advent (4th Sunday before Christmas) 11/29 Day of the Republic (2 days) in Yugoslavia 11/29 Goodwill Day in Liberia 11/29 King Tut's tomb opened, 1922 11/29 Liberation Day in Albania 11/29 National Day in Burma 11/30 Cleopatra died, 30 bc 11/30 Independence Day in Barbados, Yemen Deomcratic Republic 11/30 Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmens) born in Florida, Missouri, 1835 11/30 National Day in Benin 11/30 National Heroes Day in Philippines 11/30 St. Andrew's Day 12 12/01 Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence in Portugal 12/01 First national corn-husking championship, Alleman IA, 1924 12/01 Independence Day in Central African Republic 12/01 Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955 12/01 Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of the bus (Montgomery, AL), 1953 12/01 Woody Allen (Allen Stuart Konigsberg) born in Brooklyn, NY, 1935 12/02 National Holiday in United Arab Emirates 12/03 First neon light display, Paris, 1910 12/03 First successful human heart transplant lead by Dr. Barnard, 1967 12/03 National Holiday in Laos 12/04 Washington takes leave of his officers at Fraunce's Tavern, NYC, 1783 12/05 End of Prohibition, 1933 (at least the alcohol part) 12/05 Mozart dies, 1791 12/05 Phi Beta Kappa founded, 1776 12/05 St. Nicholas' Day 12/05 The Eighteenth Amendment repealed, ending Prohibition, 1933 12/05 Walt (Walter Elias) Disney born in Chicago, 1901 12/06 First sound recording made by Thomas Edison, 1877 12/06 Independence Day in Finland 12/07 Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1941 12/07 Delaware Day in Delaware 12/07 Independence Day in Ivory Coast, Panama 12/07 Prophet Mohammed's Birthday in Fiji 12/08 Blessing of the Water in Uruguay 12/08 First Ph.D. awarded by Computer Science Dept, Univ. of Penna, 1965 12/08 Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) born in Venosa (Italy), 65BC 12/08 James (Grover) Thurber born in Columbus, Ohio, 1894 12/08 John Lennon assassinated, 1980 12/08 Mother's Day in Panama 12/08 Our Lady of the Cacupe in Paraguay 12/09 Ball-bearing roller skates patented, 1884 12/09 Independence Day in Tanzania 12/10 Emily Dickenson born, 1830 12/10 Foundation of Worker's Party in Angola 12/10 Human Rights Day 12/10 Metric system established in France, 1799 12/10 Nobel Peace Prize awarded each year 12/10 Thai Constitution Day in Thailand 12/10 Wyoming Day in Wyoming 12/11 Independence Day in Upper Volta 12/12 E. G. Robinson born, 1893 12/12 First wireless message sent across Atlantic by Marconi, 1901 12/12 Independence Day in Kenya 12/13 Dartmouth College chartered, 1769 12/13 Geminid meteor shower (look south) 12/13 Republic Day in Malta 12/13 Apollo 17 leaves the moon, with "last" men to walk on moon aboard, 1972 12/14 George Washington dies, 1799 12/15 Argo Merchant oil spill, 1976 12/15 Bill of Rights adopted, 1791 12/15 James Naismith invents basketball, Canada, 1891 12/15 Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890 12/15 Statue Day in Netherlands Antilles 12/15 Thomas Edison receives patent on the phonograph, 1877 12/16 Beethoven born, 1770 12/16 Constitution Day in Nepal 12/16 Day of the Covenant in South Africa 12/16 Ludwig von Beethoven christened in Bonn, Germany, 1770 12/16 National Day in Bahrain 12/16 Victry Day in Bangladesh 12/17 National Day in Bhutan 12/17 William Safire (Safir) born, 1929 12/18 Republic Day in Niger 12/20 U.S. Buys ~1,000,000 sq. miles of Louisiana for ~$20/sq.mi. 12/21 Benjamin Disraeli born, 1804 12/21 First day of winter, Winter Solstice, 11:23 am EST 12/21 Phileas Fogg completes his trip around the world in <80 days 12/21 Winter Solstice, 11:23 am EST 12/22 Giacomo Puccini born, 1858 12/23 First G&S collaboration, Thespis, 1871 12/23 Joseph Smith born, 1805 12/23 Victory Day in Egypt 12/24 Christmas Eve 12/24 KKK formed in Pulaski, Tenn, 1865 12/25 Birthday of Quaid-i-Azam in Pakistan 12/25 Children's Day in Congo 12/25 Christmas 12/25 Isaac Newton (Sir) born in Grantham, England, 1642 12/26 Boxing Day 12/26 Chas. Babbage born, 1791 12/26 DPMA founded, 1951 12/26 Family Day in South Africa 12/26 Feast of Our Theotokos in Greece 12/26 St. Stephen's Day 12/26 Bank Holiday in Canada, Rep. of Ireland, and UK 12/27* First Day of Hanukkah 12/27 APT report published, 1956 12/27 Bank Holiday in Cayman Islands 12/27 Constitution Day in North Korea 12/27 Ether first used as anesthetic in childbirth, 1845 12/27 Public Holiday in Lesotho, Zimbabwe 12/28 Comet Kohoutek at perihelion, 1973 12/28 John von Neumann born, 1903 12/29 Battle of Wounded knee, 1890 12/29 Civic Holidays (3 days) in Costa Rica 12/29 His Majesty, the King's Birthday in Nepal 12/30 Anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar in Madagascar 12/30 First Los Angeles freeway dedicated, 1940 12/31 Bank Holiday in El Salvador, Honduras, Pakistan 12/31 Feed Yourself Day in Benin 12/31 New Year's Eve 12/31 Proclamation of the Republic in Congo 12/31 St. Sylvester in Switzerland