.sh 1 "Tilde escapes" .pp While typing in a message to be sent to others, it is often useful to be able to invoke the text editor on the partial message, print the message, execute a shell command, or perform some other auxiliary function. Mail provides these capabilities through .i "tilde escapes" , which consist of a tilde (~) at the beginning of a line, followed by a single character which indicates the function to be performed. For example, to print the text of the message so far, use: .(l ~p .)l which will print a line of dashes, the recipients of your message, and the text of the message so far. If you are dissatisfied with the message as it stands, you can invoke the text editor on it using the escape .(l ~e .)l which causes the message to be copied into a temporary file and an instance of the editor to be spawned. After modifying the message to your satisfaction, write it out and quit the editor. Mail will respond by typing .(l (continue) .)l after which you may continue typing text which will be appended to your message, or type to end the message. .pp It is often useful to be able to include the contents of some file in your message; the escape .(l ~r filename .)l is provided for this purpose, and causes the named file to be appended to your current message. Mail complains if the file doesn't exist or can't be read. If the read is successful, the number of lines and characters appended to your message is printed, after which you may continue appending text. .pp As a special case of ~r, the escape .(l ~d .)l reads in the file .q dead.letter in your home directory. This is often useful since Mail copies the text of your message there when you abort a message with \s-2RUBOUT\s0. .pp In order to save the current text of your message on a file you may use the .(l ~w filename .)l escape. Mail will print out the number of lines and characters written to the file, after which you may continue appending text to your message. .pp If you are sending mail from within Mail's command mode (read about the .b reply and .b mail commands, section six), you can read a message sent to you into the message you are constructing with the escape: .(l ~m 4 .)l which will read message 4 into the current message, shifted right by one tab stop. You can name any non-deleted message, or list of messages. This is the usual way to forward a message. .pp If, in the process of composing a message, you decide to add additional people to the list of message recipients, you can do so with the escape .(l ~t name1 name2 ... .)l You may name as few or many additional recipients as you wish. Note that the users originally on the recipient list will still receive the message; in fact, you cannot remove someone from the recipient list with ~t. .pp If you wish, you can associate a subject with your message by using the escape .(l ~s Arbitrary string of text .)l which replaces any previous subject with .q "Arbitrary string of text." The subject, if given, is sent near the top of the message prefixed with .q "Subj:" You can see what the message will look like by using ~p. .pp For political reasons, one occasionally prefers to list certain people as recipients of carbon copies of a message rather than direct recipients. The escape .(l ~c name1 name2 ... .)l adds the named people to the .q "Cc:" list, similar to ~t. Again, you can execute ~p to see what the message will look like. .pp The recipients of the message together constitute the .q "To:" field, the subject the .q "Subj:" field, and the carbon copies the .q "Cc:" field. If you wish to edit these in ways impossible with the ~t, ~s, and ~c escapes, you can use the escape .(l ~h .)l which prints .q "To:" followed by the current list of recipients and leaves the cursor (or printhead) at the end of the line. If you type in ordinary characters, they are appended to the end of the current list of recipients. You can also use your erase character to erase back into the list of recipients, or your kill character to erase them altogether. Thus, for example, if your erase and kill characters are the standard # and @ symbols, .(l ~h To: root kurt####bill .)l would change the initial recipients .q "root kurt" to .q "root bill." When you type a newline, Mail advances to the .q "Subj:" field, where the same rules apply. Another newline brings you to the .q "Cc:" field, which may be edited in the same fashion. Another newline leaves you appending text to the end of your message. You can use ~p to print the current text of the header fields and the body of the message. .pp To effect a temporary escape to the shell, the escape .(l ~!command .)l is used, which executes .i command and returns you to mailing mode without altering the text of your message. If you wish, instead, to filter the body of your message through a shell command, then you can use .(l ~|command .)l which pipes your message through the command and uses the output as the new text of your message. If the command produces no output, Mail assumes that something is amiss and retains the old version of your message. A frequently-used filter is the command .i fmt which is designed to format outgoing mail. .pp If you wish (for some reason) to send a message which contains a line beginning with a tilde, you must double it. Thus, for example, .(l ~~This line begins with a tilde. .)l sends the line .(l ~This line begins with a tilde. .)l .pp Finally, the escape .(l ~? .)l prints out a brief summary of the available tilde escapes.