.TH DOCTOR 6 "1 February 1983" .UC 4 .SH NAME doctor \- interact with a psychoanalyst .SH SYNOPSIS .B /usr/games/doctor .SH DESCRIPTION .I Doctor is a lisp-language version of the legendary ELIZA program of Joseph Weizenbaum. This script "simulates" a Rogerian psychoanalyst. Type in lower case, and when you get tired or bored, type your interrupt character (either control-C or Rubout). Remember to type two carriage returns when you want it to answer. .PP In order to run this you must have a Franz Lisp system in /usr/ucb/lisp. .SH AUTHORS Adapted for Lisp by Jon L White, moved to Franz by John Foderaro, from an original script by Joseph Weizenbaum.